Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1064: Bodhisattva

Xiao Hua followed, looking at the demons that had some differences from their own demonic space, and asked casually, "How come there is no Yaozu in the neighborhood?"

"Oh, good education adults know..." Hu Feishan knows that Xiao Hua first came to the demon league, and explained with a smile, "In fact, this is not really a demon league. At best, it is the edge of the demon league. Like our fairy world, there is nothing powerful." The Yaozu appeared. Have you seen a few immortals near the Seven Miles?"

"And the demon's demon and nucleus can change their military skills. The sects who guard the boundary will be near the water. They often come to hunt. For so many years, where are there any demon? Unless they are like... The demon family like the star fox can appear."

"Well..." Xiao Hua nodded, suddenly thinking about it, knowing that the rhinoceros had a movement, he let go of the thought and looked at it, but it was a slight brow.

It turned out that the disciples who were ordered to protect the ruthless and so on were ordered to send a fairy mark and sent a special message.

"Sure enough..." Xiao Hua said, "The law in the fairy world is like this. All immortals must have fairy marks, fruit and fairy prints. Although the disciples in the space of Xiaomou have traces, they must follow this law after coming out." ......"

"Those disciples have been given a fairy mark. If other tens of thousands of disciples come out, they must be spotted. If there are too many people, they must be in trouble. Xiaomou must find a way to send them out in batches..."

Xiao Hua thought that he had already flown half a cup of tea. Hu Feishan looked at the mountain near the left, and there were some big and fascinating demon woods. He hurriedly whispered: "Adults, demon genres can exchange money for Tian Tianxuan." Jing, although there is no military work, but finally..."

After waiting for Hu Feishan to finish, Xiao Hua understood, laughing: "Everything is done according to the rules of hunting before!"

"Yes, adults!" Hu Feishan was overjoyed, and Xiaohua nodded and flew to the front of the regiment.

"What are you doing?" Jiang Meihua looked at Hu Feishan flying away, quite a bit puzzled.

Xiao Hua replied faintly: "Scrape three feet!"

Sure enough, after Hu Feishan’s order, the squadron was divided into two, and it still fell into the mountains or the demon wood in the blue cloud, but it was counted, and the mountains were already flat and less than a hundred feet!

"Adults..." Jiang Meihua looked at the place where the stars and rains were in front of him. He smiled. "You just asked for full speed to go to the alien sky and rain. Is Hu Feishan so embarrassing?"

Xiao Hua’s heart glimpsed and looked at Hu Feishan, who was commanding from a distance, and said, “I didn’t really think that it’s not easy for a fairy to come to a demon.”

"Your heart is too weak, it is not appropriate to pawn!" Jiang Meihua hit the blood.

"嘿嘿" Xiao Hua smiled. "This is what I know, so I will let you, Lu Shu and Xiao Ming of the state give me advice!"

"This time will be nothing!" Jiang Meihua looked at the squadron as the wind and the clouds, while sweeping the ground, flying to the alien starry sky, whispered, "What to do next time Hu Feishan, you tell me in advance!"

As I said, there was a loud bang in the "Boom...", a dozen peaks in the distance suddenly burst, and each of the peaks had a rush of stone flowers of a hundred miles in size. Under the glory of Yutai, it gradually blooms. The surrounding is a clear sky, and it becomes turbid. Like a bead flower, the illusory shadow like a dead branch emerges out of the light column, falling toward the stone flower, and the stone flower gradually descends under the light column. Born a strange smell of foot.

"Buddhist demon flower?"

Jiang Meihua shouted and said: "How is it so big?"

"grown ups……"

Hu Feishan, who commanded the formation, saw the fairy, and then flew down, and the flight came over and called: "Congratulations to the adults, let us meet the Bodhisattva demon!"

Xiao Hua smiled and asked: "If you do, then go and collect it!"

"No, no..." Hu Feishan hurriedly waved. "The adults don't know. The Bodhisattva demon flower has another important role in the demon league in addition to the ordinary body of the fairy world."

"What role?" Jiang Meihua is puzzled.

“Looking the beast!” Hu Feishan explained with a smile. “My immortal fairy can use the Bodhisattva to refine the body. The demon monsters prefer to eat this thing. Its breath can attract the monsters with a radius of 100,000 miles. come."

"It's not far from the boundary of the boundary!" Xiao Hua looked back and saw some doubts. "How did you find the squat of Zhong Hu's squat?"

"This Bodhisattva demon flower looks like a hard rock. It is actually a watery thing..." Jiang Meihua said in a hurry. "It will drift in the earth, the sky, the water flow, and it needs to bloom and grow. It will It can be restored from a mountain rock shape to a flower at any time! You don't think it is a flower-like shape, but it has a kind of powerful monster with its body. This monster has no strength of the five elements, but also has the high strength of Yanxian, especially The worm's mouth is strong and hard, and the general fairy will not be able to kill it!"

"Adults..." Hu Feishan smashed his hand and smiled. "I will say that the team squad will be there. It is good to meet two Bodhisattva demon flowers. I will wait for 13 times, and the end is the century." Unseen luck. As for how to collect, Mei Tong’s collar does not have to worry, and Hu’s imperial sergeant has the strength to kill this monster.”

