Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1070: 9 soul 9魄

When it was said that it was too late, Xiao Hua hurriedly urged the technique of Guangxu.

But when Xiao Hua entered the glory, he was surprised to find that there are two light spots above the head, one is a golden yellow crystal of more than one hundred feet, condensed by numerous elliptical rings, one is hundred Yu Ji’s nine-star star nucleus has a splendid color inside, like a brilliant starry sky.

"Damn! It turned out to be two things!"

Xiao Hua is born from the gallbladder, his body shape is out of the space, the mind enters the space and will take out the battle. Xiao Hua’s white bones are a big hand, “brush...” Covered!

Golden yellow crystal blocks and colorful star nucleus are avoiding the first sunshine, where do you want to get a violent attack?

Seeing falling into the golden light, they are all crazy vibrations, but see the golden light and the water silk in the space that is still in the water!

Xiao Hua does not dare to neglect? He stretched out his hands and pressed him to death, even if the white bones were overturned!

Seeing the beginning of the first sunshine, the beginning of the deflection, the force within the eternal battle can not resist!

Xiao Hua’s mind will cover the sky with all his hands, and his hands will let go, and the mind will go through the huge force of “rushing” and put it into the space.

"Get it, get it done!"

"Want to fight with Laozi, you are still tender!"

Xiao Hua sneered, and the voice of "嘎嘎" is divided into harsh, and the sound of the high-five is also infiltrating!

However, when Xiao Hua looked up to the heights, he was somewhat hesitant, because the space was still closed, and Jin Guang and Jiu Cai Shui Si still stood up against each other and supported the whole space.

"The simplest is to break the balance, this space naturally collapses, but Xiaomou does not know if he can escape in the space annihilation!"

"And there are obviously countless demons of the demon genie in this golden light. There are countless demon soul seals in the water silk. For everyone, it is an infinite treasure! If I am gone, I am not in Baoshan. return?"

"Is it also to buy a beggar?"

"A crystal-like thing, a demon spirit can form a space, killing countless demon people, who knows what these two things used before?"

"This crystal is golden. It has some connection with the previous Xuanjing, and the red crystal. The middle is more mixed with the **** Guanyin. This is troublesome. If I don't take advantage of the current strength, I will speed up cultivation, otherwise I will wait for the blood. When the Guanyin causality struck, I was the second **** Guanyin..."

There are certain plans, Xiao Hua simply sit down and knees, and there is no emergency to regenerate the fairy, the skeleton of the white bone floating in the golden light, the mind has entered the space.

The golden crystals and the colorful star nucleus fall into the void, and there is no longer any struggle. One is overflowing with gold in the numerous elliptical rings inside, and the other is shining in the galaxy, not so much. Potential, it is better to say that it is selling Meng, want to please Yuhua Xiaohua.

Tiandao Xiaohua was prepared, standing on the sky and waving the sky: "There are two friends who work..."

"Good to say!"

Tiandao Xiaohua and cause and effect Xiao Hua agreed in unison.

Yuhua Xiaohua smiled slightly, and the eyes of the left eye fell on the golden yellow crystal.

"Brush..." is almost an instant. Yuhua Xiaohua has an ellipse on the right side of the body. This ellipse has a ring and a loop. The overlap is endless. With the ellipse illusion, the right half of Yuhua Xiaohua begins to rise rapidly. There are some uncontrollable trends.

"A little bit of meaning..."

Causal Xiaohua smiles, but sees the causal water flowing into these ellipse like a line, "brushing" everything can't escape the cause and effect, countless ellipses also have birth and death, but in an instant, a waterline will string all the ellipse, jade Xiao Hua’s right half does not rise any more, and it seems that countless elliptical rotations begin to shrink.

Outside the space, Xiao Hua also gave birth to golden light on the white bones. There are countless elliptical bubbles inside the golden light, and there are countless golden light ribbons with seals of the demon shells rushing into these bubbles!

"啪啪啪" Xiao Hua white bone began to burst, Xiao Hua white bone can not withstand these powerful demon body!

Just counting the numbers, Xiao Hua's bones began to glow red.

The red light is like a stream of water, and the golden bubbles are submerged under the hooligans. That is, the gold shell and the seal of the demon body are also left in the red light. After about half a cup of tea, Xiao Hua’s bones become red, and the red color There are countless gold wires, and the gold wire is gradually annihilated, turning into a part of red!

Xiao Hua’s bones and colorfulness are the secrets of the gods. Although he does not use this secret method to fly, the refining and demon of the demon is not difficult.

After the red light is orange light, and in addition to the orange light, there are golden bubbles suddenly born, and there are countless gold influx...

All kinds of light and shadow, such as the pen of God, painted Xiaohua white bone, more and more gold wire was integrated into Xiaohua white bone, the whole space began to oscillate, the balance was broken!

Within the space, the right half of Yuhua Xiaohua has been stable. He smiled slightly, and a golden light was born in the left eye. This golden light is purer than the golden light of the crystal, and the golden light falls, and numerous elliptical phantoms suddenly burst out like a galaxy. Hang upside down directly into the star.

