Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1082: Little shock

Sure enough, under the instructions of the regular month, Jiang Meihua also found a flame like a nebula and the sun and the moon. He often took out the seals, and Xianli urged them. The flame first rolls, and then a spiral fire ring emerges.

Chang Yue said, "There are the numbers of our team on the Indiana. As long as they are excited, the transfer entrance can send us directly to the military camp..."

The fairy boat fell into the ring of fire and swirled into the air. The surrounding light and shadow were stretched and twisted. It was about half-column, and the "噗" was like a broken blister. The fairy boat rushed out, and the face was patrolling the fairy, and there was an endless stream. The military camp is full.

The patrol will be inspected and released, and the moon will be held in the moon, and a piece of ink will be handed over to Xiao Hua. He said, "This is the result of the exploration of the alien star, and we have met the Yaozu. The explanation, oh, there is a proof that the last one will be rescued by the adults. At the end, the adults will be written, and the adults will be sent to the Tiantianxian to deliver the reward."

"Hey, there are friends who are always friends!" Xiao Hua took Mo Xianyu and smiled. "Xiao Mou is scratching his head how to write it!"

"There are Mei Tong collars, no, there is the help of Mei Changkong, adults do not have to care about these!" Chang Yue replied, "The end will leave, and finally ... or thank the adults for their help, the end will be the spring will report!"

"Polite, polite!" Xiao Hua hurriedly waved his hand. "Do your best, raise your hand!"

Changyue nodded, took the fairy boat and flew to the military camp.

Xiao Hua threw the ink fairy to Jiang Meihua, "Hold, study hard..."

Jiang Meihua took over and whispered "Adult, don't you look at it first?"

"I have seen it!" Xiao Hua sighed. "This is a very good month. I can write all the words I can write. I can't write a word without writing it, and I still boast a lot. This army has a lot of functions!"

"Then I have to look at it. For those of my kindness, bragging... is not easy!"

"Let's go..." Xiao Hua looked around and said, "Go back to the military account first."

"The phase will come right away, wait a moment..."

“Hey?” Xiao Hua had some nahans to look at Jiang Meihua. “You are more like a dog-headed division!”

"Adults..." Xiangqing took a few celestials with a happy face flying over him, but after a call, his face was somewhat unnatural.

There are no Hu Feishan, Yue Xi and Zhao Pingyi next to Xiao Hua!

Xiao Hua’s mouth is bitter, this is the death of no evidence, Hu Feishan and other three immortals will bring more than a thousand soldiers. In order to understand, if not your own intentions, how could a singer not survive?

Sure enough, Xiangqing whispered the voice "Adult, Hu Feishan..."

"Go, go to the military account and say it!"

A group of immortals will be eager to respect and courteous, and there will be more awe in their eyes.

Xiao Hua raised the account, a group of cents will be divided into two sides, no one dares to say a word, even if it is a good person with Hu Feishan, Yue Xi and Zhao Pingyi.

Xiao Hua has a heart to explain what, but look at the solemn atmosphere in the military account, he suddenly understands a sentence

Kindness is not a pawn! ! !

"Mei Tong led..." Xiao Hua coughed and said, "You will tell me about this trip to the alien sky and rain."

"Yes, adults..." Jiang Meihua was listed, and Anza was written in Moxianyu. He said it in 1510. Listening to the story of Jiang Meihua's paintings, Xiao Hua felt that Jiang Meihua could do it in addition to being a dog-headed division. Go to the book!

"Hey, there is no mute enchantment in the fairy world!" Hearing, Xiaohua himself woke up. "Xiao Mou still wants to let thousands of colds secret, but Xiaomou once reported his military skills, what is not leaking? Even as Changyue said, Xiaomou is a lonely hero, mixed out from a certain place in the 1967, can... can you smell the family and know that Wen Wen and Wen Xiao died in Xiao’s hand? Even Xiao Someone did not report the military merits, and the rewards of Tian Tianxian’s rewards were known. They did not know that it was Xiaomou?”

"They even if there is no evidence, can they... do they need evidence?"

"So, I am afraid that it is useless, only... dry!"

After Jiang Meihua finished speaking, Xiao Hua also had a plan in mind. He looked up and looked at the predecessors. Suddenly, he found that most of the fears in the previous eyes disappeared, leaving only fiery, ardent, and even... !

"nnd!" Xiao Hua suddenly feels a little cold, and rushes to the front and squats. "At the end, I will congratulate the adults on their first battles. After this battle, adults must be famous for the sky!"

“Congratulations to adults to make up the sky!”

Looking at the seriousness of Xiangqing, Xiao Hua’s heart is “I’m a big brother, you’re a little degraded, this is a bit big! But, haha...”

Xiao Hua got up, raised his hand and raised the crowd. "You are invited to start. This is just the first battle. There are more opportunities and more military power..."

