Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1077: Little Lord

Hyun has remembered clearly, when he was still in the realm of Xinghui, suddenly there was a strong leader of Li Xing who led the demon family, and it was easy to kill the leader of the territory. Hyun has thought that he still has a hustle and bustle to annihilate, who knows that the Li Xingjing strong not only did not devour the demon of the Hee Mo, but gave a lot of nucleus that can be swallowed, and let a demon with the head Be a leader.

Hyun does not understand these, but there are star nucleus swallowing, the realm of growth, he can swallow more power of the stars and moons, can live better, he thinks this is the happiest day.

Later, the Yaozu Moss was organized and divided into a number of teams. Hyun has also made a small leader, and he is more happy because he has more chances to get the star.

After waiting for it, Hyun has been fighting with the immortals, and he is somewhat embarrassed to understand that they can no longer live as they wished before, and they must fight to survive.

At first, I didn't adapt to myself, but then he tasted the taste of the flesh and blood of the immortal. The sweet blood, the tender and tender muscles, the fairy-like infants and fairy marks like the spirits made him hooked. Fairy than the demon who swallowed before is simply rubbish.

Therefore, whenever there is a chance to go to the battlefield, Hyun will be rushed.

This time I have to go to the battlefield again. Hyun can’t help but swallow his mouth, but he is a little afraid to look at the distance. This time, the battlefield is not only the Yaozu’s demon, but also the next. Xuan Mo, a strange demon. The most puzzling thing is that the most respected stranger has come with the troops. Isn’t the stranger never going to fight?

At first, I thought that I was the one who often led myself to fight and asked the stranger to lead the troops. Let’s take a look at the fact that the strong star of the Red Star was careful to accompany a height of seven hundred feet, and there were several breathable ones around him. I don't know that it is the strong man of the realm. I have to understand it. The strangers are here to protect this demon.

This Yaozu is very weird in the eyes of Hyun, and his body does not show off the power of the familiar stars and moons, but Hyun has a clear perception that the demon can use his eyes to kill himself.

So Hyun can't help but glance at the demon.

The Yaozu looks like a human figure, but the white is somewhat transparent, especially the two soft corners on the skull are like a whip pulling on the sides of the slender ears. The three eyes of the Yaozu flashed the blue luster, and they looked straight into the starry sky. The proud face of the face made them look envious.

The demon family stood on the star-boat of the moon, and the force of the moon and the moon and the moon was surging, but the starship was extremely stable, and the demon stood still on it. The Yaozu wore a weird armor that has never been seen before. There are large and small knots on the armor. The gaze is on the knot, and some horrible breath will directly penetrate him. The mind, so he did not dare to look at it from beginning to end.

"Less master..." Hyun had suddenly heard a strong man on the chariot, and he hurriedly closed his eyes and listened.

"what happened?"

The voice of the Lord is extremely cold, and there is no look in the three eyes.

"I..." The words of the strong have obviously paused, because the answer of the Lord is too cold, even if it is to dazzle, I feel that I should not say anything at this time.

The strong man is draped in a weird demon, blocking both the figure and the appearance.

The strong man just hesitated, and then said: "I have moved the edge of the squad interface here, it should also exceed the limit of the perception of the lesser. The front boundary is not safe, the young master still stops searching. Let these demon soldiers continue to move forward?"

"Spurs cunci, if I want to continue?"

The strong man named Spurs bowed his head: "We will protect the Lord!"

"Oh..." The Lord sighed and sighed. The demon body that had not waited for the movement moved a little. The knot on the armor did not move. Some silky cymbals were swirling around, and some fierce demon wars were in the knot. The object is revealed.

"It took me more than ten years to set foot on the tens of thousands of fields in the squad. I finally felt the ancestors in the vicinity. You now let me stop. Do you think it is possible?"

"Less master..." snorted and said, "I know that this is the Lord, and the master's wish, but does the Lord not say it? Your breath disappeared after being occupied." What does it mean?"

"So I have to go to the boundary to see..." The young master looked up into the distance, faintly, "Look at what happened, where is the breath of the ancestors?"

"But..." Spurs cunci still wants to talk, and suddenly there is a demon scream in the distance. "The enemy attack, there is a fairy squad!"

Hyun has no intention to listen to the Lord and they talked, he hurriedly looked up to the distance, the scarlet tongue could not help but lick his lips, the fairy of the immortal, really delicious food!

Hyun has hurriedly turned over the worn-out demon in his body, found the crumpled flag, shaken in the air, some dark halo, more than a hundred demon people with a halo quickly into a rough demon Array.

"How come there are immortals here?" The young master looked at the assembly of the soldiers, and asked strangely.

"not sure!"

Several demon strongmen are very tacit to protect the young masters. The spurs look at the distance and there will be a singer waving the flag. A team of squadrons flew out and replied faintly, "This does not do it." What is the matter, the lesser is waiting here."

"Well..." The little master nodded and the Lunar New Year vehicle stopped.

"Boom..." But when you see the sound of the stars, a thick red-red light column falls out of thin air. It is the red star who has been accompanying the chariot before the chariot. The monsters have a number of stars circling around. The demon body has risen sharply and slowly flew high in the the strangers..." The large arms of the demon family went forward and looked like a dragon to the sea, shouting loudly, "The front is the immortal, our Meat, they sneak into our demon league, is to plunder our heirs, want to break the inheritance of my demon. I will give you a fragrant work, and let you be used. After a fragrant incense, the adult iron army will be dispatched, and there will be no good fortune! kill……"

"Kill, kill, kill..."

Hyun's mouthful of water has already flowed out, not waiting for the demon strongman to finish, he screamed and raised the flag to carry a hundred demon rushed up!

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