Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1225: The public will be attentive, beware

The five-six-day-day flight of the fairy boat appeared on the road, and the fairy boat fell on the road. The situation of the leisure camp was roughly solved with Xiao Hua. vertex

However, Xia Qing also made it clear that the 30 million Xian soldiers who remained in the camp were not left to Xiao Hua, and the whole camp was also empty. The idle youth said that it was an impression to Xiao Hua.

Sure enough, the fairy boat flew half a month on the soldiers' road, only to reach the destination. The entire camp was not allowed to be banned, and even the camp was gone.

Xiao Huafei fell to the center of the camp, and sacrificed the footprints of the hunting plaque. "Boom..." A flag of the military emerged out of thin air, and the sound of the beast was unfolded to cover the air!

At the same time, a huge gold account also slowly rose, waiting for Xiao Hua to fly in with the crowd, the seal was placed in the military case, around the gold account, countless camps also appeared!

"Congratulations to Xiao Daren to raise the account..." Li Boyi waited for a whole face and walked into the body.

"Good!" Xiao Hua was delighted, a filming of the military case, "Booming and banging..." There was a shadow in the golden account, and it was roaring around the camp, and the four bans were also inspired by the light and shadow!

“Congratulations to the adults for their new achievements...” Li Boyi etiquette once again congratulated, “The new military power!”

Li Bo was so envious, after all, the hunting base of the **** was too different from the hunting base of the pawn, but Xiao Hua was just laughing, sitting down and raising his hand: "Do not have to make so many imaginary Etiquette, sit down!"

"Oh..." Qin Xin smiled. "In the account of the big man, I can't just sit down, otherwise it will be provoked!"

"Which, casually..." Xiao Hua nodded and said, "Qin Longqiu must be clear about Xiao's origins. Xiaomou knows very little about the rules of the team. It is all about the blessings."

“The adults are modest!” Qin said in a hurry. “A fairy who entered the team can sit in the hunting squad that controls 70 million squadrons in the past 100 years. Is it a blessing to sum up?”

"You will know after the left and right!" Xiao Hua still smiles and disapproves.

Qin Xin smiled and said: "The other side of the adult will not know at the end, but the means for adults to earn military merit will be beyond the reach of others!"

"So..." Xiao Hua took Qin Xin’s half-joking words and said, "The three sub-hunting bases that Su Buyao said, you don't have to worry, as long as there is military power, you have a chance."

I was in a hurry and laughed and said: "The adults think so much. I waited for the battle of the 1741 battle to be almost degraded. I have to rescue the adults. Where will I consider so much?"

"Well, you wait for your thoughts, Xiaomou knows..." Xiao Hua didn't want to say more. "When you are loyal to the team, military power, what Xiao has here is, what is the hunting ground, even the hunting base... What did you count?"

"Adults..." Luo Yimeng frowned. "I have no one in the military camp. Are those patriotic soldiers first released?"

"No hurry!" Xiao Hua smiled. "Xiao Mou was injured by the green scorpion. For the time being, he could not completely spur the fairy. More than 10 million celestial soldiers were released one by one. I don't know when to put Xiaomou first. A tiger team sent out to guard, and other squadrons rebuilt in the space fairy!"

"Adults..." Chuan beats, his eyes are bright, and his voice is small. "Adults, there will be a ruthless person at the end, please ask the adults to agree!"

"What kind of ruthless please?" Xiao Huaqi said.

"The fairy space of the adult fairy is full of vitality, which is several times stronger than the land of this boundary. If the adults are willing, they will want to retreat in the space of the adults."

"The end will also go..."

"The end will also have this intention!"

The five dragons screamed together.

Qin Xin saw everyone go, and hurriedly smiled: "If the adults feel that they are not good for the fairy, they will wait in turn to enter..."

"Haha, nothing is wrong!" Xiao Hua smiled. "One million six hundred soldiers can be, you can wait!"

"Xie Daren, Xie Daren!" Five dragon rides were overjoyed.

"Adults, adults..." The other tigers did not do it, and hurriedly shouted, "The end will wait and be willing..."

Xiao Hua’s heart is beautiful, this is his own team, how can he disagree?

“Well, OK...” Xiao Hua smiled and sacrificed Kunlun’s mirror. “The old man not only lets you raise your wounds, but also teaches you to wait for new exercises...”

"Really... Really?" Qin Xin was shocked. She witnessed Xiao Hua from a gathering of Yuan Yuan to a true fairy. For only a hundred years, Xiao Hua’s practice is naturally extraordinary.

"Of course!" Xiao Hua smiled. "But how can Xiaomou be worthy of your vows?"

"The end will thank the adults!" Qin Xin did not hesitate to kneel down, "The end will be willing to entrust the life to adults!"

"The end will be the same..."

For a time, the military account collapsed.

"Okay..." Xiao Hua pointed to Kunlun mirror, and the blue light sprinkled, and all the fairy will be covered, saying, "You wait to practice, and wait until the end of the war, and the military merits will come out later!"

After the white space, Xiao Hua's cause and effect pierced the space, the role of the crystal godhead has begun to appear, Xiao Hua slightly released the mind, not afraid of Qin Xin and other struggles ~ ~ immediately put them into the space.

This time, it is different from the previous one. Although it is still a space for imprisonment, Xiaohua’s mind followed and entered, and after being transformed into the shape of Yuhua, he was divided into ten thousand, one by one to explore the realm of each fairy and repair, and prepare Come out.

At this time, Yuxi Huangtong flew out from the space of the demon, with a trace of loneliness on his face.

“Why is the friend of Dao so depressed?” Yu Xiaoxiao asked.

"Is it still used?" Yuxi Huangtong smiled bitterly. "The poor roads have exhausted the 20 million demon people. Whoever thinks that most of them are practicing the power of the stars and moons, and they are not with the poor roads! You should not let them take the name of the poor road..."

Just said here, Yuxi Huang Tong took a look, look at the jade Xiao Hua smiled: "The poor road understands, what are you guarding against?"

"Not a defense!" Yuhua Xiaohua shook his head. "Be careful! Space annihilation is likely to have a demon survival. If the name of Feng Yu leaks, there may be problems!"

"This doesn't seem to be the style of a friend! It's too meticulous..."

"The poor roads don't know!" Yu Xiaoxiao laughed. "It’s coming and going, and the thoughts are coming..."

"Dao friends are a big harvest!"

“It’s hard to say!” Yu Xiaohua shrugged. “There are a lot of these celestial soldiers, but the good and the bad are not difficult to deal with!”

"Everything is in the space, is life or death, isn’t the Taoist friend in charge?"

"People's heart, how can you see through it at a glance?" Yuhua Xiaohua shook his head and arched his hand. "The poor road will still heal, leave!"

Xiao Hua was also forced by the situation to send 16 million senile soldiers into the fairy space. However, his space is his greatest secret. The origin of this one thousand six million patriotic soldiers is ten thousand times more complicated than that of the disciples. How can Xiao Hua let them out of space? How can I teach them to the gods?

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