Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1075: Clean and clean, kill 2 sen

Looking at Xiao Hua is so embarrassed, Wen Wen’s heart is disdainful, he said coldly: "What are you waiting for here?"

"Predecessors..." Xiao Hua hesitated, replied, "This is my team's military aircraft, the younger generation is not good to tell the predecessors!"

In a moment, Wen Wen has made up his mind. Since Xiao Hua has not found the abyss under the whirlpool of alien stars and rains, the plan of Wen Jia has not been leaked naturally. He can only kill Xiao Hua!


Wen Wen sneered, raising his hand to Xiao Hua, a palm like a wind seems to warn, but under the shadow of the big hand has long hidden weapons.

"Do you dare to work with me to make up the heavenly team?" Xiao Hua looked at the big hand and showed an incredible look on his face. He also waved carelessly. A Thunder big hand that was a lot smaller than Wen Wen’s hand gave birth. !

"Damn thing!"

Wen Wen sneered, and his body has been gaining momentum. When Xiao Hua is overthrown, he will start.

Sure enough, Xiao Hua’s big hand just touched Wen Wen’s big hand, and immediately there was a crash, and Xiao Hua’s figure was also under the big hand, suddenly rolling.

"Hey..." Wen Wen slammed coldly, and Xianli urged him. A dark gun tip suddenly emerged from the wind, and the electric light flint thorns to Xiaohua's fairy mark!

"Ah..." Xiao Hua screamed, and his body suddenly disappeared under the gunpoint glory.

"Ah?" Wen Wen also stunned, his gun tip clearly did not hit Xiao Hua, how could Xiao Hua disappear?

It was just a moment, Wenwen vest suddenly gave birth to a horror, Wenwen was not able to turn back, "Hey..." The body surface burst into silver, and the huge gossip made a fist to the void.


What makes Wenwen puzzled is that a phoenix is ​​born from the void behind him!

"How is it possible?" Wen Wen was shocked. "He has an ambush? Could he be prepared?"

The text was to fly in front, but he was afraid that Xiao Hua would hide in front, so he staggered and stalked.

Wen Wenyan read with his fist, it is exactly the face of Xiao Hua, who turned into a phoenix body. Seeing the phoenix body is Xiao Hua’s head, Wen Wen’s heart is finally put down!

However, Xiao Hua, who flew out of the void, caught the claws like a thunder, not only to tear the sound of the wind, but also to crush the silver condensate gossip, and the claws are not reduced, directly Grab the left half of the shoulder!

"I am going, how is he so fierce?"

Smell the wind and tremble, hurriedly urged the gun tip to fight back Xiao Hua Feng body, while he had a mouth, a blue gun shadow broke, hit Xiaohua chicken feet!


The gunshot hit the chicken feet, a heavy Martian splash, and the chicken feet were blocked.

"I am going to..." Wen Wen couldn't help but be surprised. "How is this phoenix body so hard?"

Surprised, Wen Wen feels a little wrong, as for what, he really can't think of anything at a time!


At this time, a gust of wind was born from his chest, and a few stuns like a sword gave birth again!

"Damn, he... he has two chicken feet!"

Wen Wen really wants to cry, how can he forget this common sense?

At this time, Wen Wen would like to resist... It’s too late, Xiao Hua’s other phoenix claws are coming out of the air. Although it’s not really falling, but Wen Wen’s chest protector is in the silver light, the gossip is broken and the flesh and blood has begun to smash.

When I arrived at the land of life and death, Wen Wen didn’t know Xiao Hua’s previous Tibetan mastiff. He shouted in disregard of everything: “Save me...”

"Oh..." After Xiao Hua’s brain, the screaming wind rang, and a sword light flew like a fairy!


Xiao Hua was cold and cold, and his wings suddenly fanned. It seemed to be alert early. Xiao Hua Feng body flipped between the impossible and had long avoided the Jianguang.

And Xiao Hua was the one who was tearing the wind and the fairy's claws and now catching the sneak attack.

Wen Xiaoguang changed, he finally understood why Wen Wen shouted for help!

However, it is not only Xiao Hua’s chicken feet that let Wen Xiao’s soul fly outside, but seeing Xiao Hua’s unchanging head, there is a silver-white pupil opening in the eyebrow, “嗖...” A gray-white arrow is a little dazzling. The fire, direct your own fairy marks!


Wen Xiao is much smarter than Wen Wen, which is why Wen Jia sent him to help.

Wen Xiao did not think about it, and the whole body shook. Three hundred and sixty-five white bones rushed out. A breath of strange soul was instantly born and turned into a skull in front of his fairy mark.

It is a pity that the soul array is under the arrow of the Japanese, and even the chicken and the dog are not counted. "Brush..." directly penetrates into the paper, and the "bang..." sounds deeply into the fairy that has just opened. mark!

"Ah..." Wen Xiao screamed, and followed by screams, it was a muffled sound of "噗", Xiao Hua's claws twitched and twitched and screamed, and the gossip silver and the bodyguards couldn't stop it. Xiao Hua hit!

"Ah..." Wen Xiao’s screams have just been born, and the screams of Wen Wen in the distance have also come along. Wen Xiao is still waiting for Wen Wen to attack Xiao Hua with himself. At this time, it is incredible to see...

But seeing Wen Wen is also incredible on his face, but he can't look back, because Changyue's eyes are on fire, and he is flying out of the void behind him. He has a bright silver gun in his hand, and the gun tip penetrates from Wenwen. His eyebrows are in front of the eyebrows!

Of course, Wen Wen is not so easy to be killed. He has a strange spike in his vest, which is inserted into the chest and abdomen.

"The original... I used to have an ambush..."

At this time, Wen Xiaocai wakes up, Xiao Hua is a bait, and Xiao Hua’s goal is himself! Changyue ambushes in the void, she has to do ... naturally it is a blow to kill the Wenwen!

As for Wen Wen, this is more than the regular month, but Wen Wen was injured by Xiao Hua, and the attention is placed on Xiao Hua, it is normal to be killed by the regular moon!

Wen Xiao fell like a fallen leaf, Xiao Hua also turned to look at Wen Wen, the ghost of the original force is about to receive the Wen Wen soul.

Suddenly, the body of the broken body is broken, and the "噗噗" bursts, but sees the broken fairy mark next to ~~ There is a fairy mark lit like a star, and the smell of the broken body is in the blood. Turning into a blood shadow disappears!

"Oh, huh..." Xiao Hua smiled, breaking his eyes and opening his eyes, spreading his wings, and when he plunged into the void, the humanoid fairy slowly entered the light and shadow!

However, when Xiao Hua’s figure was about to disappear, his face suddenly appeared strange, and the faded figure was full again. The eyebrows were broken and the eyes were closed. At the same time, there was a faint, red-red scorpion light and shadow. And passed away, followed by Xiao Hua’s right hand, and there was a pale golden light on the right arm, and then the sun shone, then...

"Ah..." The screams came from a thousand miles away!

Xiao Hua does not have to use the technique of Guangxu at all, and simply relying on the air to catch it will instantly kill the screaming and killing!

"This... This inexplicable practice of practicing the flesh is too much against the sky?"

Even Xiao Hua himself is a bit stunned!

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Xiao Hua’s means also began to become clean and tidy...

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