Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1069: In order to survive

However, Xiao Hua does not like to be shocked. This cultivation is far beyond his realm. Although he has the body of the beginning, two mysterious beings can be a fisherman than a man who is not himself. He must be the two in the soul. There is a battle to get out of them before rolling and grinding.

How difficult it is to get out of the fight!

"First restore the human form so that it is not controlled by the demon family..."

Xiao Hua immediately thought of "the original material of the vitality", but it was the ancient secret technique that compared with the "Yuan Shen Shen Pian". He hurriedly thought about the sharp turn, and found the fairy baby who had enlightened the secret technique. The enlightenment was taken, and the mouthpiece "The original article of Yuan Qi" said: "The husband is a gentleman, and the road is a few micro. Also a few moves, the micro uses it, it is a birth, so the mixed yuan is too easy. The creek of the Tao is also rushing and smashing, and the condensed and made it is the second birth. Therefore, the heavens and the earth are divided into Taiji, which is based on the form..."

However, this "original article" is not as immediate as the "Meta Spirits", or Xiao Hua has never cultivated, or perhaps this method can not resist the erosion of the Yaozu consciousness!

Left and right Xiaohua Yungong half a cup of tea, the phoenix is ​​still the same, and the soul of the soul is born with a "squeaky" sound, it sounds so beautiful, "brush" gold round wheel and shot golden light, "Boom..." Force again!

"Qing deficiency and qi"!

Xiao Hua was awakened at the beginning of his dreams. He cultivated the congenital spirit of Confucianism, and he also had the cultivation method of Tian Ting "Qing Xuan". Although the Gong method has given the literary music, he is still a fairy baby. Enlightenment, when do you have to wait for more?


Xiao Hua urged the Qing dynasty, but see the five innate qi in the chest and abdomen suddenly lit up, like the fire in the wind!

This fire candle is certainly weak, but the victory is tough, Xiao Hua sees clearly, under his own strong urge, a faint red flower shape begins to condense!

And with the appearance of flowers, Xiaohua's phoenix body gradually changed!

Seeing Xiao Hua's body and Feng Yu just disappeared, "Boom..." A burst of inexplicable ice came out of nowhere, and Xiaohua's Feng Yu grew like a wild grass!


Xiao Hua once again urged the Qing dynasty, but the Qing dynasty could not be motivated in the ice. It seems that the consciousness on the star-studded star found Xiao Hua’s resistance!


At this time, the golden disc is not to be outdone, the golden light will cover Xiaohua, and the light silk will forcibly penetrate the Xiaohua body through the ice seal!

In an instant, countless light and shadow broke into Xiao Hua’s mind, just like the practice of the previous scorpion phantom!

Xiao Hua is awkward, what is this?

But fortunately, this light and shadow is of course very much, but compared with the vastness of the outline of the scorpion is too much, especially those light and shadow into the mind of Xiao Hua, Xiao Hua body surface golden light has begun to be crazy, like a big handcuffs In general, destroy the Xiaofeng's phoenix body, and then the body will change with the light and shadow, and begin to transform different outlines!

"My goodness!"

Xiao Hua finally understands how the demon people who are staring at the stars are dead!

It was killed by Jin Guang!

The demon's demon body is tough, but... can't stand the golden light!

If Xiaohua is not the body of the first light, but it is a bit of interest, his fairy body will also burst!

Even so, Xiao Hua can't bear it. He has to separate his own body and let Jin Guang and the spotted ice fight!

"No, you must get out as soon as possible, you can't stay more than one moment, or Xiaomou will be tossed by the two senses that I have never seen before!"

Xiao Hua’s mind was in a hurry and was thinking about the policy of getting out of trouble.

"Oh..." There was a sudden change in the ice-filled light, and a green light came out and turned into Xiaohua.

"nnd, this... is this... tune the tiger away from the mountain?"

Xiao Hua understands that his soul is still the main battlefield of the colorful stars. What is the flesh is that it is a sham shot. At this time, since the attention of Jinguang is attracted to the flesh, the star-studded stars will naturally show their murder!

Xiao Hua can clearly see that the green light is a green star, and it is no accident that it is a green star demon, but it is comparable to the existence of true fairy!

Xiao Hua can't stand the chill!

"Quick shot, quick shot..." Xiao Hua can't fight back, can only hope for the golden disc!

Sure enough, the star nucleus has not yet fallen, a golden light has been shot, and the star mark turns into a sticky green in the golden light!


Xiao Hua’s big joy is somewhat puzzled. This golden round wheel does not know how long it has been fighting with the stars. How can the colorful stars make this useless trick?

Sure enough, Xiao Hua, who had to get out of the disaster, wanted to know that the sticky green had already been mixed with the golden light and fell into the top of Xiaohua!


Green liquid and golden light fall, it is the golden round wheel and the ice cold rolling Xiaohua spirit soul, the green liquid and golden light are unobstructed and fall into the soul of Xiao Hua. With countless memory fragments madly attacking Xiao Hua's soul, Xiao Hua's spirit has risen sharply!

Not only that, but in the flesh, Jinguang, in order to resist the ice, also urged some of the fire to fall into, the inner or the demon, or the immortal, were crushed, turned into particles and ice, and Xiao Hua’s body was also rushing. Go up! !

"Some immortals are killed, and some immortals are killed by..."

Xiao Hua sadly discovered the truth of the matter!

But Xiao Hua can't help it. He doesn't want to die. It can only be hard to support, and walks up a line on the cliff!

Xiao Hua’s mind entered the space several times, but he even more sadly discovered that his own gods almost couldn’t come back to the flesh several times, so Xiao Hua no longer dared to try.

I don’t know how long it took, Xiao Hua’s means to go out, the head over the sky, a huge “诅” character curse also condensed, whether it is golden light or sent green liquid will be weakened; Xiao Hua’s chest and abdomen, that The red-red flowers have gradually formed, and even contain ambiguity.

"Puff puff……"

When the foot muscles first burst, reveals the bones, Xiao Hua knows that his last days are afraid to arrive...

"Hey, hey..."

Blood flesh is like a firecracker bursting.

One inch inch of white bones are revealed.

Seeing that Xiao Hua’s head also burst, the golden round and the spotted star suddenly stagnate, as if they had never seen such a stubborn immortal and demon!

"It's at this time!"

Xiao Hua has the urge to tears, and he will enter the space with his heart!


At this time, the change is regenerated, and the pillars are vast and boundless, and the quiet and far-reaching sunlight pours down from the height of the space, instantly covering everything.

Whether it's a golden round or a star, it's quiet at the moment!

"This is the beginning of the first Yang!" Xiao Hua woke up, "When is this time?"

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Can Xiao Hua escape from birth?


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