Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1246: Black tooth

As for the warrior, the face is bright, and the whole body is flashing and the thundercloud follows.

Another human figure was also stunned. He looked at the direction of the squadron's flying, and thought a little bit, and followed.

When the armored immortal arrived, the light purple thunder had gradually dissipated, revealing a cage of thunder and condensation, surrounded by many immortals flying out, with a look at the thunder cage!

There are still more immortals who have never flown, but the sweeping sweepers come over.

"Damn, it really fled..." The armored immortal saw the cage empty, and did not feel the darkness, then he raised his hand, "brush..." A lightning token fell into the cage, "Boom..." In the outline, more than a hundred traces of Rays flew like a dragon, and the claws fluttered around the space.

Reese forced the immortal to fly back, and the singer of the armor raised a Thunder token and shouted: "I am the sergeant of the imprisonment, Yu Liang, where the immortal violates the penalty ban, you are equal. Speed ​​back, Mo ruined the evidence and got into trouble!"

As soon as the audience heard it, they hurried back again, and Yu Liang once again released his thoughts. When he saw Xiao Hua’s direction, he did not feel his eyes bright. But see the thunder and light of the place spread like the depth of space...

"It is to escape to this place..." Yu Liang sighed for a moment, the dark road, "And looking at the punishment of Reese, the space crack has not been completely closed, Yu has a chance to take that!"

However, Yu Liang just flew more than a hundred miles, his body suddenly stopped, and his face hesitation was as thick as clouds. "There is a contraindication, Yumou..."

Hesitant but for a moment, Yu Liang bite his teeth and thunder and continue to fly in. There are more than a thousand miles, the thunder has disappeared, and a bright yellow hill appears in front of Yu Liang, and there are ice crystal fire trees in the hills and undulating!

Yu Liang did not dare to neglect, once again sacrificed the Thunder fairy, and urged the fairy to plunge into the hill!

Inside the hills is a khaki air mass, one after the other, continuous, Yu Liang full footed into the khaki air mass has more than a million miles, the giant strips began to appear in front of the giant strips!

"Hey?" Yu Liang was surprised. He held the fairy and looked at the spot like the iridescent disappeared into the darkness. "Where is it to the edge of the boundary?"

Then Yu Liang once again sacrificed a fairy like a moth. After a blood spurt, the moth spreads its wings and continues to fly. As the moth spreads its wings, the moths have overlapping virtual shadows, one life and two life. In the blink of an eye, it turns into countless moths!

Yu Liang’s eyes turned sharply, and he did not dare to take it back. He kept sweeping around, but his opponent knew the technique of taboo. If he was a sneak attack, he was afraid that he was caught off guard.

Fortunately, after about half a cup of tea, countless moths flew back, turned into a hand and fell into the hands of Yu Liang, Yu Liang's eyebrows opened in the heart, the light column fell on the moth fairy, and after a while there was a kind of light The look of the birth, "damn, this is not the place to escape, actually the sinister rape!"

Then Yu Liang received the fairy return.

At this time, around the Thunder cage, there have been a few teams of celestial soldiers, a few celestial beings are talking about what, Yu Liang appeared, there is a singer who is focused on A, who will pick a brow and look at Yu Liang and laugh: " I said who's the road is so good. It turned out to be the governor of the deputy superintendent. I don't know if you will commit the immortality?"

When Yu Liang saw this immortal, the brow would not be a slight wrinkle. This fairy would be called Chang Zhe, also the deputy governor, and the relationship with Yu Liang was not good!

Yu Liang smiled slightly and replied: "There is no way, Yu is a good person, and Tao Zun takes care of it. However, Yu’s character is not a permanent supervisor, and he has not been able to track down the immortals. Long disappointed..."

Where is Chang Zhe’s face disappointed, not to mention the good fortune is also dark hi, he smiled: “So, this matter, who are you and me?”

Yu Liang knows what Chang Zhe thinks and replies: "Yu Mou is only accidentally encountered. The chief deputy supervisor is a poor patrol. Naturally, the deputy governor of the sergeant has pleaded. If necessary, please be the deputy supervisor. The patrolman informed Yu that..."

"Okay..." Chang Zhe's face was happy and laughed. "It's like Yu brother said."

Yu Liang looked at a few other singers, knowing that it was the sacred palace and the palm patrol, and went to the front to see a few words, and after saying a few words with Chang Zhe, he left.

After Yu Liang’s resignation, the punishment of the imperial court will also be completed in the surrounding area. Gao Zhe sacrificed the fairy, and the entire Thunder cage was collected, and the archers were handed over to the other immortals, and the fairy soldiers were gone.

Waiting for the crowd to go, the space is slowly returning to normal, after a small half a day, the fairy who had previously flew out with Yu Liang and rushed out of the feathers, did not fly, this person is full of silver. See no real appearance,

When the immortal flies over, it seems to think of something, stop for a moment, let go of the thoughts and look around, and then move on.

After flying hundreds of thousands of miles, there was a crystal river in front of the head, and the immortal once again released the thoughts and probed it. When there was no difference, it was the body shape.

Within the water flow, there is an endless stream of The waters of the rivers are sprayed from the depths of the light brown pebbles, and they converge into the rivers and rush to the high heavens. There are fairy beasts swimming inside the rivers. There are fairy birds flying around, and there are also heavy mountains and pavilions in the distance.

The immortal flew in and fell directly into the river. The strange thing is that when the immortal fairy touched the river, it turned into a water silk, and disappeared instantly.

Mo said that there is no immortal attention at this time, even if there is someone... I am afraid that I can not find the trace of this immortal.

About half an hour, Chiwu Day has fallen to the west, rising in the autumn months, seeing the dark green moonlight sprinkling, above the river surface, a weak broken firefly, the figure of the immortal.

The broken firefly followed the wave, and no one could think of a world that was not big in the world. At this time, the silver of the immortal body was already annihilated, revealing the fairy body dressed in the green robe. The fairy is handsome and handsome, and the two are like a star. They are standing on a mountain rock. A piece of crystal that is like a fairy fox.

When there is a blue light on the "brush" crystal block, the surrounding space is immediately frozen. This green robes have a fox-like phantom in the body, and the fox shadow stands inside the ice, and the mouth is a circle. The crystals fly out.

Waiting for the fox-like phantom to inject a stream of blood, the circular crystal begins to rotate slowly. When a spiral is formed in the crystal, the sound of the main voice is floating: "Black teeth make, what happened?"

"Oh, the Lord..." The sound of the fox-like illusion sounded. "Although the dereliction of duty has not been ascertained, but it has already been grasped by seven points, and the dereliction of duty is afraid of delaying the plan of the Lord, so the first report will be continued, and the dereliction of duty will continue to verify... ..."

"Seven points to grasp..." The voice of the Lord is intermittent, and I can’t hear the feelings in the words. "It can do it, you can say it!"

"Oh, Lord..." Fox-shaped shadows respectfully said, "The dereliction of duty has been through the feathers, and the palm of the palace has been proved. The forbidden place in the palace is related to the Tianfu government..."

Friendly recommendation: "Feng Shen homing"

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