Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1078: Breakthrough and kill

Xiao Hua released his disciples, Jiang Meihua also released the team disciples, the team disciples were somewhat surprised to see the disciples of the creation, the disciples of the creations seem to be naive, and even the armor is brand new, and there is no trace of blood.

However, the disciples of the cultivators are not only superb, but also all over the world, comparable to the teacher of Yum!

In particular, the disciples who held the command flag did not even make a special order. All the disciples immediately understood the flag. Any attack or defense was uniform, like a giant. I really didn't know how they trained.

Of course, if they know that these disciples are from birth to cultivation, and even when they are all together, they may understand it!

Seeing that five thousand disciples and a thousand troops were completed, Xiao Hua looked at the flying soldiers, and shouted coldly: "All disciples, kill!"


The five bright responses were comparable to the five immortals, and then the five teams simultaneously shot, like a sharp knife inserted into the nebula.

On the other hand, the squadrons of the battle-fighting team are somewhat uneven, but they are rich in experience, commanded by Jiang Meihua, and equally fiercely rushing to the demon.

"Big... adults..." Watching the five teams smash the nebula with the same hand and five fingers, even the constant moon is a bit surprised, she whispers, "How are you so powerful?" ”

"Is it?" Xiao Hua was quite proud and smiled. "You see it?"

"No..." Changyue had something to say, but he looked at it for a while and shook his head. "This is definitely not trained by adults! This... this method, this cooperation... is far superior to the average fairy. At the end of the impression, it seems that only one team can compete with the adults."

"Oh, which team?"

"The singer and the handsome singer of the South China Air!"


Xiao Hua smiled and waved: "How can Xiao’s private soldiers compare with the private soldiers of the demon handsome?"

"The end will not be to say that their strength and cultivation are their arrangement, deployment, reaction, etc..."

Changyue still wants to say something, Xiao Hua doubles his eyes and raises his finger to the distance: "Chang Xianyou, the first demon soldier has been killed and killed, the rest is already fleeing, the second wave of the demon has When they come, their number is much higher than before. What should Xiao do?"

What Xiaohua said is correct. At this time, Hyun is dragging the remaining half of the demon to escape. He really did not expect that the Xianbing encountered this time is so powerful. He is not enough to just spurt hundreds of flames. The celestial soldiers who confronted him fell into the front of the demon fire, and the demon fire that could ignite the silver of the immortal body was ignored by others.

Thinking of the singer's shot, the demon is broken, the demon body is destroyed, and the stunner can't help but tremble. If he is not quick to see the plane, he will rush to wave the flag to hide his body shape. He is afraid that he will fall.

As for the flag to be taken away by the squadron, he did not care, it is still important.

"Adults..." Chang Yue replied without hesitation. "I want to tear the demon line to find the sentimental line. I don't have to fight! There are hundreds of thousands of demon soldiers here, not thousands of people can resist!"

"Good!" Xiao Hua showed the flag to the road. "Chang Xianyou was seriously wounded, and Xiao Mou did not let Xianyou contribute. Please also rest in the flag!"

Changyue sighed, she was seriously injured in a short period of time, and her strength was badly hurt. In the interface of the demon league, she could not fix it very well. If she had Xiaohua, she couldn’t believe it, even if she escaped from the alien sky, I am afraid that I will fall into the hands of these countless demons.

"There are people who are working hard!" Changyue fell into the shadow of the flag, and did not forget to say, "You can't fight!"

Love war?

That is impossible, it will not happen in this life!

Xiao Hua is best at escaping, so many demon soldiers, if you let the martial arts disciples experience, Xiao Hua has long concealed his body and flew away, how can these demon people find out?

At this time, there were already 100,000 demon soldiers flying at a rapid speed, and the 5,000-year-old disciple and the squadron of the squadrons were still in full swing, forming a squadron and rushing toward the demon.

Xiao Hua turned into an iridescent catch up, while Fei Fei was the voice of Li Yi and Zhang Ying, Wang Yizhi, Shangguan Yufeng, Hu Wenyuan, Allen and Shu Daojia who led the disciples here, so that they could prepare for the return space.

Although it is a 5,000-disciple, these disciples are made into a fairy tales, and Xiao Hua’s heart is caused by them. The disciples can immediately perceive the space and easily gain space.

The slightest difficulty is the squadron of more than a thousand teams. Although they can earn the flag, they spend more time and are likely to attract the attention of the Yaozu.

Jiang Meihua got the voice of Xiao Hua, and hurriedly waved to urge the Indians to negotiate with the leaders of the teams. The teams commanded the military order to start shrinking the formation and prepare to return to the flag.

"Killing..." The two armies quickly rushed together, and the disciples of the martial arts suddenly changed their positions. The five teams were replaced by the sharp knives. Li Yi and Zhang Ying led the disciples to kill them. Wang Yizhi, Shangguan Yufeng, etc. Protected in the two wings, more than a thousand team members in the disciples, when the disciples of the martial arts fight, more than a thousand team disciples flew into the flag!

