Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1224: Receive the fairy, return to the camp

“There is still a bigger contribution!” Su Shi said, pushing the atmosphere. “When Xiao Zhenren flew out from the boundary in 1741, he also used a dozen space celestial weapons to successfully solve the problem. One million six million serious wounded soldiers rescued..."

Su Shi’s words are gone, and there is no sound in the seals. This military power is bigger than the sky!

"Zhu will..." Su Shi smiled slightly and sighed. "Xiao Zhenren is in the forefront. Do you want to be sweet? Listen to my order, kill, kill, kill!!"


Step Yaoyin only made a sound, scared Su Shi and Chen Jin, and they could see the morale of all the warriors who fought bravely with their eyes closed!

"Su brother really has a good eye for Xiaohun's green eyes!" Chen Jinxiao said with a smile. "In order not to let Xiao hunting the martial arts, it is hard work!"

"In the battle, is there a small surprise for Chen Buyao?" Su Shi said profoundly, "And this time, Xiaohun bases for Su Mou...not just a surprise! Su Mou's approach Chen Xiong feels wrong?"

"While it is appropriate, I am afraid that the tree will be big!"

"Is there an adult, are you afraid of this?"

"Ha ha..." Chen Jin smiled, "Yes!"

Su Shi looked at Xiao Huadao: "Xiao hunting base, you can put those dragons and horses to fight, the tigers will be sent out, the old man will ask in detail!"

"You are seriously injured, other Xianbing do not have to send out..." Chen Jin carefully reminded.

Xiao Hua took out the Kunlun mirror. Under the vibration, Qin Xin, Li Boyi, Xian Qing, and Chuan Bo were all flying out. Xiao Hua hesitated, and Luo Yi Meng also showed his figure.

"Ah??" Luo Yi Meng's body shape just fell, Qin Xin immediately exclaimed, "This... how is this possible? When are you..."

Luo Yi dreams calmly, she has long been Yuhua Xiaohua, only smiled: "After entering the space of Xiao Daren's fairy, the end will also regret the heart, when you turn to meet Xiao Daren, Cheng Xiao people do not care about the former , still saved the last!"

Everyone naturally does not distinguish between true and false, and it is quite a fluke to escape from the left and right!

"I have seen two step by step adults..." Qin Xin waited for the gods, and rushed to rush Su Shi and Chen Jin to give gifts.

Xiao Hua sent out all the tiger cubs and simply hid himself on the sidelines.

After Xiangqing and Jiang Meihua rushed to the two sides of the stage, they stayed on both sides of Xiaohua and did not go anywhere.

Su Shi smiled, greeted the Xianbing to come over and record, and personally asked about what happened in the world.

Xiao Hua said that nature is not imaginary, Su Shi asked the face is a faint blush, the battle of the 1741 battle and even the change, can definitely leave a stroke in the battle history of the squad, and in Xiaohua’s heart The one-handed person has become himself, which makes Su Shi not excited?

After waiting for it, Xian Bing handed the good ink to the Su Shi, Su Shi looked at it, and handed it to Li Boyi, and smiled: "You wait and see, you can agree with what you said. If they are consistent, leave their respective signs of God!"

The public will know that this is to be submitted to the top of the squad, and they will not be scornful.

After doing this, Su Shi looked at the generals. Some of them are: "There is still something here, I want to ask you for your opinion..."

"Adults please..." I’m in a hurry and I’m in a hurry.

"You waited for the rescue of Xiaohun, he just said to the old man, he wants to include you all in his majesty..." Su Shi explained, "Of course, the old man did not agree, the team did not have this rule! He saved you. It should be, but, there is only one tiger and squadron under the squad, and now he has a great battle. Afterwards, the soldiers will become inevitable, so the old man thinks..."

I did not wait for Su Shi to finish, and I was immediately stunned by the youth: "I am willing to kneel down for the hunters, fight for the squad for me, and throw the blood for my celestial peace!"

Su Shi smiled, Xiao Qing and other reactions. He had expected that Xiao Hua is now a rising star of the squadron. His team is not yet a team. Joining is definitely the best opportunity. As long as it is a brain battle. Will never let go of this opportunity.

"Okay..." Su Shi nodded and said, "You wait for the seal to be taken over, and the old man will take you to Xiaohun."

"Hey adults..." Qin Xin accompanied the laughter. "Xiao Daren has already passed the spell in the end in 1741. Otherwise, Xiao Daren will not be deployed according to the adults, and the vast array of fairy tales will be laid. !"

"Ah?" Su said a little, look at Chen Jin, Chen Jin shook his head slightly.

Su Shi seems to understand something, laughing loudly: "It seems that the old man is a little bit of a snake, Xiao hunting base ... another chance, you wait for the choice ... too correct!"

Su Shi said so, how can Qin Xin and others not be shocked again? They thought that the things used by Xiao Hua were given by the adults of the step, so it seems that there are other higher-order adults behind Xiao Hua!

"Go to Xiao hunting base..." Su Shi thought for a moment and told Xiaohua to come over. Su Shi handed Xiaohua a token. "This is the previous station. Now he is degraded, and the station will pay." For you!"

"Thank you an adult!" Xiao Hua was overjoyed, and took the token and thanked him.

"And..." Su Shi looked at Xiao Hua behind him and said, "According to the establishment of our squad, the hunting squad is full of three deeds, twelve dragons, seven hundred and twenty tigers. Hey, seventy-two million senile soldiers. There is no deputy hunting ground under the solution, only six dragon riders, 50 million celestial soldiers. He went to Jiechong 1741 with 20 million squadrons, and there are still 30 million sacred soldiers. It is said that the 30 million squadrons should also be given to you, but your qualifications are insufficient, the old man does not recommend that you take over the 30 million sergeants!"

"Yes..." Xiao Hua hurriedly snarled. "At the end, there will be more than 10 million celestial soldiers already satisfied!"

Chen Jin smiled and said: "Although the 16 million immortals are nothing, you must really train them and put your big ones better than anything else!"

Su Shi also nodded: "Xiao hunting base, you can rest assured, your growth, I will look in the eyes, when you have the ability to handle the 72 million soldiers, the old man must be full of you!"

"Xie Daren!" Xiao Hua is more happy.

"Dragon riding has the power to exempt the military. You can use it as a hunting grounder..." Su Shi reminded, "You will give you the promotion of your immortal, and you will be able to report it to your husband after you have accepted your life." !"

"Xie Daren..." This time it was not only Xiao Hua, but Qin Xin and Xian Qing were all married.

"Okay, hurry back to the station to rest..." Su Shi smiled and the generals will help, "Quiet the end of the war, military power is promulgated!"

The public will say goodbye, and there will be a fairy who will sacrifice the fairy boat and invite Xiao Hua to fly in.

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