Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1081: Almost tired

"There are..." Ye Jian is more honest than Jiang Meihua, and he does not hide it. "The Taoist old man asked his disciples to find the first one to engrave the road. Let us join us. Just don't know what the disciples should do? Still following Master's cultivation..."

"There is no cheaper than taking up the white!" Xiao Hua said with no anger. "Have your Master not told you?"

"Oh, of course, this is what the disciples think!" Ye Jian covered his mouth. "The disciple went to find the first one to seal the road."

"Don't look for it!" Xiao Hua smiled and said, "Be far away from the horizon!"

"Where?" Ye Jian was awkward, and he said, "Is it the lord himself?"

"Don't worry..." Xiao Hua took out the order flag and said, "When the old man waits for something else, find the person for you!"

Xiao Hua made a wave of waving flags and sent the disciples in the space.

In the previous land, Xiao Hua had received a message, and the disciples of Chenghua began to engrave the fairy marks in the fairyland. If Xiao Hua wanted to let these disciples continue to practice in the fairy world, it was necessary to engrave the fairy marks...

Just Xiaohua still wants to be careful, but he can listen to Ye Jian’s words. He also thought about it and wanted to see which other disciples were carving the fairy marks.

Sure enough, Joe reincarnation and Zhang Jing and so on flew out of space, the road stood up!

"Interesting..." After listening to Joe's reincarnation and other disciples' recollections, Xiao Hua squinted his eyes and said, "Does the Taoist and the Taoist have anything to hide?"

While thinking about it, Xiao Hua sent other disciples out...

Looking at Dao Zun's shadows and flying hard again and again, Xiao Hua felt distressed. He just let some disciples who were high-cultivated engrave the fairy marks and stopped. They were ready to find opportunities later.

Xiao Hua took out the flag and sent Jiang Meihua out.

"Adult?" Jiang Meihua flew out and looked around. He looked at Ye Jian and said, "Where is this? What is the adult?"

"This is the old husband's disciple Ye Jian!" Xiao Hua pointed to Ye Jiandao, and then to Ye Jiandao, "This is for the teacher under the Jiang Meihua Jiang commander, but you have to call him Mei Tongling."

"I have seen Mei Tong collar!"

"Ha ha..." Jiang Meihua hurriedly raised Ye Jian and said, "Adult, how do you still accept a dust fairy as a disciple, have you taught?"

"Who said that he is a dust fairy?" Xiao Hua also smiled. "Look at his mark..."

"Dao Yin??" Jiang Meihua heard, his face changed dramatically, and he looked at the sword marks of Ye Jian's heart!

"how do you know?"

"How can I not know?" Xiao Hua smiled. "Ye Jian is my disciple. Of course, he must tell me that he is the second one. Since his road is the second one, it is exactly the same way as him. First?"

"nnd!" Jiang Meihua couldn't help but snorted, and some guilty look at Xiao Hua, whispered, "I have hidden these, are you uncomfortable?"

"Short! What am I uncomfortable?" Xiao Hua was crying and laughing. "That is what the Taoist commanded, do you dare to say it?"

"Oh, yes, too!" Jiang Meihua smashed his hand and patted Ye Jian's tortoise, saying, "Ye Jian, the two grandfathers are pitiful, the whole fairyland is two roads, and the same disease!"

"Not necessarily..." Xiao Hua smiled. "There may be a third!"

“朔冰?” Jiang Meihua wakes up and nods. “She is also possible!”

"Enough..." Xiao Hua thought about it. "The ice has already had a fairy mark, and her fairy marks are not broken. I am afraid that it will not work."

"That's not easy?" Jiang Meihua laughed. "Crush her fairy marks!"

"If you want to be chased by thousands of miles, then get it!"

Jiang Meihua naturally does not really break the ice scars. He looks at the distance and says: "The moon is coming..."

Although Jiang Meihua did not say anything, the meaning of temptation is obvious.

Xiao Hua smiled and said: "Reliably, she doesn't know anything. When the Taoist Lord clicked on it, I was both locked up with her by the sky. I just heard Ye Jian said..."

"Here is the Seven Miles?" Jiang Meihua looked around and said, "It seems that you have to rely on her to lead the way!"

"No way!" Xiao Hua shrugged. "I can bring you back from the demon league, but return to the military camp from here... I can't do it!"

"This is an adult...disciple?" Changyue flew, and looked at the small leaf sword that couldn't be so small. "How can he condense the fairy mark in the Seven Miles?"

"I don't know..." Xiao Hua smiled. "Ye Jian, I will give a greeting to Chang Yue Chang's predecessors!"

"I have seen regular seniors..." Ye Jian hurriedly bowed to the ceremony.

Changyue stretched a finger and lifted Ye Jian. She thought about it and took out a hundred-nine bag and handed it to Ye Jiandao: "There is nothing to give, this is the last time I killed a demon, from it. The demon spirits that are obtained may be good for the fairy body!"

"Thank you for your predecessors, thank you for your predecessors!" Ye Jian was overjoyed, but unfortunately he looked at him two times more than a hundred bags, and he was powerless!

Xiao Hua’s thumb was shot, and the bag was narrowed down in front of Ye Jian.

"You go back and realize the newly engraved fairy marks!" Xiao Hua said with a sigh of relief and said to Ye Jian, "I have a good old man and let you pass on your exercises!"

"Thank you Master!" Ye Jian was in the body and was not mentioned in Xiao Hua’s income space.

"Adults..." Chang Yue asked for a sacred boat. "The message of Jiechong 167 has been passed back to the military camp?"

"Yes, it has been passed."

"The adult please..." Chang Yue respectfully asked Xiao Hua to go to the flying boat. There was no indifference and pride in seeing Xiao Hua in the city of Tianzhu.

Changyue drove the fairy boat, slightly discerned, and flew directly to Tianzhu, and went in one direction.

Xiao Hua looked at the sky and the clouds changed. The scene of the demon squad appeared in my mind.

Time is the same time, but the world of starry sky is busy again?

The chaos is the Yaozu, and the credit is Xiaohua.

Jiang Meihua stood beside the regular moon and asked for humility. It seems that he also understands his duties. He relies on Xiao Hua to find his way.

After flying for three or four hours, there was a large spot in front of the head, and the squadron of the fairy splatter sparked the spark of "Zi La La". The moon raised his hand and pointed the distance, whispered: "Mei Tong collar, there is The entrance to an imminent land, and the near left should have a transfer of the military barracks of our team."

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I don’t know if Xiao Hua’s so-called disciples will make the Taoist’s attention!

In addition, the “Small Section of the Flower” WeChat public account has “Wu Wangming Chapter 3: The First Step of Awakening”. You can take a look and help to give an opinion. The new book is easy to style...

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