Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1082: 2 empty first cloth

Thousands of feathers and chills disappeared.

Xiao Hua is a bit strange, I don’t know what Qian Yuhan wants to say to himself.

Fortunately, after half a column of incense, thousands of feathers swayed and said: "You can't estimate your military strength for the time being, Jin... Jin Buyao said, after this battle can be evaluated, so don't worry."

"Don't worry, don't worry..." Xiao Hua smiled. "There will be no shortage of military skills at the end!"

When Qian Yuhan left, Xiao Hua had already thought about it. He turned back to let Jiang Meihua reap the reward and set a special military card. This is the means of empty gloves and white wolves. How could Xiao Hua still lack military strength?

Thousands of feathers naturally misunderstood what Xiao Hua thought, laughing: "That is, in addition to these two military achievements, you kill tens of thousands of demons, and many natural military skills..."

Listening to the thousands of feathers that did not mention the disciples of the disciples, Xiao Hua knew in his heart that the private soldiers were allowed by the Tiantian team, and they would not have to worry about the cards and seals of the disciples.

"Xiao Xianfeng, in fact, I am hesitant..." Qian Yu said coldly, "Because I didn't plan to send you a task so early, but... you can make great contributions when you come up, some people... have seen, I don't want to send it."

"Thank you for your big forgiveness!" Xiao Hua didn't care much, smiled. "What needs to be done at the end, please say."

"Actually..." Thousands of feathers shook their heads. "You don't understand!"

Xiao Hua’s heart screamed and tempted: “Is the mission very dangerous?”

"Yes!" Thousands of feathers nodded. "If you don't think so, I... I can take back your Pioneer token!"

"Don't..." Xiao Hua smiled. "At the end, it will be easy to find an adult such a backing, and there are thighs to hold..."

"Hey..." Thousands of feathers screamed coldly, and the secret room produced cold frost!

Xiao Hua wakes up and hurries with a smile: "The end will be a mistake, adults are not strange, adults are not strange!"

"Since you are willing, then I have nothing to say!" Thousands of feathers reached out and handed Xiaohua a crystal box, saying, "There are inks in the middle, and everything you want to do is recorded in the ink fairy! Remember The task you have to do is extremely secretive. You can never know the big man you can know. You can kill anyone who wants to listen to or know the task. Of course, if you reveal the task, you will be Killing..."

" serious?" Xiao Hua was surprised.

"Only more serious than this!" Qian Yuhan replied, "So I don't want you to do this task as soon as you come up..."

"Do not worry!" Xiao Hua took the crystal box and smiled. "The end will definitely be able to complete the task!"

"Well..." Thousands of feathers nodded. "If you complete the task, the military power is also great, you can rest assured!"

"Right..." What Xiao Hua thought of, asked, "What does the adult mean by breaking the green dragon monument?"

"That was used by the Taikoo fairy, and it is very rare now."

After that, thousands of feathers seemed to wake up and smiled. "You can rest assured that since the team has used the monument, the grievances of the two unknown immortals are also borne by the team, and no one will find you trouble!"

"Oh..." Xiao Hua naturally didn't ask this, but he was also very happy. He smiled and asked, "And, there is a psychic beast like Linglong, isn't the adult need?"

“What do you mean?” Qian Yu snorted and asked, “Someone forced you to offer Linglong Dragon?”

"Not yet..." Xiao Hua understood it and smiled. "But I will believe that it will take a long time, maybe someone will want it? So, don't give it to adults!"

"It's also!" Thousands of feathers thought for a moment, saying, "You get the things of Linglong, many people know that the psychic beast is a plaything in the fairy world, but it has a special role in the team, you both With this in mind, I will accept it!"

Xiao Hua’s Linglong Dragon didn’t use anything at all. He could throw this trouble to Qian Yuhan. He was happy and tight: “Thank you, adults! Wait a minute...”

After that, Xiao Hua’s mind went out of the secret room and took the Linglong dragon out of the space, and the heart went into the secret room.

"Oh?" Looking at the Linglong Dragon, Qian Yuhan was a little surprised. "Is this Linglong Dragon seem to have changed?"

"The end will not know!" Xiao Hua scratched his head and said, "The exquisite dragon that will be obtained at the end is hurt, and then ignore it, I don't know what has changed!"

"Yeah!" Thousands of feathers took the Linglong dragon and said, "I was for the disaster prevention for you. Now it seems that I have no intention of inserting it."

"Give, this is my token..." Thousands of feathers gave Xiaohua an ice feather road. "Who dares to ask you to Linglong, even let him find me!"

"Xie Daren!" Xiao Hua took the ice feather, but he never looked at it. The shape of Qian Yuhan has disappeared like a smoke.

Xiao Hua answered the military camp and thought about it, and felt that he had gained a lot.

He carefully took the ice feathers, which is a promise of the step by step, it is really not easy.

Later, Xiao Hua took out the crystal box. He first let go of his thoughts and found no abnormalities. This opened.

"Ah?" Xiaohua was shocked when he opened it, because he saw something he was very familiar with in the crystal box!

Empty first cloth!

With Liu Yunshu, no, Shen Yang Shu will hide the empty first cloth in the card!

"This... what does this mean?"

Xiao Hua’s eyes turned sharply. I really don’t understand what happened.

How come there are two empty first cloths?

After waiting for Xiao Hua to take out the ink fairy in the crystal box and read it again, it is even more rare. The extremely dangerous task of Qian Yu’s cold mouth is to send this empty first cloth to the called Yun Yunyuan Xiaotian in the three Yanyue months. A place in the world!

"How is it possible?" Xiao Hua stunned. "Don't you give something? Is it so dangerous? Is it that the Yunyuan small world is dangerous?"

However, when Xiao Hua went to see the immortality, he went to see He found out that there was no writing in the ink fairy, and he had already done his hands and feet.

"You have to look at the place where the Xiaoyuan is in a little space!" Xiaohua said, raising his hand, he will send the crystal box into the space, but Xiao Hua’s heart just touched the crystal box, and his heart moved and did not get caught. The crystal box, but sent it into the nano-ring.

Thousands of Han Yu’s missions are very different, and the empty heads are different. Xiao Hua can’t care.

Packing everything, there was movement outside the military account, Xiao Hua coughed twice and opened the military account to ban, and the Qing dynasty took the crowd, and some celestial soldiers flew into the military account, all of them were full of red light, a look It is the mood of excitement.

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The task is actually to send the first cloth to a place...

In addition, the "Small Section of the Flower" WeChat public account has "Wu Wangming Chapter 4: Xiao Jia's exclusion", you can look at it and help to give an opinion, the new book is easy style...

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