Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1079: Escape

If it was before, Xiao Hua said that he would not come up with a wishful bar, or temptation, or temptation. Today, Xiao Hua does not want to use any fancy means. He has a left hand and "brushed" the flying star sword and turned it into a meteor. A green star is strong, the flying star sword is fierce under the power of the demon singer and the moon and the moon. When the cockroach appears, it smashes a knot-like soul and slams into the chest of the demon.

The Yaozu was shocked and pulled back. "吼" At this time, a knotted soul also flew out, biting Xiaohua's arm!

The Yaozu was overjoyed, because all the immortals who had been bitten by this soul were not withered and the soul was broken.

However, when there was a golden light flashing on Xiaohua's fairy body, the knotted soul licked the bite several times and couldn't bite it. The soul was gone.

"Brush..." Xiao Hua is not awkward. He just spurred the left hand of the flying star sword and waved it slightly. Like the same rag, the flying sword, originally called the shadow blade, hit the wind and instantly made this demon. Two halves!

As for Xiao Hua, suddenly the whole body rushed to the light, and rushed toward the demon corpse, behind him, or a white bone stick, or a bronze drumstick.

These three or five demon green star power strong have closed the space, to say that the flaws, only this degenerate demon direction!

"Brush..." Xiao Hua's body shape twisted through the middle of the corpse of the demon squatting, as if there was a transmission of the fairy tales in the demon corpse, so it was so strangely disappeared.

A few demon strongmen were furious, just about to mobilize their statures, and they were looking for them. "Hey..." A beam of light rushed into the sky, and the spurs that flew into the ground to find the soul of the Lord will come out.

As soon as the scorpion scorpion flew out, the spirits and anger swept away, and several demon strongmen turned their faces, knew bad things, and rushed to convey.

"Damn!" The sound of the sting was like a thunder, and it was scared that some of the strangers who were preparing to fly in the distance and the demon of the Red Stars were in the air.

"Fast..." screamed, "Exploring, looking for the immortal..."

The Red Star demon hurriedly waved the flag, ordering hundreds of thousands of Yaozu to form an array, and began to explore!

"Big...Adult..." A green star demon whispered, "Less master..."

"The lesser souls disappeared. If they didn't break into the soul, they were taken away by the immortal..." he yelled. "I have already visited the earth and have not found the soul of the Lord!"


"What is impossible?" The stab three eyes swept the demon, word by word, "If the soul of the Lord is not taken away by the immortals, how can you not keep the soul of the Lord? You and I return... how to the master explain?"

The meaning of the thorns pushing the black pot to Xiao Hua is so obvious. The demon waking up like a dream, shouting: "Yes, that is the immortal, his strength is too strong, not only will the shots be killed, but also The lesser souls are taking away..."

There is no talented master of the Lord, and Xiao Hua’s display of the light is naturally not found by the Yaozu. When he flies out, he has already surpassed the scope of their exploration.

"Damn..." Just out of the light, Xiao Hua saw a faint stone traverse between the mountains in the distance, and there was a dragon seal on the stone beam. He couldn't help but sigh.

This is the village of Liu Huaming Ming!

However, Xiao Hua did not dare to neglect at this time. The demon supernatural powers were too weird. He flew down to see the dragon seal, and quickly placed the monument on it.

Fortunately, the Qingbei fell on the stone beam, Panlong began to swim, and a glance of Qingguang poured into the Qingbei from the stone beam.

Looking at the green monument and giving birth to a ring, Xiao Hua turned his head and looked at it. There was nothing unusual about it. He urged his body to fall to the Qingbei monument. There was obviously a ban on the Qingbei monument, and Xiaohua’s body shape shrank rapidly. Birds fly in!

Xiao Hua's body shape just fell into the ring, when the ring was born, Xiao Hua felt like a compressed flying sword, "hey..." through a heavy and weird space fault.

There is a fragrant work, "Hey..." Xiao Hua felt that the whole body was light, and the distorted light spots turned into the waves of the sky, and the rich fairy spirits and the slightly violent fairy spirits came to the surface.

"Big good!" Xiao Hua was overjoyed and hurriedly released his thoughts.

But see this is a coast of the coast, a long stone beam was flooded by clear water, the top of the stone beam, a blue monument is flashing blue light, gradually dim.

Xiao Hua raised his hand and grabbed the monument, and sacrificed the fairy boat to fly.

It took more than an hour to fly, and this will stop.

Although Xiao Hua knows that this is the Seven Miles, but she does not know where she is!

However, his body shape stopped, and immediately urged the card, and sure enough, there is a faint shape in the sky.

Xiao Hua knew that he could communicate with the team and immediately pay for the seal. However, when he had just wanted to provoke the seal, he hesitated again. As long as he passed the news of the liberty of the enchantment in 1967, then the people who smelled the family must know that they were killing themselves. Wen Wen and Wen Xiao thought that they could not explain how to return from the demon league!

However, if Xiao Hua does not subpoena, it is very likely that the team will fall into the trap of the 1967, and be killed by the demon!

"But it!" Xiao Hua gnawed his teeth and whispered. "There is nothing in this world! Xiaomou can kill the naked star fox that has never been formed, and is afraid of being chased by Wen Jia?"

Of course, before the inspiration for the seal, Xiao Hua moved his mind and urged his pioneer to drive the cards. There was a thousand cold voices inside: "Xiao Xianfeng, what are the important things?"

“禀大人!” Xiao Hua said hurriedly. “There will be an urgent military service to tell the grown-ups at the end, but at the end, I hope that adults can keep secret for the end?”

"Confidential?" Thousands of feathers smiled. "Are you killing someone who shouldn't kill?"

"Adults are wise!" Xiao Hua flattered, "In addition to beauty, the wise is also unparalleled!"

"Tell it!" Qian Yuhan sounds very useful.

"Boundary 1967 has been captured by the demon squad They illusion my humanity guards there, the demon ally now has a million demon reinforcements..."

"What?" After waiting for Xiao Hua to finish, Qian Yuhan exclaimed, "Boundary rushing one six seven? How is this possible?"

"That's true..." Xiao Hua hurriedly said, "I will see it with my own eyes, and at the end will... just fled from there..."

"Damn!" Thousands of feathers were ruined and shouted. "I know, your message came... too timely, I hope I can have it..."

After that, Qian Yuhan will close the communication.

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Finally returning to the fairy world, it looks like a great achievement!

In addition, the "Small Section of the Flower" WeChat public account has "Wu Wangming Chapter 2: Xiao Ming Distress", you can look at it, help to give an opinion, the new book is easy style...

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