Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1062: First place

He said that Hu Feishan drove the boat and flew into the whirlpool. The vortex immediately produced radial lines. These lines shook deep into the vortex, and the tail extended to the void. As for the edge of the void, there were some cracks like a tree.

As the boat passed, the lines spread out toward the vortex, and the lines slowly disappeared after the boat flew over.

In the whirlpool, from time to time, some of the celestial bodies in the armor will pass through like a virtual shadow, apparently the sacred singer in the fort.

Flying over thousands of miles, the vortex in front of the head has been faint, the violent and hot atmosphere began to come from all over the space, Hu Feishan and other immortals will begin to appear like a spark of flame.

"Master..." Xiao Ming of the state first voiced. "The disciples have tiny bubbles on their bodies, and the body has a tendency to boil. I am afraid that I can no longer stay here."

"Well..." Xiao Hua also perceives that the fairy body is a bit like a needle-like, nodded, and the big hand waved the state Xiaoming and Lu Shu.

"Adults..." Hu Feishan whispered, "Are you... the first time you come to the demon league?"

Xiao Hua replied: "Yes!"

"The adult is best to maximize the defense of the sacred armor..." Hu Feishan hurriedly explained, "And if the adults have other defenses, they may also come out. The interface of the squad is different from the fairy world. A slight negligence may be for the adults. Cause damage, especially in the body of the immortal infant, do not contaminate the spirit of the demon!"

"Well," Xiao Hua nodded and said nothing.

"Adults..." Hu Feishan said, "I have to wait and see, although there are some differences in opinion, but after all, the same account is for, there will be no other disagreements..."

"I understand!" Xiao Hua glanced at Hu Feishan and smiled and said, "The Qing Dynasty is self-cleaning, and the turbidity is turbid. You don't have to be confusing! You also think so much, the old man really takes you to earn some military merit. of."

"That's good, then it's good!" Hearing Xiaohua finally spit, Hu Feishan was finally relieved.

Xiao Hua looks at the whirlpool of the fairy boat, and there is an endless peak in front of it. This mountain is different from the fairy world. It is not only tall and three, but also has a flash of light on the mountain. It looks like a perfect material for the refiner. Xiao Hua could not help but ask: "Does Hu always come to the demon league?"

"The end will not dare to call the general..." Hu Feishan said in a hurry. "The adults will call the end of the mountain."

Xiao Hua’s body was born with goose bumps, and Hu Feishan’s words were more powerful than the demon’s.

"Call the war will be!" Xiao Hua slightly thought and laughed.

"Yes, yes, this is fine!" Hu Feishan replied carefully. "At the end, I will come to Leihu for several times before, and I am not familiar with it!"

After that, Hu Feishan hurriedly said that he should enter the demon squad to pay attention to matters, nothing more than less luck, more use of fairy marks, so that the demon alliance is contaminated with blood and so on.

However, Xiao Hua is not concerned about this. He looked at the mountains under the boat and said: "Since the boundary between the sky and the color world is bounded by the demon alliance, then the demon genre should be able to rush from this boundary. The land flow to the fairyland, and my immortal fairy should also be able to enter the demonics from here, and do not need cross-border magical powers?"

"Oh, the adult said that he would just join the team at the end of the doubts is the same!" Hu Feishan accompanied the laughter. "After all, in Huang Zengtian, I felt that the things of the demon genre are extremely rare, and I can bring things back to the fairy world from the demon league. There must be cross-border magical powers. In fact, there are a lot of monsters in the fairy world that are indeed transferred to the fairy world by the celestial celestial flow. However, these things that can flow to the fairy tales are never too much. Rare, because the rare things are left in the team!"

"As for the adults to say the latter, to tell the truth, the end will not be particularly understandable! However, the end will know that this boundary is the impact of the interface between the two worlds, it is a unique area, the most suitable in this area. The high-order scent and the low-order sacred sacred stay, if the celestial celestial above appears, it will cause the space to collapse, thus stimulating the interface storm."

"What about the big man?"

"They generally hide in the fairy boat and don't participate in the war personally. It is really a battle, and that is the annihilation of the vast expanse of land."

"When I used to pass through the boundary, the old man felt that there was some seductive atmosphere inside, and the power of the stars and moons was too strong..."

"Oh, nothing strange!" Hu Feishan laughed. "Most of the squadrons in the Jiechong area have killed the Yaozu. They have many weapons of the Yaozu, and there is no power to blame..."

In the words, a huge star band suddenly emerged in the sky, and the star band shrouded nearly 100,000 miles. The force of imprisonment produced a layer of folds like mountains and rocks, blocking the sunlight.

"Adults are careful!" Hu Feishan gave birth to a dignified face, stopped the boat, and cautiously said, "When I got here, I have completely left the boundary, and the law of the demon will come into effect. I have to undergo a baptism like dust mites to get deeper. Demon League!"

"The old man understands!" Xiao Hua smiled. "If you want to step on the big man, if you come, not only will the ruined place be annihilated here, but the law of the demon league is even more powerful?"