"Hang..." Xiao Hua outside the space couldn't help but scream, and countless strange lights hit his mind!

"A glimpse of this crystal is aware of what kind of gods exist at the end?"

"The message contained in a crystal he used is enough to blast me! Tiandao Xiaohua and Cao Xiaohua absorb most of the information in the golden crystal. My own body is only affected, even then I can't bear it. What about other immortals? No wonder there are so many immortals and demons here!"

Yuhua Xiaohua’s right eye has been closed. At this time, he opened his eyes and looked at the nine-star star.

Almost at the moment when the eyes fell on the nine-star nucleus, the left half of Yuhua Xiaohua could no longer be maintained, and the sound of "Boom..." was blurred.

In the center of the light and shadow, a star-studded abrupt appearance appears, and the nine colors are hung on it. The weird thing is that on the other side of the star mark, there are also nine-color iridescents with exactly the same shape hanging over it, which can be biased. The color, or the coloring, is the fairyland and the demon league never!

"Brushing..." After the appearance of these nine colors, there has been no darkness in the dark spirits. The inexplicable wave of light flies over the void and falls on the nine colors.

"This... is this dark nine?"

Even Yuhua Xiaohua is a bit worried!

But let him worry about the back, after a positive and negative two-color iridescent birth, each color has a wave of volatility, the nine hundred and eighty-one wave impacts together to evolve, each evolution has evolved a Stars, eighty-one stars have just been born. Another wave of regeneration is reproduced in the color. This fluctuation is similar to the previous one, but it is absolutely different, so eighty-one stars are born again!

Just counting the numbers, the left half of Yuhua Xiaohua has been flooded with countless stars, just like the previous right half.

Correspondingly, outside the space, Xiao Hua’s white bones have been turned into the shape of phoenix, and the souls of the peas that the phoenix devour are lit up like a lamp, “Booming...” A glimpse of the water and the spirit of the demon, once again shocked the soul of Xiao Hua.

You don't have to be tempted by Xiao Hua. The metaphysical gods began to turn like a star, and began to annihilate these souls. In the center of the star, the Xiaojing, which Xiaohua didn't know, bloomed into a mysterious light, which was like the image of Jiuquan. , will devour the smashed spirits greedily.

Within the "good..." space, Xiaohua, a star above the star, praised it, and a starlight disappeared into the left half of Yuhua.

This starlight is not only extinguished, but the color is black and white, which is the way of life and death.

Starlight is extremely easy to fall on top of the original star mark.

"Oh..." The extremely mysterious voice sounded, and the star of Xiaohua’s left half of the body was completely annihilated like a light. Under the path of death, the stars could not escape.

It seems to be rotating, it seems to be reversed, the stars are bright, the way of life is revealed, and all the stars that were previously annihilated are reshaped at the same time!

Only after a lifetime of life, the expansion of the left half of Yuhua Xiaohua has been stabilized. The right eye of Yuhua Xiaohua also gave birth to a golden star that fell into the glory of the flame.

"But..." If there is an old sigh in the star's nucleus, it is the language of the demon league. Yuhua Xiaohua can understand that "there is life and there is destruction, there is before and after..."

After the golden light fell, there were countless filaments, and the waves rushed into the eyes of Yuxi Xiaohua, rushing into the Tiandao Xiaohua and the cause and effect Xiaohua!

"Ah?" Yuhua Xiaohua is not calm, exclaimed, "The demon... the method of casting the soul of the demon family??"

Yuxi Huangtong once asked Yuhua Xiaohua, the soul of the Yaozu is what it looks like, Yuhua Xiaohua does not know, waiting to see the bright and dark nine colors, where does Yuhua Xiaohua know the nine souls of the Yaozu?

The sound of Yuhua’s exclaimed voice has never landed. The jade phoenix has already revealed its figure in the distant sky. Obviously he has already perceived what it is!

Looking at Yuhua Xiaohua, Yuhua Huangtong did not dare to come forward.

"Daoyou waits a little!" Yuhua Xiaohua said, closing his eyes again.

"噗噗" two sounds Nine-color star nucleus and golden yellow crystals fall into the body of Yuhua Xiaohua, the ellipse and stars of the left and right half of Yuhua Xiaohua gradually disappear.

Seeing the jade Xiao Hua ignores himself, Yu Yu Huang Tong looked up at the golden ellipse of the sky and the strange nine-star star nuclear shadow, and I don’t know what to think.

In the meantime, the jade phoenix phoenix eyes are stunned, and the whole body is like a lotus-like virtual shadow.

"This is the yingyu?? Demon... The method of casting the soul of the demon league? How is this possible?"

Yuxi Huangtong is exactly the same as Yuhua’s surprise. He never thought that the Yaozu also had the method of casting souls!

"Who is this left behind?"

Yuhua Xiaohua ignored him, because Yuhua Xiaohua did not know. After the sound disappeared, all the imprints were annihilated. Yuhua Xiaohua might be able to explore, but he did not want to explore.

Seeing that Yu Hua is not screaming, Yu Yu Huang Tong also closed his eyes and realized.

A time space is quiet.

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I am happy to win the devil's soul!


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