“But...” Then Xiao Hua’s words turned. “Xiao’s experience is insufficient. When he goes deep into the alien sky and rain, he easily let Hu Feishan, Yue Xi and Zhao Pingyi rate more than a thousand cents to explore the outer space of the alien stars and rain, so that they are buried in the Yaozu. Hand, Xiaomou found it too late, very sad..."

"Adults..." don't have to answer each other clearly, next to the fairy will be loud, "You don't have to blame yourself, go to the demon league, it's risk, and you are deep in the sky, Hu Feishan, they are only exploring in the periphery, this can only explain They are not strong enough..."

"Yeah, adults, you are killing hundreds of demons, you have revenge for Hu Daren, you don't have to blame yourself..."

"The husband is a corpse of horses, and Hu Daren is dead, they will understand adults!"

"Well..." Xiao Hua waved, "May's lead, let the brothers out, let's check out the military..."

"Yes, adults!" Jiang Meihua nodded and took the flag.

"Trouble you..." Xiao Hua smiled. "There is not much military strength, but it is also the military strength of our team. You can help me to lead!"

"Nature, nature..." A group of immortals will have a happy face on their faces, and Jiang Meihua will go out.

When he did not leave, he looked at the empty military account and whispered "Adult, Hu Feishan, they..."

"What do you say?" Xiao Hua did not answer, asked.

"Oh, the end will understand!" Xiangqing laughed, very happy, apparently he believed Xiaohua, and Xiaohua did not let him down.

But after the laughter, Xiang Qingzheng said, "Hu Feishan, their things, adults do not have to explain, it is the adults to start!"

"Whatever!" Xiao Hua smiled bitterly.

"Listen to the leader of the United States, this time, the adults and the leader of the United States, there are a lot of military merits of more than a thousand celestial soldiers, adults can ask for the merits of the United States, the role of the sky is no problem!"

"Well, I understand!" Xiao Hua nodded. "When Mei Tong led them to check out the military, I will report it!"

What did you want to say? Xiao Hua looked at him and said, "I have a lot of things, you have to go to help Mei Tong."

"Good!" Xiangqing knew that Xiaohua was in a hurry and went out quickly.

Xiao Hua’s general account was banned and the Pioneer token was taken out.

"Congratulations to you, Xiao Xianfeng..." The sound of thousands of feathers in the token came, "You made a great contribution!"

"Don't dare..." Xiao Hua said quickly. "This is what the end will do."

"This is a secret room, you come in and say it!"

The sound of thousands of feathers disappeared.

“Hey... what do you mean?” Xiao Hua Nahan, “The token is still not working, but also to open a secret room?”

Thinking of opening a secret room with the cool Han Yu Han people, Xiao Hua did not feel a little hot. Unfortunately, the secret room was opened, and the opposite side was a silhouette-only human figure, and even the convex and concave lines could not be seen.

However, Xiao Hua did not dare to neglect and hurriedly sweared that "the end will see adults..."

Thousands of feathers did not make a sound, and Xiaohua was confused, half a sigh, and thousands of feathers sighed, "Hey, Xiao Xianfeng, please start..."

Xiao Hua smashed his eyes and did not speak. He waited for a thousand colds to break down.

"Xiao Xianfeng, you... Do you know how much military power you have established?"

"Adult, you don't want to scare you!" Xiao Hua smiled and said, "The last time will be the first time to stand up!"

"You don't even know the importance of the rushing 1967, otherwise the team will not go back and forth again to explore the alien stars and rains, oh, especially the squadrons to reinforce the million demons. This news is simply taken over the boundary. More important..." Thousands of feathers said that the side was excited. "I really don't know how you got this news!"

"At the end, I will grab a reward for the alien sky and rain..." Xiao Hua touched his nose, which was quite aggrieved. "Exploring the alien sky and rain, saving the moon, but I can find out that the last thousand soldiers will fall and the last will be killed." Those Yaozu..."

Xiao Hua has no choice but to say something about the alien sky and rain again.

"How come you come back??" Thousands of feathers are interested in saying, "Don't tell me that you are alone in the world!"

"Adults Mingjian..." Xiao Hua did not dare to deceive thousands of feathers and said, "Someone is going to kill the last will. After killing the people, they will find that they have...the monument, and then from the ink fairy they carry with them." At the end, I will find out the method and location of the use of the monument, and then when I go to find the monument, I met a million soldiers..."

"It turned out to be a broken green dragon monument No wonder!" Qian Yuhan understood, and asked, "Do you know who the two immortals are?"

"The two will blew themselves up and will not know!"

"But it is not difficult for you!" Thousands of feathers reached out and said, "Give me the broken dragon monument and the place of use! This is another wonderful work..."

"Yes, yes!" Xiao Hua was overjoyed, not only because it was a huge military force, but also because it was a matter of killing two disciples.

"Things are urgent, I have to send this out first. You wait a moment, I have something to tell you!"

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Thousands of feathers look for Xiao Hua? Actually so mysterious...

In addition, the "small section of the flower" WeChat public number has "Wu Wangming's fourth chapter Xiao family's exclusion", you can look at it, help to give an opinion, the new book is easy style...

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