Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1226: Set up the sage, congenital **** ban

After the return of the mind, Xiao Hua, first released the two hundred and forty teams, so that they were armed outside the camp, and they fell into meditation. After about half a column, Xiao Hua’s face gave a mysterious smile, and then Xiang Qing, Jiang Meihua, Lu Shu and Zhou Xiaoming sent out space. "Adults..." Jiang Meihua looked around and gave Xiao Hua a thumb and praised him. "If you don't take it at the end, you will serve you!"

"Oh, yeah, take a trip to the world in 1741 and get more than a million celestial soldiers..." It’s incredible to think about it.

"Master?" State Xiao Ming and Lu Shu Nahan, looking at Xiao Hua,

"Let them both tell you!" Xiao Hua said with a smile.

After waiting for the clear and Jiang Meihua's eyebrows to dance, the story of the ins and outs of the matter, the state Xiaoming and Lu Shu are also stupid!

Lu Shujie said: "Old... lord, just... you have finished talking to your disciples, then... and then come out and go, just... scam a thousand six million singers?"

"nnd, what is it called cheating?" Xiao Hua smiled and said, "The old man is actually saving one million six million soldiers!"

"Yaodao!" Lu Shu called. "You are really eccentric. If I have a man like Lu Jiaru, why don't I have a good family?"

Xiao Ming of the state asked: "Master, are you really going to take these unidentified sages into the door, do... do your old help? This is 16 million people, how can you be loyal? ”

"Yeah!" Xiao Hua smiled. "So the old man asked you to come over and give the husband a staff officer..."

The state Xiao Ming slightly thought about it and said: "Master, you are still asking for ruthlessness. He is a long-term leader. He is the best at these things!"

"It makes sense!"

Xiao Hua nodded and sent Yu Leizong three small ones.

After ruthlessness, ritual and Cui Wei heard it, he stared at Xiao Hua’s half-hearted secluded road: “Yifu, you can always sweep the Wan Yao world!”

"Dog, I swept the Wan Yao community?" Xiao Hua smiled.

"One million six hundred phoenix soldiers, the lowest repair is also the Yanxian..." He shouted exaggeratedly. "Thinking about it is a little excitement!"

"Master..." The ruthless generation is a bit embarrassed. He raised his words and said carefully. "The good use of this one thousand six million squad is a weapon. If you use it badly, it will be a hot hoe. I am myself."

"I know! This is all forced by the situation, the old man can't get to this step!"

"The most important thing at the moment is... control!" ruthlessly said, "I don't know if the master can be sure?"

"No problem!" Xiao Hua has a good path.

"Then I understand!" The ruthlessness of Xiao Hua’s words is very convincing. He laughed. “Masters can still treat these celestial soldiers as sacred soldiers. It’s a big deal... well, as a private soldier...”

"There are not so many private troops in the battle team, and it is impossible for the adults to allow it!"

"Right..." Xiao Hua asked Xiang Qingdao, "Which is Xiaomou's top?"

"Adults..." Xiangqing laughed. "You have a big credit for this old time. If you don't have an accident, at least it's a deputy. You have more than 10 million celestial soldiers. There is no problem, so if you are old, you will be stepping on, and there will be no rush."

"So fast?" Xiao Hua himself is also a Nahan, this is called Pingbu Qingyun!

"The team is talking about military martial arts!" Xiang Qing said, "Su Buyao is so strong. In the war, he will announce the merits of the adults. If there is no accident, he will accept the adults under his command, and the support of the elderly, 屯It’s ok.”

"Master..." said ruthlessly, "Is the 16 million patriotic soldiers private soldiers, you have the oldest say! If they can make a fortune, who can say something?"

"Uncle Shi..." Cui Wei whispered, "In fact, you always treat these sages as outside disciples, not letting them touch the secrets inside the door, giving them resources to cultivate, and let them do simple things. Go and do..."

Relentlessly look at Cui Wei, correcting: "It should be the outer door of the outer door!"

"Yes..." Cui Wei did not argue with ruthlessness, and he should be careful.

"In fact, the most important thing is the origin of these celestial soldiers..." Xiang Qing also said, "The 16 million senile soldiers will have 16 million possibilities, and these may involve the team of 16 million senators. It will even have a tangled relationship with the entire Tiantian team. This is the most troublesome!"

The words that are clear are the ones that Xiao Hua is worried about, and the ruthless words are the simplest and most direct way to solve the current situation. So Xiao Hua nodded and said: "If you do, then follow the team's practice and let them Train in the old man's fairy space, only let them come out when they need it, one with the supplement of Tian Tianxian, and the other two... also listen to their way!"

"Master is wise..." The crowds praised and shouted.

Xiao Hua smiled and said nothing. He had already made a decision, but he wanted to hear if he had any mistakes. Since everyone has no opinions, it is natural to arrange these patriotic soldiers according to what they want.

As for letting this one hundred and six million squadrons come out of How is it possible? All of them are Xiao, what are you doing?

With the secret help of the martial arts, there are 16 million squadrons in the space, hundreds of tigers and several dragons recovering from the injury, and the foundation of the retreat is becoming more solid.

Unlike the celestial soldiers in the space, Xiao Hua sat in the military account and kept quiet, but the injury did not change.

As for the Tai Geng Qingguang in the body, Xiao Hua has already thought about it. When he was taken from the green cow corpse in the past year, he used it for the ritual of the sacred Yuanguang, but the blue glory of the green cow is better than the blue 猿The Tai Geng Qingguang is too pure.

It’s not that Xiao Hua doesn’t want to refine the Qing Geng’s Tai Geng Qingguang. Instead, Xiao Hua feels that his body is not particularly good at refining the Teng Gengguang. He wants to use this rare Teng Gengguang for other places. .

And Xiao Hua still feels that he is best hurt, one conceals strength, and the other is less provokes right and wrong!

Therefore, Xiao Hua only sat quietly to cultivate the power to cover the Golden Fairy, and did not begin to refine the Tai Geng Qingguang.

It is said that on the first day, Xiao Hua’s meritorious deeds, forty-nine fairy-hearted squats sit around, and Xiao Hua’s silver-lighted law carries the law like a tidal wave, and the eyebrows are opened, and seventy-seventy-nine beams of light are split. Forty-nine fairy-hearted eyebrows, this light column is like an ink pen, forty-one engravings forty-nine congenital gods are forbidden!

Xiao Hua’s congenital ban is complete. Each congenital **** has three hundred and sixty-five characters, and each character has three hundred and sixty-five small characters. There are 130,000 under the budget. Three thousand two hundred and twenty five small characters.

Each of these small characters looks simple. If you can't understand it, you can't use it. It's impossible to engrave!

In the previous Xiaohua's ignorant understanding, he could understand the tenth and the fifth. Now it seems that this little charm has condensed the wonders of the world, the mystery of the law, Xiao Hua can understand before, if the interface is different, it is The blessing is profound.

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