"The problem is..." Jiang Meihua said coldly, "If you say, how many dozens of Bodhisattva flowers will attract more powerful monsters?"

"In fact, there will be no monsters that are too powerful!" Hu Feishan said. "Isn’t Hu said just now? The left-wing monsters have been hunted by the squadrons..."

Hu Feishan’s words have not been finished yet. “Hey...” A beast screamed from above the sky, and then saw a monster like a goshawk flying out. This monster has more than eight hundred feet and has a few feet in size. The scales are all over, and there are mottled star marks on the scales, and each star mark has a fiery entanglement.

"Burning the Dragon Eagle?" Hu Feishan saw it and shouted. "How can this place have such monsters?"

"I still said that there is no monster? This is not coming?" Jiang Meihua cold and cold.

Xiao Hua was worried and asked: "Is it right?"

"Do not worry, adults!" Hu Feishan patted his chest and swears, "At the end, although it is more than a great man, you can take a thousand brothers to deal with a burning dragon, still sure!"

"Yeah!" Xiao Hua smiled. "Look at your means, the old man will rush for you!"

Hu Feishan flew out, a Yangling flag, Yuexi led more than a thousand squadrons immediately illusionary corps, greeted the burning dragon eagle, and Zhao Pingyi led another thousand celestial soldiers to fly to one of the Bodhisattva demon!

"Hey..." The burning dragon screamed, the wings flickered, and dozens of fire pillars were overwhelming.

More than a thousand squadrons have divided dozens of squadrons. This squadron is a human figure. It seems that dozens of tens of thousands of liters of the second qixian besieged and burned the dragon eagle, killing half a meal, burning the dragon eagle finally lost, just To escape, "Boom and Boom..." Hu Feishan, Yue Xi and Zhao Pingyi will have long waited, and at the same time sacrificed the fairy to smash the Dragon Eagle.

The burning dragon mourned and was hit by the fairy. Before he struggled, Hu Feishan had already thrown out the net fairy to pick it up!

Hu Feishan was overjoyed. He just had to collect the burning dragon to report to Xiaohua. "Hey..." There was a sound of beasts from the distant mountains. In the sound of the beasts, the mountains collapsed, and the length of a mountain was over a thousand feet. The weird monster flew out of the rock.

But see the monster's triangle head, which has a dense fire mark on it, and the body of the monster is like a string of gems, but the jewel is hundreds of feet in size and glitters.

"This... what kind of monster is this?" Even Jiang Meihua was a bit stunned.

Hu Feishan obviously also stunned, and then he hurriedly waved the flag, and ordered more than a thousand squadrons who had just fought with the burning dragon eagle to fly, and the thousands of singers who had received the Bodhisattva demon flower continued to fly to meet the enemy.

Jiang Meihua looked at the fairy soldiers and the weird monsters, and whispered in a low voice: "This Hu Feishan is also a talent, commanding the Xianbing and the monsters to kill."

"Of course..." Xiao Hua smiled. "After all, it is also a deputy tiger!"

Jiang Meihua just wants to say something again, "Hey..." and the sound of the beasts sounded, and I saw the distant sky, there is a flower of a demon flower out of the air, a wing like a butterfly, a demon like a basaltic monster The demon flower flew over.

"It turned out to be a martial arts butterfly, and it came well!" Zhao Pingyi screamed and raised another flag, commanding the rest of the celestial soldiers to meet the enemy.

Smelling the smell of the feet is more and more intense, Xiao Hua smiled: "It's all the beasts brought by this Bodhisattva demon flower! Don't take the Bodhisattva demon flower first!"

Said, Xiao Hua's big sleeve waved, and the worms flew out.

This worm is similar to the previous one, but the flying dragon, the faint dragon pattern and the rising dragon phase are never before. worms fly over the mountains, and the mouth devours the roots of the buddha Those powerful monsters, the worms did not dare to resist, one by one, shrinking their heads and waiting for the worms to swallow, "咔咔咔..." sound, the worms that protect the Bodhisattva demon flower were swallowed up clean.

Xiao Hua smiled and flew over the Bodhisattva demon flower. The big hand grabbed it all by the way, and the entire Bodhisattva demon flower was taken into space.

But at the moment when the Bodhisattva demon flower disappeared, Xiao Hua suddenly appeared brightly, his eyes were tight under the earth, his brow was slightly wrinkled, and he did not know what he was thinking.

The worms continue to fly to the second Bodhisattva, still devour from the roots.

At this time, the weird monster and the Wuxuan demon butterfly were ready to take it. The two thousand squadrons just wanted to have a sigh of relief. "Hey..." Three or five sounds whispered in the sky, and two thousand tens of thousands of sacred beasts opened. The wings of the sky will fly over, a mouthful of black inflammation, a flame between the wings! Within the earth, there are also gaps, and if the two beasts of the pangolin and the dragon are crawling out of the gap, these monsters are blood red in one eye, and once they fly out, they pounce on the botanical demon flower...

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What is the weirdness of Bodhisattva?


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