Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1198: The heart of space is all things

"Amitabha..." The Buddha of the Jade Buddha has a double-handedness. "The Great Leiyin Temple is in the heart, not in the space of the Buddha..."

"Lingshan?" Yuxi Xiaohua's heart moved, watching the Buddha's light in the space of the Buddha's country revealing, like water, rushing into the Shenhua continent, and even some cracks that infiltrated into the previous space barriers, Yuhua Xiaohua asked again. .

"There is a Buddha with a natural thunder, and a Buddha naturally has a Lingshan..." The Buddha said, "The Lord Buddha has always been the Buddha of the Buddha!"

"Good 哉..." Yu Hua Xiaohua nodded with a smile, and then said that the violently shaking of the top of the space, Sumiyama said, "Fo Gao is one foot high and one foot is high, this is true!"

"Not bad!" The face of the Buddha's face showed dignity, watching the mysterious changes on Mount Sumi, and there were more demons flying down the Buddha's country along the Buddha's light. Even the Buddha light that fell into the Sumi Mountain began to smash. He said, "If there is no magic, how can I show my Buddha?"

"Hey..." Yuxi Xiaohua looked at the Buddha of the Jade Buddha and sighed. "Which is the Buddha of the monk... Which Buddha?"

"Amitabha..." The Buddha on the face of the Buddha said with a smile on his face. "The Buddha of the monk is here, the heart of Tan Yue... Where is it?"

After that, the Buddha of the Jade Buddha raised his hand and grabbed it. He took the Seven Treasures Tree and sat on the knees outside the space of the Buddha.

"Yeah, where is the heart of the poor road?" Yuhua Xiaohua frowned slightly, whispering to himself, and his eyes swept through the space of the Tao, the space of the Buddha, and the space of the demon.

It seems that I have perceived the doubts of Yuhua Xiaohua. The space inside the void has begun to produce a faint wave. This wave looks small but powerful, and annihilates everything!

Boao stretches to the depths of the void, even if it is the place where Yuxi Xiaohua can't completely control it, the sound of the sound of "嗡嗡...", the crystal shape of a one-foot circle flashes out!

At this time, the crystal godhead is different from before, and it is amorphous and transparent, but it is light gold, green, blood red and golden light. Light gold and green are slightly overbearing, and there is an impact between each other. The blood red is swimming around. With the faint green and light gold, there is a crystal-like **** between the three colors. The central golden light is burning like a flame.

As the crystal-shaped godhead emerges, the power of countless beliefs is used everywhere, and it turns into a river.

The crystal-shaped gods slowly rotate, and the river of faith rotates with it. It is extremely mysterious, and the dazzling rays and the splendid colors are reflected in the double eyes of Yuhua!

The shape of Yuhua Xiaohua began to fly and floated for the first time toward the crystal godhead!

When Yuxi Xiaohua is close, the crystal-shaped gods slowly fall into the heart of Yuhuan Xiaohua!

"Boom..." Yuxi Xiaohua was shocked by the whole body, and it was impossible to maintain the human form at the moment, showing the shape of the jade!

At this time, the jade is no longer broken, and it also rotates with the crystal shape!

The jade is getting bigger and bigger, covering the entire space, and the rotation does not stop.

As a result, the space has risen again with the rotation of the jade!

This time, not only is the space increased, but the cracks on the interface barriers are also increasing. Many cracks have penetrated the interface barriers and made space channels!

I don't know how long it took, maybe it was a moment of catastrophe, the crystal godhead disappeared, the river of faith disappeared, and the jade that filled the space stopped spinning!

"Lingshan is the Lingshan of the Buddha, Leiyin is the thunder of the Lord Buddha, and space is naturally the space of all things!"

"The Lord Buddha is in the heart of the Buddha, and I am... in the heart of all things, my heart does not have to be, the heart of all things...that is, my heart..."

The sound of Yuhua Xiaohua is low. Even Tianxia Xiaohua and Causal Xiaohua are invisible, and Yuxi Xiaohua stands in the shape of a human figure. "Brushing brush..." countless light and shadows poured into the tidal wave. His eyebrows.

At the same time, Tiandao Xiaohua and Cao Xiaohua each showed their physique, and the light and shadow fell into it and turned into a splendid starlight and turbulent water.

Yuhuan Xiaohua’s eyes have been flashing all the time, and then slowly shrinking. When he returns to its original state, the light and shadow will come to an abrupt end!

At the same time that the light and shadow disappeared, the whole space was restored to the original. "Daoyou..." The jade sings out of the blue light, with a surprise on his face. "The poor road senses the breath of the thirteen gods..."

"Not bad!" Yu Xiao Xiaohua smiled on his face. In the eyebrows, gently click, a bone joint condensed out and handed it to the jade witch. "The poor road sees the thirteen gods, but..."

In the speech, Yu Xiaohua passed some of the things I saw earlier to the jade witch!

The jade witch's face gave birth to a rare cautious, whispered: "That... is that existence?"

"The specifics are still not clear..." Yuhua Xiaohua shook his head and said, "The existence is certainly integrated by the poor road, but he wipes out most of the information, and the poor road can only get something that is not doing anything with him..."

"The magical power that exists is not what you can compare now, even if it is his uselessness..." The jade sorcerer took over the bone knot, and the eyebrow broke through a gap, put the bone joint into it, and then said, "But his supernatural... ..."

Can't finish the jade, the "Rumble"... The body of the jade witch has a burst of shackles, and the figure of the jade witch first shows the shape of Wushan, and then the green thunder rushes out from Wushan and enters the condensation. Become a dragon statue of the thirteen gods!

Yuhua Xiaohua looked at the jade shape of the jade, and smiled: "The Taoist friends can get the thirteen gods, and the poor roads can give up the essence of that?"

"Holly..." The jade sorcerer whispered, and a singular "诅" word fell in front of Yuhua Xiaohua. "The poor roads have already realized the success. These are given to the Taoist friends, oh, I have to retreat. !"

“Congratulations to the Taoist friends!” Yuhua’s Xiaohua Zhang mouth swallowed the word “诅” and handed it to him. “After entering Wushan, the opportunity comes!”

"With joy, with joy!"

The jade sorcerer said that the figure once again fell back to Wushan space.

"Boom..." Within the Wushan space, the blue light flashed like a thunder, and the space continued to rise. Yuhua Xiaohua looked at his eyes for a moment, and he understood that the jade witch appeared again, which should be an opportunity for the formation of Wushan space.

Everything in the space is stable, and Yuhua Xiaohua takes out the space and waits for the mind to return to his place. Xiao Hua’s mind will turn the word “诅” into the word, and the word “诅” is made by the green light. Infinity green essays flashed, Xiao Hua immediately took a look at the eyebrows, breaking the eyes and opening the eyes, and sent the word "诅" into it.

"Card..." The sound of fried beans is born from the eyes of the smashing One green scorpion has turned into an infinite sentiment and rushed into Xiaohua’s mind!

Xiao Hua closed his eyes for a moment, and when he saw the feelings of the broken eyes, he entered the lane, and he separated his mind. He waved the Naxie ring!

After Xiaohua’s thoughts were swept away, Lu Shu was the first to come out. Lu Shu saw Xiao Hua, and he bowed his head. He said: “It’s the return of the master, luckily, luckily...”

"Get up..." Xiao Hua will help Lu Shu, and said, "You wait for hard work!"

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Xiao Hua’s space can finally be related to the space outside, so where will the earliest space channel go?

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