"They have to escape..."

The young master standing on the chariot was very keen to see Xiao Hua’s little movements and couldn’t help but whisper.

The demon strongman next to "Less Lord..." said, "This doesn't do our work, and... they should have their own arrangements!"

Sure enough, the Red Star demon replied: "Thank you for reminding me, I saw it."

Said, the Red Star demon ban flag in one fell swoop, whispered: "Listen to my order, the remaining strangers..."

It is a pity that the demon of the Red Stars has not been ordered, and the disciples of the martial arts have pierced the encirclement of 100,000 demon soldiers!

Look at Xiao Hua again, the sound of "嘎" is clear, the fairy body is changed into a phoenix body, and the wings are more than a thousand feet. With his wind and thunder shaking between the wings, a residual shadow rushes from behind the team of the disciples. The gap between the demon soldiers was defeated.

Xiao Hua Feng body flew back, thousands of disciples and disciples disappeared like dust!

The Red Stars Yaozu looked at Xiao Hua and rushed through the nebula, and some were dumbfounded!

Some shameless!

However, Xiao Hua’s eyes are like electricity, sweeping over the chariots, and the thunder and lightning between the wings are re-emerged, and the electric light and flint fall into the distance!

"Damn!" The young master seemed to see the contempt in Xiao Hua's eyes. He couldn't help but whisper, and immediately flew out of his body, and turned into a light smoke to chase Xiaohua.

Although this battle has nothing to do with him, but he can't let a fairy escape so easily from him!

"Less Lord!" A few demon strong people were shocked, and the sound of the deaf was blocked. The shape of the flying body was very tacit and the barrier was blocked by the mountain.

It is a pity that the little master has some intentions to go his own way. Before the body shape hits the barrier, the light smoke body shape is more than a hundred stars, and "噗噗..." at the same time hits the barrier and leaks out from the hundred miles.

"Less master..." The stabbing is somewhat helpless. He knows that this is a lesser inheritance, not that he can block it.

"Kill the immortal! Protect the Lord!"

At present, the two demon strong people see this, simply loud voice, body shape broken, flying to Xiaohua, they have to pay.

"Damn..." Xiao Hua has already flown a thousand miles. Suddenly he noticed that he was locked by a powerful sense of sensation. When he hurriedly released his thoughts, he found that he was able to pursue the strength of the Green Star. He could not be stunned.

Immediately, Xiao Hua collected the phoenix body and tried to push the light of the technique, trying to escape.

Seeing Xiaohua's light flashes, countless light particles are born, gradually disappearing, the lesser master bites the teeth, and the two claws are awkward, then they will see that the main forehead has a strange star mark. This star marks like a ghost, a ghost head roars. The flashing green light disappeared into the void and disappeared.

At the same time, Xiao Hua's body-shaped giant earthquake, this is the decomposition of the beginning of the body of light once again condensed, a faint green ghost star mark has been hidden in his eyebrows!

"Dare to come to my demon alliance interface arrogant!" The young masters gave birth to green light, low shouting, "Give me a burst!"

As the voice of the main master landed, Xiao Hua’s eyebrows screamed and slammed into Xiao Hua’s mind!

"Hey..." Xiao Hua is cold and cold, and he is not slow to remind the soul sword!

"Hey..." The soul sword, like a hook, will pass through the ghost head, and the ghost head will be screamed into a broken firefly!

At the same time, "hey..." a muffled sound, the head of the young master burst like a firecracker! !

The lesser demon body falls like a meteorite!

All this happened too much, and many of the green star powers on the side of Xiaohua were shocked. They simply couldn’t help but the young master had fallen!

The first strongest person who slammed the Lord screamed: "Kill!"

Other green star powers still rushed to Xiaohua, and the thorns suddenly turned back.

"Boom..." The stinging body of the scorpion smashed, revealing the demon body, which looks similar to the human form of the young master, but the demon's forehead does not have a horn like a whip.

"Nothing, oh oh yeah..." 吋 口 诡 诡 诡 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Flying out of the head, isn't the soul of the Lord?

Seeing the soul appear 吋 吋 松 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

"Damn!" The spurt was shocked. He chased it up in spite of everything. "Boom..." slammed into the ground and disappeared.

At the same time as the sting disappeared, Xiao Hua’s body shape shook, and the wind broke into a green star powerhouse. “Hey...” Not waiting for him to come close, there are thousands of invisible sharp edges in the air, and he cuts him crazy. Fairy!

At the same time, the other three demon people who are almost exactly the same as the green star strong, also have a black knot in the whole body, and there is a crazy demon soul in each knot, roaring and attacking Xiao Hua...

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Still less irritating is good!

In addition, the "Small Section of the Flower" WeChat public account has "Wu Wangming Chapter 2: Xiao Ming Distress", you can look at it, help to give an opinion, the new book is easy style...

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