Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1056: Yu Chen’s secret

Yan Chen hurriedly took out the military card, and his mind entered, and hurriedly turned over the reward task. He said in a sigh: "How is this going? How can the alien rain appear in the reward mission? This task! Damn, damn, if I pick up... how good!"

Looking back for a long time, the task has long since disappeared. Where can I find it?

The mind was steadied, and Yu Chen was somewhat restless. He did not immediately urge the Yin to inform the Xianbing. Instead, he tapped the military case with his fingers, and his eyes turned sharply. After about half a cup of tea, he gritted his teeth and still took out the cards. After Xianli urged, he used military power to buy a secret room, then whispered a few words and sent the secret message.

However, it is a number of interest, the communication secret has responded, and Chen Chen inspired the secret room and rushed into the hexagonal space that flashed red.

Within the hidden space, Yu Chen just stood, a human figure flickering in the silver body, and the man shook his face and said: "Don't you tell me? No emergency, you can't contact me..."

"Adult, I really have an emergency..." Yu Chen hurriedly said, "Just fill the Tianxian ,, released a reward for exploring the alien sky and rain!"

"What?" The man was shocked and hurried, "Is it a reward for alien stars and rains? Damn, are you not robbing?"

"If I grab it, do I still need to contact the adults urgently?"

"Well, I know!" The man nodded and said, "You don't have to deal with this matter! Oh, what is the situation of the team?"

"Hey, Zhao Yunshu, those subordinates don't seem to like me..." Yu Chen snorted. "But adults don't have to worry. I also chose a rewarding task, ready to take them to experience and earn some military power to appease them!" ”

"If it doesn't work, kill it directly!"

"Yes, yes, I have this plan, and look!"

"Well, you can do it with confidence. Since you are going to do this tiger cub, the future dragon riding, hunting bases are all possible..."

"Yes, yes, I still want to be an adult, I will be willing to hear..."

"Know it, don't have to say more!" The man waved his hand and turned away.

"Call..." Yu Chen took a long breath and turned away from the secret space.

As far as the sky is shining, the old hand is strange and strange, and the eyes are slightly closed. The green light on the surface of the body is like a silkworm. As the fairy changes, the blue light changes and the space changes. Some light flames like feathers are born, this light flame is like a snow falling, blending into the old body, seems to be repairing what

However, in the clear blue light, some gray hairs that are only a few feet in size are born like wild grasses, madly devour the light, and the faint stench is born in the swallow, drifting around.

Suddenly, the old man blinked his eyes and looked outside the cave. He received the fairy, and his face smiled. He flew to the cave and raised his hand to open the fairy.

I saw a Tsing Yi immortal in midair. This immortal figure looks very high, but when the old man opens the ban, the immortal figure sways like a wind, then shrinks and looks like a tall man. Tsing Yi Xianren's face is handsome, and a book of books is full of energy, but the eyebrows look forward to it, and the unspeakable majesty is born.

"I have seen the owner..." The old man smiled and said, "How old do you have time to come to Biyutian?"

Tsing Yi Xianren is naturally Liu Jiahong, the owner of the Liu family.

Liu Yuhong hurriedly raised the old man, and smiled bitterly: "You have become like this, can the old man not come to see? In fact, the old man has always wanted to wait for the news of the holy lotus seed to come over, but..."

After waiting for Liu Yuhong to finish, Xiao Lao smiled and said: "The holy lotus seed is also a rare thing in the Buddha country. How can you find it and find it?"

"The left and right husbands have already said, at all costs!" Liu Yuhong followed the old man into the hole, saying, "And I heard that the fourth child is also looking for Xiaoshenglianzi, this should be better to find some."

"Hey, listen to the fate!" The old man asked Liu Yuhong to sit down and smiled bitterly. "I am also a little tired, can take a break!"

"You are relieved!" Liu Yuhong said in a hurry. "If you reincarnate, I will also arrange it. There will be no mistakes."

