Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1227: 臻仙,臻契

Even so, the 130,000 small characters, how long the road of cultivation, ordinary people can really get a small character can enter the fairy, and Xiao Hua actually wants to realize and engrave 130,000!

No, no, every fairy baby needs to realize and engrave 130,000, forty-nine fairy babies... to understand and engrave forty-nine thirteen thousand!

Success is to fight out!

The clumsy people and others only saw Xiao Hua’s extraordinary progress, and they could not see the efforts made by Xiao Hua after this progress.

Of course, Xiao Hua’s power to cover Jinxian is different from ordinary fairy. There is no such thing as a soul casting. Their fairy babies have a soul, but the spirit is too thin, and the soul is strengthened by the engraving of the fairy marks. Xiao Hua’s fairy spirit is almost as thick as the flesh. It is after the realization of the metaphysical gods, with the help of the power of the spirit and the power of the fairy mark, this is quite different.

It is said that Xiao Hua has this unique condition, and engraving the congenital **** should be handy, but in fact, his energy is a hundred times more than the ordinary immortal!

It’s extremely difficult to say that the congenital god’s stipulations are extremely difficult. Forty-nine fairy babies have a spiritual body to communicate with the heavens and the earth, and outside the law of Xiao Hua, the law is used, one of the three hundred and sixty-five characters. It takes a lot of energy and time. It is not necessary to say that Xiao Hua himself has forty-nine fairy babies. He has forty-nine beams of light in a fairy mark, and it is difficult to engrave it. Speaking of the land in this world, the fairy spirit is lacking, and the interface rules are messy. It adds a lot of difficulties to Xiaohua’s engraving of the congenital god!

"Oh..." Xiao Hua couldn't help but sigh. "It's no wonder that Qin Xin and others are waiting to enter the space to practice!"

While sighing, Xiao Hua brows his head and looks down at the beasts of the armor, and the shimmering marks on it are flashing.

After Xiao Hua was motivated, Chen Jin’s voice came from inside: “Xiao’s hunting base, before you came and went in a hurry, the cards were not replaced, and now Su Buyao’s battle is fierce and difficult to distract, and you will pass the cards to the old man...”

"Thank you an adult!" Xiao Hua did not think much, and passed the card to Chen Jin through Tian Tianxian.

At the moment when the card disappeared, Xiao Hua suddenly woke up: "No, this battle is the layout of Su Shi Su Bu Yao, the previous credits are also Su Buyao, and Xiao Mou is hunting the base, Chen Buyao will take Xiaomou's will What is the card?"

Thinking of this, Xiao Hua still does not understand that this is Chen Jin’s selling?

The card was quickly sent back, and Chen Jin’s voice sounded, saying: “Xiao hunting base, you have a great deal in this battle. The old man and Su Buyao will definitely recommend you to be a squat, so the card will be promoted to the vice. Teng..."

Xiao Hua listened more and more puzzled. Qi Dao said: "Adult, your old mind will understand at the end. However, why did you rise to the vice? If you are a prostitute, you will not care about this half-day!"

"Haha..." Chen Jin laughed and said: "The war is not as simple as you think. Although the young man has already retreated, his layout of hundreds of millions of demon soldiers is still there. The defenses of those bounds are still there. It’s not a few years to end. As for why it’s first promoted to a vice-premium, this is a surprise that Chen and Su Buyao have given you. You can let the old man sell a pass, and you will know when you are ready!”

It’s a good thing to do it, and Xiao Hua doesn’t care about what’s going on, so Xiao Hua’s thank you will turn off the seal.

The mind enters the card, the space is naturally much larger, and the things that can be bidding are also expanded. Most of them can be used, and Xiao Hua does not use much of it. The disciples in the space do not need it now. Xiao Hua only looks at it and does not bid for anything.

However, when he saw a martial art called "Tian Tian Clan Team Real Immortal Practice", he couldn't help but feel a move and spent some military power to bid for this practice.

The stone of other mountains can be used to attack jade, and Xiao Hua wants to browse freely.

The real name of the martial arts is actually a gathering of many war squad and experience. It is very complicated, but Xiao Hua is very interested in it. He started to be a real fairy, and he knows too little about the cultivation of real fairy realms.

Looking at it, Xiao Hua has already raised her eyebrows.

Because in the real solution, there is another unique way of interpreting the cultivation of the true fairy!

Compared with the practice of qixian, the method of cultivation is engraved with the fairy mark. In the true solution, the imprint of the fairy-hearted eyebrow is called “臻契”. The perfection is the meaning of perfection. The deed is naturally the meaning of the law of the sky and the law.

The fairy mark is a Taoist engraving, and it is famous for its immortality.

The 臻契 is engraved by the hand of the fairy tales, and it has the shape of a ghost!

The 臻 有 is sometimes called the true deed, the true immortal, the real fairy can also be called 臻仙.

In addition to the freshness of the name, the cultivation method of the true solution is extremely simple. It is to use a fairy with a rule and then use some fairy objects with the law to speed up the engraving of the deed.

As for the deeds, the simple one is a trace of water, a flame, a stone and other contours. The complex is the array method, the fairy, the equal totem, and the most complicated look is similar to Xiao Hua’s simplest charm. Of course, Xiao Hua also knows that the true fairy is the rule of the soul, the avenue is the body, and the simple outline is also a way of engraving the law in the soul, the power is not the same.

Xiao Hua’s attention is not in the deeds. His ambition is unparalleled in the fairy world. What he needs is the method, method and auxiliary means to record the other wars.

However, Xiao Hua has been watching for a long time, and he is gradually shaking his head. He thinks that ordinary warfare will not be able to get any good rules, nor will it have a good chance. Most of them are ordinary arrays, ordinary fairy. . However, in the fairy mark, the fairy and the tactics are mobilized, and the law of the fairy body is gathered, and then the engraving is carried out. Although the means are strange, but the change is not the same, it is to enhance the light column, enhance the law and so on.

"Maybe Xiaomou wants more..." Xiao Hua sighed.

However, after the real solution, there are some more eccentric and more ridiculous methods.

For example, borrowing the moonlight column of the demon commemorative engraving, such as adding the demon bones of the special demon family in the light column.

When a Tai Geng demon crystal fell into Xiao Hua Yan, Xiao Hua’s eyelids did not come out of the wild.

Sure enough, this is a cultivating the experience of the martial arts of the demon sect. He is ingenious in taking the rules of the genius of the genius, and the result is that the time of engraving is 30% less than that of others.

Xiao Hua was disappointed after reading it because he did not lack the power of the law. His fairy body was full of the law of the first light.

With such a foresight, Xiao Hua’s heart gave birth to hope again, and looked back. After a few chicken ribs, Xiao Hua’s eyes were bright again. This is a lightening of the demon’s crystal nucleus, but he Different people, his fairy can purify the law, the purity of the law of the violent star and moon in the demon nucleus is filtered, and the power of the beam is increased!

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