Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1191: Ananda 斩 3 corpse

"Hey..." Xiaohua hesitated here, the fat pigs over there have long killed the fat pig, the head and the white horse!

Then, the head of a thief’s head took the white horse. I didn’t know where to slip out. When I met, I stumbled in front of Xiao Hua’s head and cried. “Buddha, the master is gone, there is no way to ask...”

"Isn't that right?" Xiao Hua smiled. "Don't go through the experience, let the two monkeys fight you to die, and the rest will go with you to ask for the Bible..."

"Ah? This... is this OK?" The head is stupid. Looking at Xiao Hua, the tears still hang on his face. "That...the great Emperor..."

"What?" Xiao Hua said, "Heyday Emperor?? He is still alive??"

"What...what?" The head is more surprised than Xiao Hua. "Hey, the Emperor died. The monkey... No, when did the master call the Lingxiao Hall?"

"nn, this... Is this before the emperor?" Xiao Hua scratched his head and looked up at the West. He said, "The big day is like the world, can you make your handwriting bigger?"

"Buddha, Bodhisattva..." The two stone monkeys played soft bones and fell in front of Xiao Hua, crying and saying, "You old help us talk about who is really who is fake!"

"Rolling..." Xiao Hua didn't want to, don't want to, swear, "Go and look for the big day, such as the world, who will let you fight? I can't tell the difference!"

Two stone monkeys are stunned, bodhisattva spit swearing?

However, the two stone monkeys did not think much. They wrestled again and cried in the mouth: "Go, go, go to the Buddha, you fake this..."

Looking at the two stone monkeys, whether they are behaving, or looking at each other, even the soul is exactly the same, Xiao Hua is helpless, he is about to push the figure to follow the past, next to a big fat pig's hoof caught him, whispered: "Buddha, teacher... Master has not saved yet!"

"Roll!" Xiao Hua did not sigh with anger. "Going to the big day is like the world, and Lao Tzu does not interfere with the magic of the six reincarnations!"

The fat pig had no choice but to let the head Tuo still hold the white horse. The white horse smashed a scorpion's corpse and flew to the west after the two stone monkeys who were playing around.

It seems that for a moment, Xiao Hua felt that he had arrived at the Great Leiyin Temple. He looked up a bit and looked at the big day sitting on the top of the world, as well as the ancient Buddha and the Maitreya Buddha. The change has not begun!

However, when Xiao Hua went to Ananda, he found that the Buddha of the Great World would cover the disciples and he could not find it.

At this time, the two stone monkeys had collapsed and cried: "Buddha, the disciples protect the Master from coming to the West to learn from the Bible, all the way to the demon..."

After the two stone monkeys finished, the big day, such as the afterlife, looked up to Xiaohua and smiled and said: "Kuanyin Zun, you look at two monkey heads, which one is true?"

Xiao Hua sneered, and both hands were together: "The disciple is incompetent and cannot be distinguished, but since there is such a cause and effect, there must be a black hand behind it..."

"Ha ha..." The big day, like the afterlife, laughed and said, "Hey and other mana, you can only read the things of Zhou..."

Listening to the big day, as the world is finished, raise your hand and point to one of the stone monkeys: "汝乃六耳猴猴..."

"Don't do anything..." What Xiao Hua thinks, hurriedly pointing to another stone monkey, who knows that Xiao Hua doesn't say okay, Xiao Hua just said two words, the stone monkey picked up the stick "Peng" Hit the stone monkey's head and beat the stone monkey to a brainstorm and die!

"Fast..." Xiao Hua said in a hurry, and quickly said, "Buddha, leaving the soul of these six-eared macaque..."

"Why?" The big day is like a great sorrow in the world. He was supposed to drink a stone monkey, but he did not expect Xiao Hua to say so.

"Aunta?" Xiao Hua saw the Buddha look at himself, not to explain, and asked, "Is it true that the world does not know?"

The great day, such as the world, has a slight change in face, which means profoundly: "Where is Ananda, does the Guanyin sage know?"

"I?" Xiao Hua became more and more embarrassed. "How do I know??"

Having said that, Xiao Hua suddenly felt that the entire Leiyin Temple was withered like a fire, and he did not feel sighed, knowing that this cause and effect water silk has been annihilated!

Sure enough, Xiao Hua’s mind suddenly rose!

However, at the moment when Xiao Hua’s mind immediately turned to the Leiyin Temple, he vaguely heard: “...the Buddha’s fruit, the battle for the Buddha...”

"Damn..." Xiao Hua returned to the white space and whispered quietly. "Xiao Mou went white, and there are still many doubts. How can there be two hollows? Can Xiao's energy be indistinguishable... ..."

Then Xiao Hua’s causal water did not hesitate to sneak into the waters of the hollow and the blood lotus and lotus!

"Hey..." Xiao Hua saw that there was light and shadow rising from the water silk. He didn't feel the strange blood lines in front of him. The two figures in the blood line made Xiao Hua's heart move. These two figures are not Guanyin. Bodhisattva and Ananda?

Xiao Hua’s body shape flew blood, and he did not control the Guanyin Bodhisattva. The voice of Ananda was heard in his ear: “Thank you for the three secrets of the Bodhisattva’s disciple, the disciple will be able to take the evil thoughts. Good thoughts on the top of the Buddha..."

"Why is it good, what is evil? Can there be evil without goodness, but can there be no evil?" The Guanyin method is faint. "The secret of the three corpses is passed from the beginning, but it is too dangerous, whether it is the beginning of good and evil, Between good and evil, there is a risk of entanglement in the cycle and annihilation of the mind. But since you have made a decision, it’s barren... it’s hard to say anything, after all, the poor will take advantage of your chance...”

Ananda was once again praying: "The Bodhisattva has been sent, and the disciples will not deny!"

"This is a lotus flower in a barren lotus..." Guanyin said, "You have received it, and your rights are self-defense..."

"Dr. Xie Bodhisattva..."

Xiao Hua's figure fell, Ananda was gone, and the blood lines disappeared. Xiao Hua still stood in the bamboo forest of the South China Sea Daochang!

"When is this?" Xiao Hua just stood still, looking up at the distance, where the rising sun rises, the colorful spar that gave birth to Yuan Tongtian has not appeared.

So Xiao Hua hurriedly smashed the Buddha's seal frowning, "How do I feel that this time is too chaotic! How come I got to the Bible before..."

I don't know how long it has passed!

"Hey..." Xiao Hua felt that his Buddha's seal had not been shaken. There was a buddha on the lotus platform. Xiao Hua stunned and hurriedly looked at it. Seeing that there was a piece of lotus petals, there was a yellow spring water.

"This... This Ananda is too anxious..." Xiao Hua was crying and laughing, hurriedly a little lotus, "brushing..." Light and shadow flew out, it was the failure of the three corpses of Ananda, the reincarnation, and the mistaken entry into the animal. Capture the sight of the six-eared macaque!

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