Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1068: Golden round wheel and spotted star

"Ah? What do you mean?" Xiao Hua stunned.

"He said that there is a naked star fox here, leading me and other singers down, who knows that he has helped ambush here..."

Chang Yue said a few words, the light and shadow of the fairy mark began to annihilate, it seems to be frozen by the cold.

Xiao Hua Yang’s hand covered the moon and said: “Go back and say!”

"I can't do it anymore!" Waiting for Xiao Hua to open, Jiang Meihua said first.

"Well, I know!" Xiao Hua looked at Jiang Meihua, but there were some dragons surging in the body, barely blocking the cold, but the Kirin method had no light and shadow overflowing, apparently frozen.

Received Jiang Meihua, Xiao Hua spread wings, hurricane mad, blowing the cold, at this time, suddenly a little like a fire candle shines in the depths of the cold, immediately inexplicable fluctuations like electricity through the cold, sweeping Xiaohua Feng body, rushing High space!

The volatility is everywhere, and Xiaohua’s mudball palace is a step-by-step rotation of Xuanjing and Chijing, which is like a fear and excitement.

"Is it wrong?" Xiao Hua was shocked and had a bad expectation.

However, before he had a second thought, the top of the head, all the chaos, the cold disappeared instantly, and the fire was pouring down like a fire, and the sun was everywhere, like the gods falling, everything was destroyed. kill!

"This is Yu Tai rising again, its light column falling here, just like I saw before the alien rain..."

Xiao Hua’s soul is flying, where is it dare to fly?

He swung his wings and sneaked in his eyes, and he thought to himself: "If you destroy the sun, how can you survive the moon?"

"I understand that the space gap that Changyue flies into is not a real space, but the space created by the fire. If Jiang Meihua does not see Changyue, she will always stay in that fire, followed by the alien rain. Integration into one..."

Thinking of this, Xiao Hua's eyes lit up, he had already felt that the vest had a hot shock that he could not resist, so he hurriedly collected the phoenix body and urged the light of the technique!

"Brush..." Xiao Hua is full of fire, a piece of film, but this fiery is extremely fierce, and can not let Xiao Hua tolerate, but there is some floc-like golden halo around the fiery, thin Like the glory of space.

Even if Xiao Hua was hiding in the light, the violent enthusiasm around him could still kill, and he rushed into the golden halo.

It seems that he is in the melting pot, and it seems to be squandered by the fire. Xiao Hua clenches his teeth and squats. When he is told, he still keeps the fairy marks and tries to maintain his own state of light.

Xiao Hua can perceive the silver light of his own eyebrows.

Even so, Xiao Hua can't stay in the light for too long, just like a mortal in the water, there is always time to support it!

Xiao Hua’s display could not be sustained, and he could only escape from the light.

"Oh..." The sound of the huge whistling sounds, Xiao Hua sees clearly, when his body appears, the left space and the light and shadow are completely distorted.

"This... Where is this?"

Xiao Hua's figure is not stable, he hastened to look around, and found that this is exactly the same space as the alien sky and rain. It is surrounded by water, and there are countless fine golden glows in the water. This golden light is burning under the sunlight!

"Weird..." Xiao Hua thought about it, turned his head and looked at the sun, but when he turned around, he was shocked on the spot!

But seeing the space behind Xiao Hua, a huge golden light wheel hung there, and a sun like the fire fell from the sky. The round wheel rotates slowly, and the sunlight is broken and absorbed.

As the flame breaks, countless golden textures of different sizes rotate, giving rise to inexplicable fluctuations!

Xiao Hua’s eyes fell on the waves, and countless weird lights rushed into his mind like water.

"Booming and banging..." Numerous roars were born in Xiaohua’s mind, as if the starry sky burst, Xiaohua’s eyes were black, and the fairy body began to boil, but at this time, the mudball palace was surrounded by the red crystal of Xuanjing’s rotation. Glittering, speeding up the rotation, the trajectory has some fit with the golden yellow texture.

Glittering like the spring breeze sweeps through Xiao Hua’s mind, gradually calming down the roar!

Xiao Hua didn't dare to look at the golden round, and hurriedly removed his gaze. He could look at the golden light, and he was a horrible thing, because a fierce demon in Jinguang was standing there, though Not moving, but the sharp eyes in the lavender eyes and Xiao Hua's gaze, Xiao Hua actually feels like a lightning strike!

Xiao Hua couldn't help but think of the souls of the immortals in the sweat and sweat.

Is it the demon family that seals inside this golden light? Just fall into the space with the ordinary moon?

Xiao Hua was fascinated by the golden round, and his eyes were removed. Suddenly, he found that the opposite of the golden round, a half-moon-shaped star was in the eye.

