Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1073: Calmly withdrawing from the future


In the distant boundary, there was a sudden roar of sound, but when you saw the sky above, a star-shaped moonlight column fell, and there were more than ten thousand demons in the starlight flying out!

"Damn!" Xiao Hua knew at a glance that Jiechong 167 had fallen into the hands of the Yaozu!

"Pick up the battlefield..." Xiao Hua said nothing, "Let's go!"

Looking at Xiao Hua’s hand and standing back, looking back at the boundary, Chang Yue did not know that Xiao Hua had released the ghost power to collect the soul of the surrounding world. He hurriedly flew up and whispered: “Adult, this is a strategic place. , there is no boundary to return to the fairyland, we can only return from the rushing 167..."

"It’s no wonder that the Yaozu wants to seize this place!" Xiao Hua has vaguely had an idea. The words of Changyue confirm his speculation. "The old man has a heart and a temper to kill the rush into the world. Unfortunately, the Yaozu has won this place. The guardian demon will not be able to resist the previous Zhong Xiao! Even Zhong Xiao himself...may not be a fairy! Let's avoid it and then plan again!"

The demon soldiers have approached, and the disciples will also clean up the battlefield.

After Xiao Hua’s exhibition of the slogan received four thousand disciples, he also let Jiang Meihua collect more than a thousand cemeteries. Then Xiao Hua took Jiang Meihua and Chang Yue far away.

Watching Xiao Hua and others fly away, a Yaozu, who is about a thousand feet high, raises his hand to indicate that the demon soldier has stopped. The "咔嚓嚓" demon family's body is converging, revealing the truth of the human head. Isn't it Zhong Xiao?

"Adults..." A fairy who is also the same will fly, whispering, "The last will be ordered, take it down and kill Xiaozhen!"

"No need!" Zhong Xiao coldly said, "I just waited for the rush to 167. The meaning of the Qing dynasty is to keep it, and if Xiaozhenren wants to return to the fairy world, the boundary is the only place that must pass. You and I are waiting here."

After that, Zhong Xiao waved the flag and returned 100,000 demon soldiers.

Seeing the return of 100,000 demon soldiers, Changyue also breathed a sigh of relief. In the realm of this demon league, it is not cheap to fight with the demon.

Flying out of tens of thousands of miles, seeing the regular moon is not good support, Xiao Hua waved will be starry array of sacrifices, the star array in the demon league momentum is stronger than the previous 30%, a crystal lattice to sway the starlight, it seems The real stars, thirty stars, and a separate star 穹 穹 穹 妖 妖 盟 盟 盟 盟 盟 盟 盟 盟 盟 盟 盟 盟 盟 盟 盟 盟 盟 盟 盟 盟 盟 盟 盟 盟 盟 盟 盟 盟 盟 盟 盟 盟 盟 盟 盟 盟 盟 盟 盟 盟 盟 盟 盟 盟 盟Light and shadow are like water falling.

"Some troubles!" Jiang Meihua looked at Chang Yue to repair the fairy, and whispered to Xiao Hua, "The land of the boundary has actually changed, and you and I have been cut off, this is something I never thought of!"

"Hey..." Xiao Hua looked at Jiang Meihua’s unicorns and laughed. "Other people are afraid to stay in the demon league. Are you afraid?"

"I am scared, afraid of tightness!"

Jiang Meihua narrowed his neck and shouted exaggeratedly.

Xiao Hua ignored Jiang Meihua’s bitterness and handed his chin. “In fact, the most important thing now is to pass the news of the squad to the Tiantian team. Otherwise, it’s not said that the Yaozu is wearing it. Terran fairy attacks other rushes, that is, the team will pass through the boundaries of 1967 and will suffer heavy losses!"

"The problem is..." Jiang Meihua took out the card, Xianli was in the place, and the inside of the heavens could not be stimulated. "We can't enter the fairy!"

Xiao Hua also took out the card, there was no accident, and his card could not find Tian Tian.

"If you let Yuxi Thunder take the cards, you should be able to use them within the fairy world..." Xiao Hua said, "But, there will be two problems in this way. First, I don’t know if the Thunder can be motivated. Second, if it is really motivated, will the position of the card be discovered by Tian Tianyu, and if it is discovered, Xiao’s secret will be revealed."

"Hey?" During the meditation, Xiao Hua suddenly appeared in the eye, as if thinking of something, whispered, "I have a way!"

Jiang Meihua said: "What is the solution?"

"Don't worry, wait until the regular month to repair the flesh and say no later!"

"Well..." Jiang Meihua nodded. He remembered something in a moment. He said, "Xiao Hua, I... I still want to ask those singers..."

"Oh, huh..." Xiaohua smiled and said, "I still can't help it?"

"I know it's your secret..." Jiang Meihua laughed. "However, Changyue has already seen it, and those who are clear are also seen, so I think I still ask you!"

"There is nothing, it is the disciple of the creation in my space fairy!"

"I have a premonition for this!" Jiang Meihua smiled bitterly: "The question is, how big is your space fairy? How many disciples? And, most importantly, you have five elements, even There are a lot of high-ranking fairy, can your space fairy support their cultivation?"

"Who told you that I only have one space fairy?"

"I am going to..." Jiang Meihua took a shot of her forehead and woke up and said, "I have forgotten this. You have more space to be a fairy, but you can accommodate more disciples."

"Oh..." Here, Jiang Meihua squeezed his eyebrows from Xiao Hua. "And, your disciple is high, and the space fairy can't be accommodated. Do you want to come to the team?"

More intimate Jiang Meihua, Xiao Hua was very emotional, very cool and nodded: "Yes, in addition to Kaishan Lipai, I am afraid that only the Tiantian team can raise so many disciples of Xiaomou!"

“Do I also accept some disciples?” Jiang Meihua’s eyes turned and laughed.

"You still have to take care of your life!"

In the words, Xiao Hua sent Lu Shu and Xiao Ming of the state and said: "Let's wait for the teacher to have an idea, you help."

After a little half an hour, I used a lot of elixir to repair the fairy body. She got up and was a little embarrassed: "I am troubled by adults. I want to go back to the fairy world and fix it. Now it seems that there will be If you don’t fix it, you can only drag back the adult."

"Nothing..." Xiao Hua waved. "Now you and I are in the same boat, why are you polite? Chang Xianyou, I ask you, from here back to the fairy world, can you only take the boundaries?"

"Yes!" I have already said before the regular month. At this time, I can only replenish it again. "At the end, I will pick up the task of the star-shaped star fox before the alien rain. I carefully studied the situation of the alien sky and the rain. There are solid barriers to the interface. There is no other way to enter except for the boundary.

"How did you ambush?" Xiao Hua asked with a smile. "And when Xiao Mou came from the boundary of the Yuan Dynasty, he did not hear Zhong Xiaozhong and Hu Xiao said that Chang Xianyou would come over before... ..."

"Ah?" Changyue woke up and said, "Yes, Yuchen must know other paths!"

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There is no way to go to the mountains and waters...


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