Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1074: Behind the scenes, the black hand appeared

"And..." Xiaohua Chongzhou Xiaoming nodded and said, "When Yuanfu’s husband took the task of alien stars and rains, he should be looking for a task. He is like the old man, um, even worse than the old man. He must find a task to appease the restless singer! Then... he must be able to see the alien starry sky mission, but the old man was preparing to choose another mission, seeing the alien star rain, the old man’s finger swayed and he chose Aliens and rains, even if he saw it, he couldn’t pick it up..."

"Master Sheng Ming!" The state Xiao Ming certainly has the potential of the black bear, and immediately sent a high hat to come over. "Since that 寇辰 sees the alien starry sky mission, I must know someone coming over. Although the disciple does not know what happened, he looks at the seniors. Innocent, that Yuchen must have never seen the corpses of the predecessors, so he must have ghosts in his heart, and he will surely come... to visit the alien stars!"

Chang Yue smiled and said: "Yu Chen will not come, he is not strong enough, and he will go to other places to experience with the immortal, so he will join him to attack Chang Xian's fairy... I will come back and explore..."

"And this fairy will, he will not go through the bounds of 167, naturally will not know that the rushing 167 has fallen into the hand of the Yaozu, he went to the alien starry sky, I am not able to return to the fairy world?"

"Master..." State Xiaoming said, "You want to be even more comprehensive, and you are much better than your disciples."

"Roll..." Xiao Hua smiled and said, "The old man just got a little more information!"

"Adults..." Changyue calculated a bit and said, "I don't have much time, I still have to return to the alien sky and rain, and they have ghosts in their hearts, they will definitely come in the first time!"

“Even...” Lu Shu added, “They may even kill the master!”

Changyue does not forget to fill the knife: "That is inevitable!"

However, Jiang Meihua calmly reminded: "Adults, the strength of ordinary adults is not inferior to that of adults. The ability to attack her fairy will not be worse than the adults. If they come over and explore..."

"Oh..." Xiao Hua smiled slightly and did not answer.

Wen Wen is rather depressed, this is the task of completion, he has already reported with the family, and suddenly indirectly to the emergency communication of Hao Chen, he has to run a different star and rain.

Wen Wen didn't want to come. After all, he had already injured the moon, and saw her falling into the space debris. He was caught in the abyss by the fire column of the alien sky and the rain. The dozens of cents brought by the moon were also killed by him. .

The most important thing is that even if he survives, he can only find Yuchen, and Yuchen does not know who he is!

However, Wen Wen can't help, because Yu Chen told him the reward of the alien sky and rain, he had to sue inside the family, and the loyal masters in the family were afraid of leaving some feet, let him come to the head. Look, if there is trouble, the singer who will pick up the task will also kill!

"Smell, you said that they have a problem with their heads!" Wen Wen flew out of a green tablet, stood in midair and sacrificed a leaf of the fairy boat. When another young fairy flew out, he was quite angry. Cried, "It’s just a tiger squad. If you are afraid that things will be revealed, you can kill them directly. Why do you let me run a squad?"

The young immortal is very thin, his face is white, and he doesn't get angry when he looks at the eyebrows. The young man is also very boring to talk: "Don't want to come, why do you sue inside the family?"

The young man said, the backhand grabbed the Qingbei and took it on the fairy boat.

"Can I not sue?" Wen Wen did not win sympathy, more angry, he was urging the fairy boat, and said, "The shit's 寇辰 has told me, and the wind and the disappearance of the film, not only The thing didn't get there, and the two treasures in the family, such as the fairy dust and the shadow blade, disappeared. There were strict rules in the family. If there is any message in the team, you must report it..."

"Isn't that finished?" Wen Xiao shrugged, still a dead face. "You have told me, naturally let you come! But come, come, how do you pull Laozi? There is no shadow here. Blade, there is no fairy dust!"

"I didn't pull you!" Wen Wen smiled. "It's the family that feels that I am not working hard, let you help me."

"Do you confirm that the ordinary moon has fallen?"

"Crap, of course I can't confirm it!" Wen Wen said. "The abyss of the alien sky and rain is comparable to the innate barrier of the interface barrier. I have no way to go in. However, since I can't get in, how can Changyue come out? ”

"You..." Wen Xiao hesitated and said, "In fact, you should go in and explore!"

"You thought I was stupid!" Wen Wen sneered. "When the moon escapes into the rift of space, there is a horrible breath inside. How dare I go in?"

Speaking of this, he hesitated a bit, whispered: "In fact, I really let a fairy go in, but as soon as it falls into the space crack, I lost contact with it. After I went away, I waited. After a few days, Xianxie did not turn around. I suspect that under this abyss, there is another demon domain in the demon league."

