Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1197: Causal broken wall

In the Leiyin Temple, whether it is the ancient Buddha of the Buddha, or other disciples, is not the mouth of the Buddha, the entire Leiyin Temple is filled with twisted Buddha light. When the big day came up, the red light was born in the eyes, and the red light fell. The Buddha light of the entire Leiyin Temple condensed like a wave of water, and finally formed a fist-sized vortex.

"Go ahead..." As the big day came to the hand, the colorful stones brought infinite Buddha light into this whirlpool.

Light and shadow change, seems to be through time and space, in a hustle and bustle, Ayi Duo Bodhisattva Capricorn blessed a brow, his eyes revealed surprise, because he saw the image of Ananda is showing three corpses.


"this is……"

Ayutthaya Bodhisattva Capricorn sang low, because when the stone fell on a mountain, it was the moment when the three corpses of Ananda were defeated.

There are only some signs of life in the colorful stones, and more of the remnants are gathering from the place where Ananda is gradually annihilated!

"Hey, the disciple understands..." Ayi Duo Bodhisattva Capricorn sighed and said, "When the world respects the disciples and uses the great powers, whoever wants to do bad things, interferes with the disciples' arrangements!"

"There is no Amitabha in the south..." Daci and Great Pessimistic Bodhisattva Shizou laughed. "If the world does not interfere?"

"Haha, thank you to the world for awakening!" Ayi Duo Bodhisattva Capricorn smiled and said, "All causes and effects have ended, there is no interference and no interference."

"Shizun, the disciple has a knot..." Then Ayi Duo Bodhisattva Capricorn once again squatted, "The disciple forced into the reincarnation, accidentally fell into the animal, and captured the body of the six-eared macaque, but did not know the six-eared macaque. Where is this life?"

Sakyamuni Buddha still smiles and raises his hand. There is a mountain in the Buddha's light. The monkey head of a hand-dancing iron rod is arrogant and arrogant. The next few monkeys are not born with worship. It is not what Xiao Hua saw on the Kunlun Mountains. Monkey Hou Ming?

"There is no Ayi Duo Bodhisattva in the south." Ayutthaya Bodhisattva Capricorn sacred to the Buddha, and the Buddha's body burned like a flame. As he walked to the left side of Sakyamuni Buddha, the whole Buddha The country’s vibration, the infinite Buddha’s light rolled up the Buddha’s voice and rushed into the void, and the space of the Buddha’s country continued to expand...

"There is no big compassion and pessimism in the south of the world..." When the shape of the Yuhua Xiaohua fell into the space, the expansion of the Buddha State has come to an end. The eyes of Xiaohua Xiaohua fell on the Ayutthaya Capricorn on the platform of the Jiupian Lianhua. Sa Shizun, who had a different color in his eyes, couldn’t help but scream.

At this time, the Ayutthaya Bodhisattva Capricorn does not have much of Ananda's appearance, and more is like fighting against the Buddha stone monkey!

"Affordable Aunta..." Yuxi Xiaohua’s heart was filled with joy, and he couldn’t help but secretly swear by the belly. At this time, the Buddha of Yuhua appeared quietly beside him, and the mouth of the Buddha said, "Amitabha, the future of the poor Already returned, please also be more compassionate..."

"How did the Buddha's name change again?" Yuhua Xiaohua was very rare.

"Tan Yue wants to know, you can go to the Buddha country to ask the big compassion and pessimism of the world." The Buddha of the Buddha is smiling, and does not directly speak the words of Xiaohua.

"But it..." Yu Xiaohua looked at the solemn Guanyin Bodhisattva of the Bodhisattva, and laughed. "Every cause and effect, or not to interfere, there is only one Buddha in the future. Don't mess up the future of Buddhism... ”

Yuhua Xiaohua screamed at the space of Moze: "Where is the jade?"

"He is not..." A squeaking voice sounded, it was a **** shadow of the jade.

“Hey...” Yu Xiaoxiao laughed and said, “He always used Moze as his home. How could he not be? Let him come back soon!”

"Yes, yes..." The blood shadow flashed a few times in the space of the Moze. It seemed to perceive the Buddha's fire of the Buddha, and answered a few voices.

The sound of the blood shadow has just disappeared, and the jade Xiaohua brows his head and looks surprised. He looks at the space.

"This... what is going on here?"

But seeing the original empty edge of the seam, there are countless cracks at this time. This crack is like a spider web, and it is still expanding differently.

One looming interface channel begins to take shape!

In the eyes of Yu Xiao, Xiao Hua flashed nine colors of light and light, and looked at it for a moment. He smiled and said: "I understand, this is the power of the cause and effect."

"Amitabha, congratulations to Tan Yue, He Xi Tan Yue..." The Buddha of Yuxi also smiled at the side. "The previous cause and effect of the Tan Yue space is autistic. Although the cause and effect of some fairy circles are not enough to break through the space barriers, if there are causal big hands, the various causes and effects begin. Through the space, this interface barrier will have a channel, and the space in Tan Yue will become more mature!"

"Tongyi, Tongxi!" Yuxi Xiaohua laughed and closed his mouth. The resources in the space were limited. Only when there was contact with the outer space, the space could develop better. As for the space exposure, will there be a miraculous immortal come in, not a problem that Yuhua Xiaohua considers.

"Big brother, big brother..." Yuxi really came Yuxi Xiaohua’s smile has not disappeared. He has already rushed out and shouted, "What, so anxious? ”

“Amitabha...” The Buddha’s double palms are combined. “The space of the donor has been formed, and the barren space has not yet formed...”

When the jade sees, the **** red eyeballs turn sharply, the space of the magic is already formed, but the law is more at the moment of the magic, and the magic is more advantageous. The jade is naturally unwilling to take out the lawyer immediately.

However, his eyes are just moving, and Yuhua Xiaohua is somewhat intolerant. He said: "Yu Yu, I will take out the law, and the space of Buddhism is different from other spaces. There are already three Buddhas in the center. Now the Buddha has just returned. Position is the best opportunity for the formation of the Buddha..."

"Yes, big brother..." Yuxi heard it and immediately understood that he immediately turned and returned, and Yuhua Xiaohua stayed outside the space of Moze, waiting for the jade to hand to the edge of the magic. Yuhua Xiaohua raised his hand and grabbed the law to fly outside the space of Buddhism!

The always-satisfied face of the Buddha's face gave birth to a rare excitement. "Go..." Yuhuan Xiaohua stood outside the space of the Buddha's Kingdom and did not fly in. Instead, he left the lawyer inward, "Boom... ..." The lawsuit fell into the space of Buddhism, and it burst into a thousand shadows of thousands of temples. This illusion has fallen to Sakyamuni Buddha, Ingot Buddhism, and Ayutthaya Bodhisattva.

After the temple's illusion passed through the present Buddha, the past Buddha and the future Buddha, the illusion began to solidify and turned into a golden text of the Great Leiyin Temple.

This kind of gold text has gradually increased, it is like a brick and a tile to form a huge temple outline!

"Amitabha..." Even Yuhua, Xiaohua, looked at both eyes and couldn't help but say that the Buddha said, "The original Leiyin Temple was built like this!" Xiaohua's space can finally be compared with the space outside. Contact, then where is the earliest space channel going?

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