"Oh my God!" Xiao Hua looked at the stars emitting a chilly glow, a heavy ice envelope surrounded by golden rounds, strange and familiar fluctuations against the fluctuations of the golden round, Xiao Hua could not help but stunned "It turns out that this space is so formed!"

When this space was in the war between Yuan Dynasty and the country, Xiao Hua found that purple stars and black and white were similar under the valley, and they were all balanced by Yin and Yang. However, at this time, the Yin% Is Yang more than a hundred times stronger than before?

This huge space, this demon in the golden silk seal, which one is not comparable to Shibuya!

While waiting for Xiao Hua to look at the stars under the stars, it was as cold as a frost, and when it was a glimpse of the glory, I couldn’t help but **** up a cold air!

The nine colors are like Jinguang. Every silk has a star of different colors. The star is slightly rotating. Although the strong breath is sealed by the ice, the unspeakable soul is still piercing like a needle. !

"Every ... every star is a demon?"

Xiao Hua is a little shocked, and the depth of the demon league is deep! How many years have existed in this space, and so many seals like the stars!

"The demon cultivating method is countless, the mainstream is the refining body and the soul..." Xiao Hua suddenly has some intentions. "This soul is useless to me, but it is very good for phoenix..."

Xiao Hua just thought of it here, and there was a wave of volatility on the colorful stars. This fluctuation is like a thought that ignores space and time and falls on Xiao Hua!

There is no such thing as a resentment against Xiao Hua. At his body surface, the phoenix body was born without warning. Xiao Hua was shocked and thundered!


If the sound is outside the space, it must be cracked through the clouds, but it seems that even the shackles are not counted here!

What makes Xiao Hua soul fly the sky is that his own figure is uncontrollably hitting the golden round! It's like a beggar!


Xiao Hua screamed and hurriedly fanned his wings and struggled. He didn’t have to think about it. It must be the consciousness left on the colorful stars!

It is a pity that the strength of Xiao Hua is just an ant in the eyes of this consciousness. There is no way to break free.

"Since this star-studded star is a demon-like genius consciousness, but also to turn Xiaom into a phoenix body to control, then Xiaomou needs to be transformed into a human form and naturally can take out the control of this consciousness..."

Thinking, Xiao Hua tried to restore the human form.

However, under that weird fluctuation, Xiao Hua can't recover anyway!

Not only that, with the struggle of Xiao Hua, a stock like a wave of consciousness madly shocked his soul, it is like a demon to win, Xiao Hua’s mind began to worry!

"The soul?"

"Since it is impossible to restore human form, then transform the witch!"

What makes Xiao Hua puzzled is that the technique of taboos in the fairy world is still not working! His whole body's green light flashed, and his eyebrows couldn't stop the body from condensing.

It can be seen how powerful the demon consciousness of the star-studded stars is!

"How to do?"

Xiao Hua’s rushing out has caused the attention of the golden round wheel. As soon as the fire begins to condense, Xiao Hua can imagine that when the fire hits it, it is when he falls!

The most terrible thing is that Xiao Hua’s consciousness is beginning to blur!

"Be sure to think of ways, otherwise you don't have to rush into the golden round, Xiaomou will fly away!"

"Xiao Mou is the human race, why not find other help?"

"Xiao Mou's art of casting souls against the demon souls!"

"Feng Xianji, there are three souls, a baby light, too Qingyang and the gas also; a cool spirit, the change of yin also; a strange, yin and miscellaneous..."

Xiao Hua condensed the gods, and the words of the metaphysical gods were mourned.

"Hey..." Xiaohua’s soul has a hurricane, and the martial arts suddenly move, one heavy and heavy, and the three-color glory surrounds Xiaohua’s top door and rotates wildly!

However, Xiao Hua is still late, that is the place where the fire is set off. A golden light broke through the air first, and "Boom..." hit the door of Xiaohua!

"Hey..." Xiao Hua’s head sank He was black, he thought he had fallen, but it was just a few interest, he was awake, and Jinguang not only did not kill Xiao Hua, but also Also on his top door, a disk of more than 100 feet was transformed and slowly rotated.

Under this golden light, the metaphysical gods do not need to be driven by Xiao Hua, and the movement is like a broken bamboo!

Seeing that God is refreshing, Xiao Hua is overjoyed, and he fights for it, and the fisherman is profitable. He is the fisherman!

Can not wait for Xiao Hua to rejoice for a half, "嗡" is a burst of roaring sound from his mind, is the star-studded star again!

"Brush..." The golden round wheel shot another golden light and landed at the top of Xiaohua!


Xiao Hua suddenly wakes up, this golden round and the star-studded star are the battlefields of their own souls!

On the top of Xiao Hua’s head, the golden round that was slowly rotating began to accelerate, and the cultivation of the metaphysical gods followed the acceleration. The hard work of Xiao Hua’s digital days is just a flash!

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What are the golden round wheels and the colorful stars? It’s really amazing...


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