Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1192: Fight against the death of the gods

"Is not right!" Xiaohua's eyes turned sharply, and the dark road said, "The three corpses of Ananda do not fail. Is it a good corpse or a corpse when he falls into the animal path? Then...the original soul of the six-eared macaque?"

"...This Ananda is the first wise man in the Great World, such as the next wise man. How can he fail the corpse? If it is so easy to fail, how could the former Guanyin Bodhisattva easily teach him..."

Xiao Hua also wants to see the reincarnation situation again. The surrounding light and shadow are once again withered. Xiao Hua understands that the cause and effect of the previous Guanyin Bodhisattva is becoming scarcer, and the ones he can see are becoming more and more short!

Just in front of Xiao Hua's eyes and shadows, Xiao Hua suddenly discovered that I don't know when it started, the peaks of the East China Sea, the colorful spar has appeared in the storm.

eccentric! !

Xiao Hua returned to his own causal waters and looked at the huge hollow outline. This outline was too mysterious, so that Xiao Hua could not easily touch the only water silk!

"Oh..." Just as Xiao Hua hesitated, an incredible thought came out of his heart. "This... is this the good corpse of Ananda?" How else could there be two identical hollows? ”

Thinking of this, Xiao Hua’s causal waters have fallen on the waterline that is connected to the two hollow outlines!

"Boom..." Xiao Hua gave birth to a huge shock, and a Buddha standing in the sky was wearing a battle armor. He took a stick and flew out of the darkness. Isn’t that the stone monkey that won the battle against the Buddha?

In the darkness of the darkness, the voice of the past world Guanyin sounded in the shape of Xiao Huaru's flying light: "When the battle is over, do you still remember the promise of the day? At this time, when you are promised, the poor will give you a chance. You can't go, this...not your own thing, the cause and effect of poverty!"

"Oh..." The stone monkey who defeated the Buddha raised his face and seemed to be watching Xiao Hua. He said in a word, "This matter has nothing to do with Bodhisattva! Your cause and effect is your cause and effect, but if your cause and effect are contaminated This Buddha country has become the cause and effect of this Buddha country. For this Buddha country, what is the old Sun's reluctance? But it is a Buddha's victory over the Buddha. The old Sun entered the reincarnation, and later he will fight for the Buddha!"

"I want to remind you..." The voice still sounded from Xiao Hua. "As long as you take this step, you can never look back! You may become a deserter of the Buddha Kingdom, or you may become a rebellious Buddha. Even The Buddha Kingdom will not leave you a trace of it..."

The stone monkey who defeated the Buddha proudly said: "Old Sun Ben is a stone monkey with no father and no mother. He can go through this Buddha country and have already met. No one can remember the old grandson, and the old grandchildren will not What does the disappearing memory, only..."

Speaking of it, the battle against the Buddha is rare in the air, looking up to the darkness of the endless, whispered: "Old Sun only wants to say to Master, the old grandson is not worthy of being your disciple in this life, this life is the ultimate achievement of Buddha. Nowadays, with Bodhisattva to save the millions of souls in this world, the old grandson... deserves to be... your disciple..."

Subsequently, the battle against the Buddha stone monkey actually pushed Jinshan down the jade column, and said: "Master, the disciple went..."

Xiao Hua burst into tears...

He really couldn’t think of Yuan Tongtian’s final appearance! ! !

It is no wonder that in the Leiyin Temple of the four major ministries, there is the position of Guanyin Bodhisattva, but there is no record of fighting the gods and gods!

"Apprentice..." Xiao Hua couldn’t help but say, "You will always be..."

However, Xiao Hua’s words have not been finished yet. In the darkness of the distance, a golden light rises up in the sky, where the golden light passes, killing everything, fighting the **** Buddha, the stone monkey touches the ear and takes out a big stick and says: “The monster takes a break. Eat a good old grandson..."

Then everything was drowned in the golden light, and in the golden light, the five elements of the wishfulness of the heavenly stick seemed to disintegrate, and a rough thing like a stick fell into the infinite light and shadow. Is this light and shadow not the time light knot?

An unspeakable sharp pain was born, forcing Xiao Hua to withdraw from the water, Xiaohua's inexplicable heartache!

"Oh, not good!" Xiao Hua just withdrew from the causal water silk, and immediately felt that the golden light was born. This pale gold luster was particularly eye-catching in the pale space.

Xiao Hua hurriedly looked at it. After the golden blood and Guanyin defeated the Buddha stone monkey, there was a light golden light that came out of thin air. The light wire shattered its own causal water, and the bones of the pain caused by the cause and effect!

That is the golden silk, just appeared immediately like the tide of the sea, the surging surge, drowning the waterline!

Xiao Hua was shocked, the water on the cause and effect flashed, and the water silk quickly retreated.

The resilience of the relics is like a sharp sword piercing the golden light. "Boom..." The place where the golden light comes, the appearance of a semi-circular crystal-like object, the appearance of this crystal-like object appears, and there is brutality and warfare sweeping space immediately. , the water and the relics of the relics are crushed!

"Holly..." Seeing that the relics could not resist, a squeaking sound rang from the far away of the pale golden crystals. A bone joint of a white bone rises like a rising sun, and there is a pale white flame on the joint, which looks like a dragon. !

"Ten... thirteen gods??" Xiao Hua almost blurted out, and the dragon's first person's body was exactly the same as he had seen before flying to the fairyland!

"Boom..." With Xiao Hua's low-key hand from the cause and effect, his causal hand burst, and a **** color rushed out of the causal hand, and rolled to the **** Guanyin's relic!

Xiao Hua’s heart is clear, this is the past and present Guanyin cause and effect that he had previously sent out.

However, it is not waiting for the blood of Xiaohua Space to touch the blood of Guanyin!

"Brush..." The light golden crystal-like object has a light and shadow like a spear. This light and shadow wears a light white thorn to the cause of causality. At the same time, the causal hand surface and the crystal The same pale golden luster of the thing condenses out, as if the ice spread spread!

"Damn!" Xiao Hua seems to understand what, the exercises he got are actually related to this pale golden crystal!

"Brush..." In a crisis, the cause and effect of the river has a cause and effect, and the hand of the cause and effect is to be protected, but the river of cause and effect rushes into the golden light, and the sound of "Zi La La" is suddenly annihilated!

"Too amazing!" Xiao Hua stunned, knowing that this golden light can kill the cause and effect!

How to do? ?

For a moment, Xiao Hua thought of her crystal godhead!

"Give me out!" Xiao Hua knows that he can't move, but he still roars in his heart!

Kill him!

Kill him! !

At this time, how Xiaohua did not know, Guanyin Bodhisattva and fighting against the stone monkeys are in the hands of this pale gold scene, how can they back down!

For your own disciples, you have to die with him! !


In the palm of the hand of the cause and effect, a golden radiance is like the beginning of the morning sun, and the light golden luster of the ice-causing causal hand is broken!

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