"That is natural, but the land is not enough to withstand the weight of the fairy, and the young people come here."

"Adults..." Yue Xi also bravely reminded, "At this time, I should wait for separation to avoid the change of the law of the demon."

"Good..." Xiao Hua just said, Zhao Pingyi said, "But adults should pay more attention to your old law baptism may be more powerful than now."

"Yes, I know!" Xiao Hua smiled. When he first spurred his body to fly out of the fairy boat, Jiang Meihua also flew out, but the direction was different.

Hu Feishan and other three people looked at each other. In addition to Hu Feishan did not move, Yue Xi and Zhao Pingyi also flew to the other two places.

"Booming..." The four men just flew away from the fairy boat, and the star-shaped belt that traversed the sky began to tremble. The four star belts came out of the star belt, and the condensation did not count as a regular ring.

Yuexi shot a pair of left and right beasts, "Hey..." The two animal heads flew out from inside, under the head of the beast, there was a band of fog, and there was a strong star power in the fog, with the beast head. Wandering around Yuexi Serie A, the light and shadow of a body like a beast condenses before the fairy world.

Zhao Pingyi is even simpler. He shot the waist ring and the virtual ring. "Hey..." A dragon flies out. This dragon is engraved with a star-shaped texture. When the dragon is wrapped around Zhao Pingyi, the unspeakable breath will be Zhao Pingyi. Protect. .

After the two immortals will be motivated by each other, although the star band formed by the top of the head begins to faint, and the faint star band falls on the two cents will be insignificant.

"Yue Xi and Zhao Pingyi's means look different, but in fact they are essentially the same. They use their own blood to guide them. They have honoured the demon squad to resist the rules of the demon. So it is certainly possible to go deep into the demon league, but their blood is inevitably The demon is invading!" Xiao Hua looked at it, and thought a little bit in his heart. "It is the same as Zhang Qingxiao. Although Zhang Qingxiao has a bad mood, but the mood can not resist the innate regret, even Zhang Qingxiao I almost made a wedding dress for the emperor, how can Yuexi and others survive? However, fortunately, they are more in the boundary, where the spirit is still more, there will be no accident!"

Xiao Hua is thinking, Jiang Meihua said: "Adult, the end will feel a little strange!"

"What's wrong?" Xiao Hua turned to look at Jiang Meihua, but seeing the star band above Jiang Meihua's head looks bigger than Yue Xi and others, but the star flashes and tumbling slowly disappears, just like Jiang Meihua It is a demon genius.

Xiao Huale, Jiang Meihua has the blood of Qilin in the blood, and this Qilin blood is the rare unicorn blood left in the legacy of the zebra, the blood pressure of the unicorn essence has made the essence of Jiang Meihua's body, and Tiandao judges that Jiang Meihua is the demon family. It is also true.

"Don't ask me!" Xiao Hua repeatedly waved his hand and pointed to the star belt that was thicker than the three people at the height. He said, "I don't know what happened. If I knew it, would I still be afraid of this?"

In the words, the star belt brought the power of the heavens and the earth, and it seems that Xiaohua must be imprisoned!

However, it also falls in the star belt. It is not necessary for Xiao Hua to push himself. The body surface is filled with heavy folds. This fold contains starlight, which is a moment. The star flame will cover Xiaohua’s body surface. The phoenix of the phoenix's demon illusion is hanging behind Xiaohua!

As soon as the shadow of the phoenix phoenix came out, the falling star belt disappeared instantly.

Yue Xi looked at the star belt without traces, and looked at Xiao Hua’s phoenix shadow, and could not help but be shocked.

"Adults are a good means!" Hu Feishan will fly over the boat and praised him. "The amazing magical power of the adults is not to provoke the rules of the demon league. It is no wonder that the adults must choose the different stars and Five-body cast!"

"Fuck!" Xiao Hua smiled. "I will continue to move forward!"

Xiang Xian will fly back to Xianzhou. Jiang Meihua hesitated and said: "Adult, just flew over the boundary of 1967, Zhong Huyu once said that the moon was gone before the moon. Chang Yu The task must be similar to Xiao Fan. To hunt down the monsters with different stars and rains, since the ordinary moon will not, it will fall into the inside. I will be careful, let me know something."

"This is easy to do!" Yue Xi smiled and took out the military card. "If you spend the military power in the repair of Tianxian, you will know!"

Zhao Pingyi reminded: "Yue Xi, here is already a demon league, can I use the fairy tales of Tiantian?"

"Try first..."

Unfortunately, after waiting for Yuexi to finish, Hu Feishan took out an ink fairy and said: "You don't have to worry about Yue Changkong. When you are in the boundary, you will have already released a reward in Tiantian. Unfortunately, you are flying out of the fortress. At that time, some people robbed the reward, this Mo Xian 瞳 has not come to see a family. Adults, you look first..."

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At the beginning of the demon landscape, do you still see it?


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