Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1247: The taboo of taboo surgery!

"Hey Tianfu?" The voice of the Lord suddenly rose and interrupted the voice of the black tooth. He said, "Are you sure that you are a god?"

"Yes, confirmation of dereliction of duty!"

"Fox! You did a good job..." The voice on the Lord was a little excited. He said, "You have been inquiring about these hidden things. The old man asked the black-toothed master to give you a credit!"

"Don't dare, this is what the dereliction of duty should do!" The black tooth said that the fox would not be humble and humble. "But the forbidden place is the original site of the Tianfufu, or where it disappeared, or even if it is gone. The clues are not certain that the dereliction of duty can be determined in a short time..."

"Good!" When I heard this, the Lord immediately took the opportunity to make a break. "This matter will be explored here, and there is no need to take any action. Fox, you will immediately leave the balance and go to the second day of the world." !"

"Yes, the dereliction of duty knows..." The fox is also a big joy, but he said, "But there is a small situation and a false accusation..."

"what's the situation?"

"There is no contradiction in the virtual world."

"Ah? The law of taboos in the color world?" The Lord was shocked and immediately laughed and said, "This time the Destiny Palace is worthy of being thunderous, and it is hard to blame. The rule of the palace and the palace of punishment are inevitably not involved, and the situation in the color world is tense. If you want to fish in the water, you can help the fish!

"The immortal who used the technique of taboos did not seem to be caught up, and the penalty palace was lost."

"It is best not to catch up. If you catch up, the life and death of the penalty palace will not be his own!"

"Forbidden... The contraindications are so powerful?" Fox was a little surprised.

"I should wait for a little influence..." The Lord smiled. "If you are a true fairy, the old man is afraid to warn you, see how many immortals can run... How far can you run?"

At the same time as the Lord laughed, the Seventh Moyitian was also the place where the water was flowing. Xiao Hua was sitting in the Shenxiang Dan House on the knees. It was also amazed. He said, "I went, the original soul repair was listed as the fairyland. The taboo technique is the reason for this! If so, the celestial beings who have cultivated Xuan Yuantian, whoever sees Xiaomou do not have to go far?"

"No, no, not necessarily..." Immediately, Xiao Hua himself shook his head and said, "Although the real fairy uses the sacred ideology to open up the Xuan Yuan Tian is a simulation of the soul of the spiritual yuan nine days, alone for the fairy The baby condenses a space similar to the fairy mark. The foundation of this space is the soul force, assisting the law, the fairy power and the fairy body, etc., and encountering the real soul device such as the shooting arrow, which is the innate nemesis, but the law Force, the power of Xianli and the power of the fairy are the enemy of the soul force, it is impossible to collapse at one touch!"

"Of course, if the Horcrux is used as a guide, the engraving of the deeds, and the opening of Xuan Yuantian has a certain amount of spirituality for nine days. It is not necessarily inferior to the upper sacred device. Whoever makes this celestial will use the law of fire when it meets? The engraved deeds, even forcibly igniting Xuan Yuantian, which has never been fully formed? If it is simply using fairy or fairy power, Xiao may not be its rival!"

"...Unfortunately, Xiaomou does not understand this. Shooting the Japanese arrow is also fierce. Under one arrow, not only the Xuanyuan Tian of this fairy will fall apart, but even the fairy marks are broken, and Xiaomou hurriedly evaded the punishment of the palace. Let this fairy dissipate the soul, and then the fairy will be prepared, and the things about the clues will not stay. How does Xiaomou explore the way this fairy will come?"

"But Xiaomou just came out from Yuxian, and this is followed. I must have heard the news early. Even he knows that Xiaomou is coming out of the red volcano. Perhaps he is scrupulous, Wu Zhan, he has been afraid to shoot, then... ... How did he know that Xiao was in the red volcano??"

"Xiao Mou seeks Wu Zhan, but he never said to people, Xiao Mou and Wu Zhan's grudges, only Chang Yue and ... Kun State knows that Chang Yue and Kun Guo do not know when Xiao will arrive at the balance! If possible, it is a few immortals of Xiaoliuhou..."

"Only at that time, Wu Zhan once mentioned the name of Xiaomou, and the few immortals also knew that Xiaomou went to the red volcano! Damn, swear!! Does he have a demon spirit?"

"Is it him??"

Xiao Hua has the heart to look for Xuan Xuan, but definitely not now, Xiao Hua will not be stupid enough to vote for the net, and he still has to go to Huang Zeng Tianyu xiangyu 煜 Dong Zun Mountain in the mainland, because according to Wu Zhan, the situation is like a boy. Chess St. through the interface channel of the Palace of Desire is to go to Dongzun Mountain!

As for Chess to go to Dongzun Mountain, Wu Zhan does not know, he will not ask, so Xiao Hua wants to find chess, first to go to Dongzun Mountain to try his luck, the most inferior can also find some clues.

Dongzun Mountain is a seemingly weird mountain. The reason why it is weird is because this mountain is too unusual.

The peak is not high, that is, 100,000 feet, and ordinary ordinary standing beside a dry there are no other peaks around the mountain, Xiaohua will fly over the mountain, afraid that he will not find it. of!

When Xiao Hua arrived in the mainland, the sky had changed, and the clouds began to spread, and the yellow peppers of the fire were covered.

Xiao Hua passed through the clouds, and a light column fell obliquely through the clouds. It really shined over the Dongzun Mountain, and waited for Xiao Hua to fall. The light column had disappeared, and the snow of the goose began to fall.

Xiao Hua used to see the peaks of the fairyland and the peaks of the heavens. He also looked at the peaks that were upside down, and turned a blind eye to the peaks floating in the air. I was afraid that I saw this standing on the earth, and Dong Zunshan, which has ordinary vegetation on the peaks, gave birth to a stranger.

Offering an overview of the fairy, Xiao Hua confirmed it and quickly released his thoughts.

There are no immortals near Dongzun Mountain, and there are no immortals flying over them. After Xiao Hua’s thoughts are swept away, it is like falling into an ice cave.

"Is it impossible for him to go to the old man?" Xiaohua stood on the East Zun Mountain and squeezed his chin and thought to himself. "And there is no fairy door around, Xiaomou is so embarrassed... but white is running!"

“Hey? How is there a stone bridge here?”

Xiao Hua thought about it, and his eyes swept across the earth. It was just a quaint stone bridge across the dry river that ran across the air!

Stone Bridge is common in the real world, but it is absolutely rare in the fairyland. This stone bridge is the first bridge that Xiao Hua saw in the fairy world!

The immortals of the fairy world can fly to the sky, how can they need to bridge the river?

Seeing you, Xiao Hua immediately flew down.

There are more than a hundred miles of stone bridges. There are bluestone railings on both sides of the bridge. In addition to some extremely bleak runes on the bluestone railings, there are also different animals that will have stone carvings in every few miles. This is not a big animal. However, the carving of each animal is vivid and vivid.

This is the real reason why the soul repair was banned by the immortal world!

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