"Oh..." Wen Xiao glanced at Wen Wen and sighed. "Well, you don't understand the importance of this matter!"

"Oh?" Wen Wen stunned, and said, "What's important? Isn't it a squad to occupy a tiger's army?"

"Why do you want to specify the team in the family to be the No. 103 team, but not the other?"

"Do you know who the tiger cub before the 100th team?"

"Why would you rather let us come to the demon league instead of directly abandoning it?"

A few questions made Wen Wen feel a little confused. He smiled bitterly: "You say, I really don't know!"

"Zhao Yunshu is the tiger of the team of the 103rd team. He fell down at the 760th rush, and the wind and the smell of the film disappeared there."

"It is said that Zhao Yunshu is a Shen family!"

"I understand!" Wen Wen was shocked. "That thing is in the hands of Zhao Yunshu! No, I heard that there will be a fairy who will escape from the 760th rush. The fairy will have that thing in his hand." ?"

"The fairy will hand over Zhao Yunshu's card to the team, and Zhao Yunshu has the same thing or two."

"Is it not for the thing to smell the wind and smell it? Isn't that something in the hands of Zhao Yunshu, and where can it be?"

"So..." Wen Xiao said, "The location of the Tigers of the 101st team is very important. It is easy for us to send the smash to this position, and we can't give up!"

"Okay!" Wen Wen felt reasonable and could only smile with a smile. "Don't say it, this is the land of the demon league. I have to motivate the fairy boat god..."

As the sound of Wen Wen landed, the light and shadow on the fairy boat gradually converge, and there was a starlight. After about half a cup of tea, the fairy boat was invisible.

Wen Wen looked at the distance, there is a sense of slutty, knowing that the alien sky is near, whispering, "Smell, don't know what the special circumstances are, you are invisible, let me go and see, let's go Random response..."


Wen Xiao nodded slightly and flew directly from the fairy boat.

Wen Wenyu screamed at the back of Wen Xiao’s back: "I... I haven’t finished yet!"


Wen Wen’s words made Wen Wen laugh and cry.

Watching Wen Xiao disappeared, Wen Wen took a fairy boat, and the fire on the fairy boat was still a fairyland. However, Wen Wen looked at the sky, and some frowned: "Now is the moon and the moon, Yu Tai has not risen, then ... that interface space has not been opened, I am waiting here? Or first look at it?"

The night of the demon league is very long, and it looks like Wen Wen is not willing to wait, so he only flies in the past.

Wen Wen naturally has a secret technique. He urged the secret technique to probe far away. When he saw the alien star and the sky, there was no fairy soldier. In his heart, he decided to take out a square fairy and whispered: "Looks like a family. The old guys inside think about it!"

"Don't care..." Wen Xiao’s voice came. "It’s also possible that people have saved the moon and gone."

"Hey, how is it possible!" Wen Wen was cold.

Waiting for the essay to urge the fairy boat to rush into the alien sky and rain, he is slightly stunned, because in the midair around the previous fire column, a dozen cents will be clothed into a military squad to surround the space, and the burning pillar There is not much flame.

A fairy who is patrolling around will see the fairy boat flying in, hurriedly flying over, blocking the fairy boat, and yelling: "Who?"

“Hey?” At this time, Wen Wen’s body had a thin silver body, and the silver light condensed into a strong strip. He couldn’t see the appearance. He was a little surprised. “Who are you waiting for?”

"Predecessors..." Look at Wen Wengao’s centuries-old fairy, and the immortal will rush to the court. “I am waiting for the heavenly team...”

Speaking of this, the fairy will suddenly wake up and hurriedly laughed and said: "Predecessors, I am waiting for the squad of the squad, the predecessors do not know, I can not leak military aircraft, the seniors wait, the younger generation invites my family to come over!"

" Go!" Wen Wen looked at these fairy soldiers to turn around, and the heart secretly calculated whether it would work with the people to kill in the future!

Because from the current situation, the immortals who have won the reward will not enter the abyss of alien stars and rains, let alone see the constant moon.

"Don't hesitate..." The voice of Wen Xiao came, "The kill will kill!"

"The problem is..." Wen Wen smiled bitterly. "After killing, there will be someone coming!"

"There are more dead people, no one will come!"

"Don't say it, come..."

Within the whirlpool in the distance, Xiao Hua came to thunderclouds, and the silver was broken, and there were some blood on the sage.

"This..." Xiao Hua did not hide his appearance. He looked at Wen Wenxian, and some reluctantly prayed. "I don't know if the predecessors are coming to the demon league. What advice can you give?"

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Behind the scenes black hands appear...

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