Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1063: Hatsuda

“Oh?” Xiao Hua took over the ink and did not intend to look at Hu Feishan and smiled. “Hu’s deputy is very meticulous!”

"Where, where!" Hu Feishan smashed his hand, and he was awkward. He naturally made a response to Xiao Hua, but at this time Jiang Meihua mentioned that he had to take out the ink fairy in order to protect himself.

Xiao Hua, while looking at the ink fairy, asked Hu Feishan, saying: "Hu deputy tiger cubs must have seen it. May I explain it to me?"

"Changyue is coming to the alien starry sky to hunt and kill the star-studded star fox..." Hu Feishan smiled and said, "I must know that the star fox is the most deceitful. If it is not in advance layout, if it is not designed to perfect the fairy tales, generally a dozen cents It will not be possible to kill the Star Fox, so the task chosen by Changyue is also the most difficult task in this tiger fight..."

After that, Hu Feishan immediately felt that it was wrong. He hurriedly turned his head and said: "One of them is as difficult as the task of the tiger and the adult!"

Xiao Hua feels funny. Since she knows how to be afraid, why is it against the thunder and the Qing in the military camp?

"Well, um..." Xiao Hua nodded. "And then?"

"Nothing!" Hu Feishan said with embarrassment. "It is said that Changyu will enter the alien sky with a dozen of celestial beings, and there will be no more."

"What about the alien sky and the rain itself? What is the red star fox?"

"There is nothing in the alien sky and rain. It is an ordinary demon domain of the demon league. I have not found anything special in the investigations of the Tiantian team. So there is no extra record. As for the red-eyed star fox, it is comparable to the red star of Juyuanxian. The Yaozu, also the most recent rushing 167 cents will be seen occasionally during the near-inspection..." Hu Feishan then said, "I am afraid that the adults will see this thing, and it will be considered as a task of tiger fighting." !"

Xiao Hua looked at Hu Feishan and looked at Yue Xi and Zhao Pingyi. He said: "It seems that this task is not a dangerous thing. If the moon is falling here, it is different!"

Zhao Pingyi hurriedly nodded: "It is true. The demon domain of the demon alliance interface is not only different in appearance, but also the internal law has many changes. Even the same demon domain is different at different times, so today's alien stars and rains are different. The previous alien rains and clouds have been different, so it’s only a reward for Tian Tianxian."

"Adults..." Jiang Meihua interjected, "If this alien rain has no particularly important strategic significance, the sky will not be repeated again and again."

"Yes, good!" Yue Xi also hurriedly nodded. "Mei Daren said very much, this is also an idea that will finally be heard after Xiao Daren got this reward! The reward of this reward is too little."

"Well, Xiaomou understands!" Xiao Hua smiled. "That is to say, the task of alien stars and rains can be big or small. If I follow the military merits of the reward, I will only send the soldiers to look around and perfunctory. Things can be done; but if you look deeper, you will have more information to find."

"So..." Hu Feishan said quickly, "but listen to the adults."

"Do not worry!" Xiao Hua said with a long-term heart. "A regular month, a gathering of high-level fairy gods has fallen. How can I go to the pole to find death? And you wait... but it is the second-order high-level..."

"Xie Da body forgive me!" Yue Xi hurriedly squatted.

What Xiao Huagang wants to say, suddenly a undulating mountain-shaped light and shadow like a flame roaring, a hot can burn the heart and lungs feeling overwhelming volume!

"Mei Tong collar..." Zhao Pingyi hurriedly reminded, "Yu's Yu is rising, be careful!"

“Thank you for Zhao Changkong’s reminder...”

Jiang Meihua smiled and turned to look at the light and shadow.

But on the sky above the demon league, a huge sun hangs in the far east as if it were not moving. Under this round of the sun, there is another round of fireballs that rise several times at the junction of the day. This fireball is small but When the cockroaches were born, the temperature of the entire squadron rose sharply, and the fireball rose at an extremely fast speed. It was just half exposed, and it was completely out of the ground in the blink of an eye.

The previous mountain-shaped light and shadow and the unspeakable heat are due to the birth of this sun!

Xiao Hua thought about it, just asked, Jiang Meihua has already voiced: "Adult, demon league has three suns, namely, Yangyang, Shiri and Yutai. The big one is called the first yang, and there is a little smaller than it. It is the beginning of the day, the first yang is golden yellow, the beginning is silvery white, the two of them are the main day, and they will not appear in the sky at the same time. The time of staying in the sky on the main day is equivalent to the fourteenth day of the celestial world, Yutai From time to time, it appears at the same time as the main day, but Yu Tai’s stay in the sky is very short, which is equivalent to seven hours!”

"Well..." Xiao Hua nodded and asked again, "How many moons does the demon league have?"

"Nine..." Jiang Meihua laughed. "And I heard that the night sky of the demon league is particularly beautiful..."

Jiang Meihua also said that Hu Feishan spoke up and asked: "Is the adult, will you release the last one?"

"Which!" Xiao Hua thought for a moment, smiled. "Let them come out to form a battle, otherwise they will not even see the first yang of the demon league after returning. Isn't that ridiculous?"

"Yes, adults!" Hu Feishan and others promised to release the two thousand patriots.

Xian Bing is naturally no more than five cents, and a smudged demon squad will be born with a subtle flame. However, the celestial soldiers were well-trained, and each of them sacrificed the squadron under the squadron. It was really two blue clouds, and the clouds would be covered with blazing heat and flames. Xiao Huayang handed the state Xiaoming and Lu Shu into it.

Then Xiao Hua commanded: "There are Lao Yue Changkong and Zhao Changkong commanding it!"

"Yes, adults!" The two immortals will fly to the formation, waving the flag to command the Xianbing.

Yue Xi and Zhao Pingyi are the sky, and they both command two thousand celestial soldiers. It is really a small test, but Xiao Hua knows that if they are not allowed to command they will be uneasy.

Sure enough, Hu Feishan was very determined, and the flight would come over and smiled: "The adults are really powerful. They will come to the demon league with the thunderous adults before. The old man will use his own genre weapon every time, and the adults only use the secret. Just do it..."

"Hey..." Xiao Huagang had to answer, and there was a sound like a fountain tumbling in the far distance, and then the demon trembled in the earth, and a **** scent caught in the heat.

“Is the starry sky and the sky?” Hu Feishan looked at the breath of the place, and some surprised, “Adult, it really has changed.”

"Is it to avoid or go?" Xiao Hua looked at some chaotic soldiers and asked.

“Go!” Hu Feishan said without hesitation. “Now it’s the first time, it’s the best time to explore the different stars and rains. When will you not wait for it?”


"Through the tiger and the squad, you rushed to the alien sky!"

With Hu Feishan's order, the squadron speeded up and rushed forward.

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The alien rain has some meaning...


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