"The reincarnation!" The old man squinted at the light and shadow outside the cave, and said quietly, "That is no longer me!"

Liu Yuhong opened his mouth and wanted to say something more. He couldn’t know how to comfort him. He knew what it meant by the old man. After all, he knew the thing about the old and the yellow family. .

After a quiet moment in Biyu, the old man spoke up and said: "The family owner came over this time, in addition to visiting me, what else is there?"

"It should be two things..." Liu Yuhong said, "One thing is about Liu Yan, one thing is about Liu Yan!"

"Hey?" The old man understood it when he heard it. Cold and cold, "Is it a good time to come up with a kiss?"

"It’s not a relative..." Liu Yuhong smiled bitterly. "After all, we have already said that it is necessary to recruit relatives through the trial. Feng Cang just reminds me and asks me when I am going to recruit relatives. In fact, it is not only the wind home, Huang. After the last time I sent it back, I also expressed it slightly. After all, we are the best female fairy in the younger generation!"

"If you haven't cultivated the original remnants, I will not object to mentioning the relatives at this time, but I have already begun to cultivate, and the matter of recruiting relatives can only be delayed. Presumably this is something that the family has in mind?"

"I naturally said this with the wind, but Feng Cang also knows that the original article of Liu's family is incomplete. Since it is incomplete, it must not be perfected when it is cultivated. Feng Cang said, if it is married with the wind, they are willing Take out their founding shards for enlightenment!"

"Dog!" oh old anger said, "Hey, he is married to the wind and snow, is the person of the wind family, she is taken for granted to build the residual article, and he also brought the original remains, the wind is soaring Good idea."

"Then slow down again, wait for the second couple to come back from Yunyuan Xiaotian, I will talk to my second child."

"Homeowner, what I mean... is to let the first practice, see what step she can cultivate and say!"

"Well, I understand!" Liu Yanhong laughed. "The matter of recruiting relatives is not mentioned for the time being. It has dragged on for many years, and I don't care about dragging on for a while. Let's talk about it, this kid has forgotten a line, actually has The madness of the world, to the memory of the fallen world of Guanyin Bodhisattva, now Tianzun and Xian Wang, they may not disdain the Buddha's magical powers, I know that the Buddha's magical powers and my ancient family practice in many places have the same purpose, you said Is it true?"

"What is true, fake?" Elder old interrupted Liu Yuhong's words, faintly said, "He is not only the air transporter of my Liu family, but also the air transporter of our ancient family. She has such a chance." Very normal."

"Oh, yeah!" Liu Yuhong slammed his hand and smiled. "It’s hard for me to wait for a bitter heart. But I also have filial piety. She remembers your three immortals in the heart, and went out in the morning, saying It is to go to the dense land in memory to see if there is a holy lotus seed..."

"Ah?" The old man was shocked and got up and said, "Is it out of the sky? She... Why didn't she tell me?"

"Ah?" Liu Yuhong also stunned, and said, "I said to you, you let her go!"

"Damn!" The old man whispered, "How can she get the Buddha's country with her cultivation?"

"You are in a hurry!" Liu Yanhong laughed He said, the place in the memory is not in the Buddha country. In the day of the desire, she can't go, I sent Liu Qingmei with them. Got it. ”

"Hey, this child!" The old man sat down and said, "Her filial piety is my heart, but...but even the place where the Bodhisattva Guanyin is fallen, can it be easy to go?"

"There is Liu Qingmei in, old and rest assured!" Liu Yuhong said, "It is not good, Liu Qingmei will bring the cockroach directly!"

"My things make my homeowner embarrassed!" Elder sighed, "actually..."

"In fact, there is nothing wrong with it!" Liu Yuhong comforted. "The old man is very respectful to the juniors. They listened to the old and difficult, and all came out to help. Well, especially the fourth, he is the most likely!" ”

"Hope!" The old man smiled hard, although it was Xiaoshenglianzi, as long as it was precious, it was hard to find.

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The secret of Yu Chen is not small, will Liu Yan be in trouble?

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