Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1190: True and false stone monkey Xiao Hua helpless

"Don't do it well!" Xiao Hua thought and didn't want to nod. "Then you will be a law-protector under the barren seat?"

"Ah?" The sound came to an abrupt end.

Xiao Hua opened his eyes, but saw himself sitting on the lotus platform with his knees crossed, and the stone monkey was falling in front of himself with his hands folded, looking at himself with a look of horror.

"Yuan Tongtian..." Xiao Hua looked at the stone monkey, his eyes were a little feverish, and the poor disciples were repeatedly counted, and now they have been sent to the past life by the great old vulture, and still have to learn.

Since Xiaomou is coming, the shit’s learning must be disturbed!

"Pu Bo... Bodhisattva..." The stone monkey stuttered and said, "The old grandson is only complaining to the Bodhisattva. This is the only means for the old grandson to get the Buddha's fruit. The old grandson does not go... Who go with?"

“Who told you?” Xiao Hua asked coldly, “Is the Great Day alive?”

"Isn't Bodhisatté?" asked the stone monkey.

"Okay..." Xiao Hua naturally knew that this was Guanyin Bodhisattva's stone monkey. He nodded and said, "You are here to retreat, and then you will be careful to calculate the inferiority..."

"Thank you for your bodhisattva!" The stone monkey accompanied the smiling face, and the cautious look made Xiao Hua feel distressed. This is still his own unruly Yuan Tongtian, the **** big day is like the world!

Looking at the stone monkey sitting down at the lotus platform, Xiao Hua was a bit confused. He was thinking about his ideas. He suddenly found that his lotus platform was eight products, but the inner lotus petals were one less, and it looked positive. It is one of the white 湮 湮 !!

"Damn, what is going on here?" Xiao Hua hurriedly closed his eyes to find clues from the memory of Guanyin's chaos. Unfortunately, the memory of Guanyin is certainly there, but the content is vast, I don't know how many thousand worlds Experience, where can Xiao Hua find it?

"How to stop Yuan Tongtian to learn from it?"

"It seems that Yuan Tongtian has been brainwashed by Bodhisattva and the Great World, and will take it as his only way out, but...what is this for the purpose of this?"

Xiao Hua looked at the stone monkey with his eyes narrow, and his eyes fell on the golden hoop on his forehead. It was a heartache. Isn’t this golden hoop just like the sun and the moon?

I wanted to let the big day, such as the world, the gold hoop to ban the wildness of Yuan Tongtian, that is to let Yuan Tongtian have a bright future, but I did not expect that the big day is like this in the world!

However, this... does this not meet your expectations?

Buddha fruit! !

Yuan Tongtian did not reincarnate, but he got the Buddha fruit in his previous life!

Just thinking, Xiao Hua thought about it and looked up at the bamboo forest. But beside the Nanhai Taoist Temple of Guanyin Bodhisattva, a big fat pig with a nine-toothed nail smashed like a fly!

"Who is this?"

Xiao Hua is a bit stunned.

"Buddha..." Before the fat pig flew to the dojo, he immediately stumbled over the donkey. "The old pig is not doing it! The monkey brother killed Master, and there is no way to take it..."

“I don’t take it well!” Xiao Hua laughed. Before he sent the fat pig to the lotus platform, he was excited. “You are in front of the barren...”

Xiao Hua originally wanted to be a disciple, but he could look at the fat pig’s stupidity. He couldn’t say anything!

"Damn the monkey head..." I know that when the fat pig saw the stone monkey sitting in front of Xiaohua, he suddenly became angry. He lifted the nine-toothed nail and beat the stone monkey. He cried in the mouth. "You dare to kill." Master!"

"Roll!" Xiao Hua was furious, slaps the fat pig and flies. "He has been here with me. How can I kill your master?"

"The second division, the second division..." The stone monkey rushed out and raised the fat pig, and cried in the mouth. "What happened to Master?"

"Master was killed by you!" The fat pig grievously cried, cried, "Our people can't take it, and the Buddha can't eat it!"

"Damn! Which monster is dare to turn into the old grandson..." The stone monkey was furious and turned to "plop" and slammed. "Buddha, oh, old lady beg you, go to save the master, grandson." Know that you are supernatural..."

"No...Is it not to learn from it?"

Xiao Hua is a bit aggressive.

"Buddha..." The fat pig also stumbled and cried. "Isn't that what you said? It is the only way for the old pig to eat the Buddha's fruit. How do you get out of it..."

"nnd..." Xiao Hua is almost low-lying, and secretly, "How can Laozi be so deceiving? Well, it’s all, since it’s what you said, you have to tears in the first place, save their master and say... ”

"Right..." Xiao Hua thought of something, couldn't think too much, and hurriedly said to the stone monkey, "Remember, let us serve people with morality, don't do it, and don't want to kill... people!" ”

"Know, Bodhisattva!" The stone monkey heard someone change into his own appearance, and he had already scratched his head.

The protagonist of the four major ministries is the river, and Xiao Hua is very curious about who the protagonist of this world will be!

However, Xiao Hua has a place with the stone monkey and the fat pig. I have never seen their master. Xiao Hua is on the spot!

Because another stone monkey exactly the same as Yuan Tongtian is urging a monk to be launched by the monkey demon, next to the monk, another fat pig and a head Tuo are whispering something!

"This... how is this possible?"

Xiao Hua is incredible to see the stone monkey, and then look at the stone monkey in front of him, there is no difference between the two stone monkeys, even the golden hoop on the head is exactly the same!

"Hey that monster!" Mo said that Xiaohua was surprised. The stone monkey was already violent. He snorted and flew out. Then he touched it inside the ear and took out a stick. The stick went up in the wind and said, "Dare. Become a grandson, and eat a grandson!"

"Hey that monster..." The other stone monkey saw Yuan Tongtian, but he was also furious. He also found a stick from his ear. He flew over and cried, "Dare to become a grandson, and eat old grandson." Baton!"

"Slow..." Xiao Hua hurriedly grabbed the stone monkey, jokes, and even couldn't distinguish between himself. If it was to fight together, who knows which stone monkey?

However, Xiao Hua’s words have not been said to come to Another thought is born from his mind: "No, my disciples are not tamed, I know for myself, this first stone monkey is low-browed. The purpose, how could he be Yuan Tongtian?"

Xiaohua’s hesitation, the two stone monkeys have stood together, doing a battle in the sky and underground, who can distinguish who is who?

Xiao Hua wants to cry without tears, nnd, even if the stone monkey is Yuan Tongtian, he should separate them first!

It seems that the cause and effect, even if Xiaohua knows the truth has become a past world Guanyin, but things can not change!

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