Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1196: The future Buddha fights against the Buddha

Do not say that Xiao Hua was surprised, that is, Ananda is equally surprised. The combination of hollowing out and fighting against the Buddha and the stone monkey is a process of absolution and ablation of the several worlds. The Ananda can not be controlled, and even he does not have any feelings. In addition to causality, even the light can not escape.

Ayutthaya is different from Xiao Hua. He has no causal hand, and he has no crystal-like gods. Since he was invaded by the **** lotus petals of the previous Guanyin Bodhisattva, he was in a state of ambiguity.

When Xiao Hua rushed out of the space of the Xuanzang space, Ananda was awakened, but countless messages drowned him like a tide. He found himself so small, unprecedented fear and loss. In his once again ridiculous force wrapped around the space of the Buddha, this process is counted in Xiao Hua, but for Ananda, it is comparable to the world, and several causes and effects are merged in this process. For one.

A Nantuo knows the source of the hollowed out and six-eared macaques, knows the two people's grievances and hatreds, and knows the loyalty and courage of fighting against the stone monkeys.

True, good, evil...

Love and Hatred……

What is the simple cause and effect?

Several cycles of reincarnation, a few more causal, but a small realm in the long practice, a little bit of harvest!

Aunta was in a sigh of relief, and suddenly found himself in a beautiful new world! The world is so pure, except that the Buddha's light is the Buddha's light, the world is so fresh, the Ananda's body is falling, the Buddha's body is full of light, and the sound of the Buddha's voice is like water, and the karma of several karma is hard to eliminate. The smoke disappears!

However, when the Anandao figure stood firm, the Buddha light of this beautiful Buddha country suddenly changed its direction and gathered toward itself!

When the first Buddha's light fell on Ananda's body, a Buddha's name that Ananda had never thought of suddenly came out: "There is no Ayi Duo Bodhisattva in the south..."

Immediately, the sound of "South no Ayi Duo Bodhisattva Mossa..." began to sound from the mind of Ananda, first of all, like a wooden fish drum, after a moment, it became a storm, and finally, it finally resounded throughout the country.

The shape of Ananda is also growing with this voice. It is not necessary to use the Buddha's knowledge, and it is not necessary to use the magical power. The situation of the Buddha is printed into the mind of Ananda!

"There is no Ayi Duo Bodhisattva in the south..."

Ananda's hands clasped together, and a Buddha's name was born from his heart. "Boom..." The light of Buddha light gathered in his mind and rushed back to the space of Buddhism.

However, Ananda's heart is clear that there is no root in the previous Buddha's light. There is now, but there is no future, and the arrival of oneself, let the Buddha's light have a future. At this time, the Buddha's country is perfect, and you should be the future Buddha! !

"Namo Amitabha……"

As the Buddha of Sakyamuni Buddha, the body of the river showed his body shape. A Buddha’s name was smashed out, and it immediately rang through the space of the Buddha’s country, blowing away the Buddha’s name of Ananda’s Buddha.

"Sakyamuni Buddha???"

Ananda was seen in the river, almost whispered, and even forgot to see the ceremony, seeing the Buddha's light condensed in the body has signs of collapse!

“South No Ingot Light Buddha Light Mingzun...”

On the right side of Sakyamuni Buddha, the Buddha’s Lord showed his body shape in the past. His mouth was filled with a smile and said, “I have a big wish, I have a big future, why am I surprised?”

In the past, the Buddha's Buddha's Buddha seems to have penetrated the past and the future. For example, Huang Lu Dazhong sounded in the heart of Ananda, and Ananda was fully stable when he was standing. The face of Ananda was so surprised that he changed his smile and folded his hands. Ayutthaya Bodhisattva, the disciple has seen two worlds..."

Ayutthaya salute, has not yet got up, but also a buddha with a compassionate voice: "Nan no big mercy and pessimistic Bodhisattva world respect..."

"Ah?" Ananda was heard, and his figure was shaking again. He was incredulously looking at the Buddha's light, and the great compassion and the pessimistic Bodhisattva came to the lotus.

"How... how could it be..."

Ananda's face looked at the face of the great compassionate pessimism Bodhisattva, whispered, and then his eyebrows picked it up and scorned: "Isn't it a sneak peek at my Buddha's Buddha?"

Instantly, Ananda is a great warfare in the whole world. Isn’t it the war of fighting against the Buddha?

"My Buddha's fruit is the Buddha's fruit in the Buddha's country. It is the compassion of heaven and earth. Which enchanting can rob?" asked the big sorrowful pessimist Bodhisattva. "It is the Buddha's fruit, it is the return to the Ananda, fighting against the Buddha." Hollow, or six-eared macaque?"

On the spot, Ananda was sceptical and looked at the worldly sorrowful Bodhisattva, and said: "Whether it is fighting against the Buddha, or hollowing out, or six-eared macaques, are not all disciples?"

Sakyamuni Buddha smiled and said nothing, the ingots of the Buddha and the light of the Ming Dynasty respected the brows, the big compassion and the pessimistic Bodhisattva's smile on the face converge, revealing compassion.

After the hardship of Ayutthaya, the battle against the Buddha stone monkey, Ananda, hollowing out, the body of the six-eared macaque was born at the same time, fighting against the Buddha stone giant, the other three bodies were almost invisible.

"Namo Amitabha……"

Sakyamuni Buddha glanced at him and said, "There is an Afghan dynasty. The martial arts defeat the Buddha. The hollowing out and the six-eared macaque are just good and evil. Who is it?"

"Ha ha..." Ananda was once again a great Buddha, and this time his law changed again. He actually turned into a battle to defeat the Buddha stone monkey. He smiled. "Thank you for waking up. The disciple has a cause and effect in his heart." From the Guanyin Bodhisattva mouth to get the three corpse secrets, there is the cause and effect of this life, the disciple is not Ananda, the disciple is not the hollow and the six-eared macaque, the disciple is not fighting against the Buddha, the disciple is... Ayi Duo Bo诃萨!"


"Namo Amitabha……"

“South No Ingot Light Buddha Light Mingzun...”

"There is no big compassion and pessimism in the south."

For a moment, the Buddha's voice in the Buddha's Kingdom once again Sakyamuni Buddha said with a smile: "Please ask Ayado Bodhisattva Capricorn to honor the lotus platform..."

"Disciples don't dare!" Ayi Duo Bodhisattva Capricorn's body shape does not understand, look at Shakyamuni Buddha respectfully, "the disciples still have a few doubts can not be relieved, but also look at the world to understand!"

"Namo Amitabha……"

Sakyamuni Buddha nodded with a smile.

"The disciples are not guilty of the three corpses, I don't know where the problem lies?" Ayi Duo Bodhisattva Capricorn samurai frowned. "The disciples feel that they are foolproof..."

"The cause and effect of blasphemy is not only related to Ananda, but also to hollowing out, but not only the cause and effect, but also others?"

"Who? Is it necessary to harm the disciples?"

"It's not a harm, but a bad man..." Sakyamuni Buddha smiled slightly and raised his hand in the air. "Brush..." In the Buddha's Light, a Leiyin Temple appeared, and the Leiyin Temple was like a Buddha. The annihilation, doubts and expectations in the eyes, is to look at a colorful stone in the hand, and within the stone, a soul is moist inside...

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Ananda is gone, and some only fight against the Buddha! In the future, when the country of Buddhism is in jeopardy, our fight against the Buddha will also step on the lotus platform and take the iron bar!

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