Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1248: Dongzun Mountain, Stone Bridge

Xiao Hua stepped through the stone bridge step by step, and swept through the room, knowing that there were 3,650!

Most of the more than 3,000 sculptures of different animals have been corrupted by the years, and the defects are serious, only five are intact!

Although I know that this stone bridge is a bit weird, Xiao Hua can't see where the shackles are. Even Xiao Hua smashes the eyes of the shackles. This stone bridge is also invisible, obviously an ordinary stone bridge!

"It’s unusual to be a demon!" Xiao Hua finally sat on the side of the stone bridge, looking at the snow, and covered the stone bridge with his eyes closed.

Under the heavy snow, seven or forty-nine nights and nights, surrounded by a world of powder makeup and silver, Xiao Hua’s thoughts kept covering Dongzun Mountain and Shiqiao for a moment, but the snow stopped, Chiwu The day has risen and there is no movement.

"Let's go!" Xiao Hua is a little depressed, he can't always be by the stone bridge that I don't know!

"Yes!" Xiao Hua just flew up, and thought of a move, the detective took out the black and white crystal ball! The black and white colors in the black and white crystal ball are slowly rotating. At this time, they just fell into the air, and "呜呜..." actually sounded a tremor and began to rotate rapidly.

"Big good!" Xiao Hua was overjoyed, holding the crystal ball and flew toward the stone bridge. Sure enough, the more it reached the stone bridge, the more the crystal ball was rotated.

"Sure enough, here!"

However, Xiao Hua flew the entire stone bridge, and the crystal ball was not accelerated except for the rotation. There was no other difference in the stone bridge.

“Is it not here?” Xiao Hua looked up at the Dongzun Mountain in the distance to Shiqiao!

Sure enough, with Xiao Hua flying to the East Zun Mountain, the rotation of the crystal ball is even more powerful!

However, after half a cup of tea, Xiao Hua flew over Dongzun Mountain, and the rotation of the crystal ball was even worse!

Xiao Hua no longer hesitates to continue to fly in one direction!

What Xiao Hua didn't know was that he had just flew away. On the stone bridge, a perfect animal was suddenly flashing black and white light and shadows. The closed eyes of the animal sculptures were slightly opened...

Xiao Hua's flight is more than ten thousand miles. At the end of the day, the black and white light and shadow in the crystal ball are condensed, and the black and white light and shadow are formed at intervals. The tip of the vortex is pointed obliquely to the front of the earth.

"Weird..." Xiao Hua flew for a thousand miles. The vortex's sharp cone finally pointed straight to the depths of the earth. Xiao Hua stopped to look down and saw the Dongzun Mountain, which was already invisible. He laughed. "This is not here. The scope of Dongzun Mountain is not the same as that of Xiao’s old man.

Said, Xiao Hua released the thoughts, the strange things happened again, Xiao Hua's thoughts just touched the earth, did not go deep, "brush ..." The black and white vortex inside the crystal ball suddenly stopped.

Xiao Hua stunned for a moment, simply collected the thoughts, and the body shape shook the bandits into the earth!

After a fragrant incense, Xiao Hua’s face was full of incomprehensible flying. “There are strange things every year, especially this year! How can there be nothing in this land?”

Xiao Hua is still not willing to give up. He stood on the ground and sat on the ground for seven days and nights. However, at night, there was no stranger than the boring flight of some fairy beasts.

"nnd, Laozi is a real fairy!!!"

Xiao Hua looked up and shouted, and said, "Huang Zengtian is too bad for face!"

Huang Zengtian did not give Xiao Hua a face, and he did not pay any attention to him. Xiao Hua’s roar had no effect except to start a group of fairy birds.

"But it..." Xiao Hua sighed, once again offering a glimpse of the fairy, and the fairy circling for a moment, a place name "Ma Gui" appeared on it!

Horse ghost?

This place name is a bit weird!

Xiao Hua thought about it, took the fairy view, and sent Zhao Ting out of the space!

Zhao Ting did not enter Xiao Hua's eyes, but Li Moi swindled and made a poisonous oath. Xiao Hua did not have a good intention to accept it. After passing the sword and refining, Xiao Hua forgot Zhao Ting. net.

Until today, Xiao Hua only thought that this place was 芗xiangyu煜 mainland, and he had promised Bai Xiaotu and Zhao Ting to bring them.

Bai Xiaotu is now missing, but Zhao Ting is in his space.

Zhao Ting's body shape fell in the air, and the Jianguang, who was hovering around her body, stopped. She shot her own eyebrows, and the "small" fairy marks opened and the flying sword fell into the fairy mark.

"Master..." Zhao Ting didn't look around. He bowed from Yingying. "Are you looking for a disciple?"

Xiao Hua’s heart is a bit embarrassing. He looked at Zhao Ting’s concern: “Zhao Ting, the old man is tired of running around, except for the occasional guidance, but he has not really cared about you. Nowadays, how can you cultivate and enter the country?”

Zhao Ting took a moment and hurriedly replied: "The lord has said several times that the disciples have benefited a lot. The disciples have no idea but gratitude. As for cultivation... Now they have reached the high level of the fairy, fearing that the master will be disappointed! ”

Zhao Ting was in the dusty sea when he entered the gate of the building, but he missed the high level of the fairy, and he cultivated to the high level of Yanxian in the past ten years. It is a good qualification to put it into the fairy world, but this is too much in the eyes of Xiao Hua, so He nodded and yelled: "The qualifications of each person are different. If you are willing to practice steadily, you can always expect it!"

"Yes, the disciple knows, the disciple remembers the master's teaching!" Zhao Ting answered again um..." Xiao Hua nodded and said, "This is 芗xiangyu煜 mainland, the old man once said, to bring You came with Xiaoliu, at this time Xiaoliu... Temporarily leaving the old man, the old man can only bring you! ”

"Small six?" Zhao Ting raised his brow and wondered, "How did Xiaoliu go?"

Zhao Ting entered the space of Xiao Hua in the dusty sea, and never came out again, so she did not know about Li Moi and Bai Xiaotu.

Xiao Hua did not want to explain more. He replied: "Small six has his own business, so the old man asked him to leave first!"

"This way!" Zhao Ting grinned. "Then he will regret it after he leaves, there is a master pointing, the disciples can cultivate so fast!"

"Haha, OK!" Xiao Hua smiled. "Don't be flattering, is Li Moi teaching you?"

"Oh, yes!" Zhao Ting also laughed. "The brother said that I talked too straight, and said that the lord likes to listen to flattery, so the disciples thought a lot..."

"Don't be too embarrassed!" Xiao Hua is also a little distressed. This is a well-known disciple, and he said, "This is 芗xiangyu煜 mainland, what do you want to do?"

"This one……"

When she arrived in the mainland, Zhao Ting felt a bit stunned. When she was in the dusty sea, she took a sigh of relief and wanted to find the seven elders Zhao Yufan on the mainland, to wash away her grievances, and to cultivate this. The tone is a lot weaker.

"Forget it..." Zhao Ting thought for a moment and waved. "The situation of the disciple is clear. Now the disciple... don't want to find more trouble..."

"It is also!" Xiao Hua understands Zhao Ting's sorrow, and he has cultivated himself to the true fairy, and then sees the grievances of Huang Zengtian. He really does not want to mention it again. It is boring.

Ok, it’s a fun story to start...

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