Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1228: Xuan Yuantian

"Crystal nucleus, crystal nucleus..." Xiao Hua's finger fretting, the eyeball turned sharply, the dark passage, "The nucleus of the sputum was broken into pieces, and Xiaomou was collected, but it can be used here. But The high-order green star, its crystal nucleus Xiaomou can not be purified, and its nucleus must have a sense of ambiguity, if Xiaomou used it, it will disturb Xiao’s law engraving, which is very bad!"

Xiao Huagang wants to give up, and suddenly it is a smile, and he caressed: "Haha, isn't it a good idea to use Xiong Gengguang to kill Xiaomou? Xiaomou uses a knife to kill people, and swears and kills with Teng Geng Qingguang to achieve The purpose of purifying the star nucleus and destroying the Tai Geng glare is not to kill two birds with one stone?"

Xiao Hua’s thought seems to be simple, but it’s really hard to be practical, because how can Tai Geng Qingguang follow Xiao Hua’s arrangement? It is afraid that it will not kill Xiao Hua!

Fortunately, in Xiao Hua’s flesh, 130,200 light spots are independent. Xiao Hua tries to move the light point of the Tai Geng Qingguang to the fairy mark. When it is near, Xiao Hua will be jealous. The green star nucleus of the dragonfly is sent to the fairy mark!

"Oh..." Without the expectation of Xiao Hua, the green star crystal nucleus fell into the fairy mark, and was immediately inspired by the rule of the stars, turned into the shape of a green star, and a sinister shadow roared out!

"You have performed!" Xiao Hua did not panic, sent Tai Geng Qingguang to the side of the fairy mark!

"Boom..." Tai Geng is light-like like a flame, and the light is like the sun!

It’s just that under the heart of Xiao Hua, this flame is rolling towards the illusion!

"Oh..." The shadow of the scorpion is broken under the blue light of the sword, and the power of the stars is also cast in the blue light!

鹬蚌 鹬蚌 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Ling Xuanguang, burst into the fairy mark, the rule of the fairy mark is shining with the stars, and the thick light column condenses the law as the galaxy rushes into the air, and the pure star rule and the Teng Geng Qingguang rush out, while staying in the air , once again divided into forty-nine lines like the ink pen to the eyebrows of forty-nine fairy babies!

"Ah?" The light column fell, Xiaohua felt that the fairy heart was hot, and the unspeakable feeling directly penetrated into the soul of the fairy god, a small character that was forbidden by the congenital **** was born above the soul!

With the appearance of this little character, Xianying is a metaphysical **** of cultivation that suddenly accelerates! !

"Oh my God!" Xiao Hua did not come from a burst of exclamation, he knew in his heart that it was too glorious to be too glorious, and that the rules of the stars were too overbearing, and the projection of the so-called 臻契 directly fell on the soul of the fairy god.

In this way, the spirit of Xian Ying does not help to enlighten the law of the light column, but can use the engraving of the deed to enhance the speed of casting soul!

"The singularity of the predecessors of the celestial world really did not say that such a strange method of casting souls can be thought of, Xiaomou just wants to use the perfection of the tactics to mobilize the power of various laws, and so on. general!"

Qing Lan did not expect that he wanted to kill Xiao Hua and left Xiao Hua with a skeleton. If he knew that his black hand actually helped Xiao Hua to cast soul, would he vomit blood and die?

With the help of the youth and the shackles, Xiao Hua’s cultivation is unusually fast, and when Xiao Hua is happy, the enamel nucleus is enough, and the green scorpion’s Tai Geng glare is more than enough, it seems enough for himself. The structure of the deed is engraved!

A rare leisurely cultivation is a year in a blink of an eye!

In the celestial space, the 16 million senile soldiers are basically in good condition. Under the arrangement of Xiao Hua, at some time, some senile soldiers will come out to rotate.

Qin Xin and other five dragon rides, as well as hundreds of tigers are also common.

However, Xiao Hua clearly can see that these celestial soldiers will still like the space of the fairy world and are not willing to come out on a rotating basis.

Xiao Hua’s heart is dark and happy!

On this Yuan, Xiao Hua is engraving the second little character, and his mouth is saying: "My God, how is this little character so hard to engrave? With the birth of Tai Geng Qingguang, I realized and engraved one, a congenital **** banned Isn't it going to cost 133,225 years? And the more the congenital **** is banned, the harder it is, the more time it takes to spend more than 130,000 years! No, you have to find a way... ”

If it is a stupid person here, it is said that it is impossible to knock out the Xiaohua teeth of Saobao with a fist. Xiaohua’s a small character is comparable to the cultivation of a common immortality. He can complete it in a whole year. This speed is in the fairy world. Absolutely unique! Such a speed Xiaohua must be disgusted, not looking for pumping and what?

Just thinking about it, the sneak peek at the waist of Shaohua’s waist has a movement, and Xiao Hua is practicing happily. I really don’t want to pay attention to it. It can be seen that the Indiana is flashing rapidly, and then there is a red light. Xiao Hua has to sigh. One channel: "People are sorrowful and people are worried, but don't bully me!"

After that, Xiao Hua stopped practicing and inspired the seal, and it really came to Su Shi’s voice: “Xiao hunting base ~ Is the injury great?”

"Hey, Xie Daren cares!" Xiao Hua said quickly. "In this year, the end will practice hard and want to refine the Qing Geng's Tai Geng Qingguang, but the effect is very small. At the end, I will think of other ways. !"

"Oh, you'd better refining yourself!" Su Shi smiled. "This is the most glorious blue light. It falls into your fairy body. It is contaminated with your soul. If it is shot by others, it may cause you." hurt!"

"Soul of the gods?" Xiaohua was surprised to pretend, "Is this sinister too sinister?"

"Qing Biao is trying to kill you, but if you can't do anything, you will leave Tai Geng Qingguang. I am afraid that I want to stop the development of Xuan Yuan Tian and set foot on the fairy. I will only stay in the real fairyland in this life..." Su Shi said, " If you are organically refining this Tai Geng Qingguang, you will be able to open Xuanyuan to step on the fairy!"

"Xuan Yuantian??" Xiao Hua forced, and hurriedly, "What do you mean? How to open up??"

"Oh?" Su Shi also stunned, and said, "You don't know Xuanyuantian?"

Xiao Hua smiled and said: "The end will just set foot on the real fairy, first look for the team, then there is a wound in this, how can time have to practice?"

"Actually..." Su Shi hesitated and said, "You don't know if you don't know it now. After all, ordinary immortal cultivation is not a hundred years, but even a dozen generations. After you have been able to engrave it, you will not consider it. Late. Your task now is to find a congenital thing with the law, without the innate things, may stop the fairy..."

"Where to find the innate things!" Xiaohua’s voice sounded bitter and said, "There is no such thing as Tiantian."

"How can Tiantian Xianyu be there?" Su Shi smiled. "This depends on the chance! How many military skills can't be changed!"

"Su Daren, can you first say something about Xuan Yuantian?"

臻契, the new system of Xuanyuan Tianguangxian cultivation!

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