Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1057: Oblique rain palace

The Oblique Rain Palace is composed of a palace that stretches for thousands of miles in the east of the Enlightenment.

These palaces, such as Yunxia, ​​float in the air, and the rising peppers are on the side of the palace. There are tens of thousands of Hongqiaos. This rainbow bridge is criss-crossed and streamed. There are beautiful men and women in the middle, and the gods in the eyes of mortals. On the other side, the white moon has not completely fallen, the white moonlight is empty and the place is a little bit of rain, the eyes are sweeping, the rain is like a dream, the general starting point is a sigh, the temple in the rain Yu is as picturesque as the other, but it is a good match with the other side.

"Half of the sun on the half of the sun, the two instruments are difficult to live, and the floating life is sitting alone in the cloud, and the rainy palace is filled with Yangyin!"

On the side of the white moon, a little light shines like a star, and the whole light condenses into the color of purple gold. “嗖...”, the purple gold has just been revealed, and the light is spiraling into the sky, and the spiral speed hovering has been dimmed. After about half a cup of tea, a fuzzy human figure took the hand and stood in the disappearance of the spiral. Looking at the beautiful and beautiful rainy palace in the distance, whispered: "The oblique rain palace, the name is true!"

As the sound is scattered in the air, the human form is gradually condensing. Isn’t it the stupid person who is in the sky?

The stupid man looked at the moment, his body shape disappeared, but after a while, his figure appeared in the clouds, and he was surprised to see a direction in the direction: "Penal Gongxian? She came to the rain palace." very?"

After that, he whispered to the distance: "Little, you don't have to show your body shape, the old man will come and go!"

"Yes, four uncles..." Huang Xiaoxiao’s voice came and it sounded very happy. After all, he talked a lot with the stupid people along the way. The "four uncles" finally could call.

The awkward person is naturally unwilling to be seen by the palm of the palace, but he does not want to delay the time, thinking a little, the stupid figure is turned into a common immortal appearance and flies into the oblique rain palace forbidden, with his strength to transform the oblique rain The message that the disciple of the palace went to find Xiao Yang Yang will never be discovered.

However, after all, Yang Lan is a leaking fairy. These disciples are innumerable in the oblique rain palace, and a branch of the oblique rain palace has a branch of Chaoyutan, Xiyuze, Fengxiling, etc. Who knows where Yang Lan is?

The punishment that the awkward people saw was that the palace was a high-level patrol, and she was the same as the idiots. So she stood in front of the slanting rain palace and raised her hand to take out her own tokens. "咔嚓嚓" believes in a thunder and hits a half-air, only seeing a heavy water in the air, a heavy ice crystal is born, but this fairy is smashed by the lightning strike, and the lightning flashes a few times and has already fallen to the depths of the oblique rain palace. Before the temple door!

"The penalty palace Gong Ningxue, see the main palace of the oblique rain palace!"

Ningxue looked at the water before the temple door, and the faint voice said.

In the water, a water dragon flew out from the depths of the temple, swallowed a condensed snow token, nodded at the snow, and turned away.

"Brushing..." For a moment, in the distance, the water was raised, and three or five were dressed in swords and female singers. These female singers did not miss the strength of the fairy, and flew to the front of the condensate snow. The disciples of the palace have seen adults!"

"Yeah!" Ningxue nodded and ignored them. The disciples did not dare to speak again, and be careful to stay next to them!

"Dangdang..." After about half a cup of tea, the sound of the bell rang, the side door on the side of the palace door opened, and a flood of condensed ice rushed out, and some female immortals stood above the torrent. The first one was a rich middle age. The woman is dressed in a simple palace dress.

The woman's second-class high-strength strength, the footsteps of ice fell to the front of the snow, and smiled and said: "The main hall of the imperial palace, Xueyu, has seen the snow man!"

In the face of Xueyu, which is much higher than his own strength, Ningxue did not appear to be particularly respectful, but he also bowed his hand and said: "The deputy of the snow deputy hall is very polite, and this is a matter of coming today, there is one thing that is bothering!"

"Oh? It is a very important thing for the adults to come in person." Seeing that the snow was so straightforward, Xue Yu browed and said, "Adults may wish to move to the Temple of Confucius and let it be..."

Not waiting for Xueyu to finish, Ningxue waved: "No, I will ask if you leave!"

“Oh?” Xue Yu was even more surprised. She waved her hand to let her female escaping behind her, and laughed with her smile. “Adults please!”

"Who is Xiaoqi, where is she!"

Xue Yu took a moment and laughed with a smile: "The grown-up is laughing, how can you not understand what the adults say? Who is the little seven??"

Ningxue stared at Xueyu, and she looked like she was not faked. She knew that she was in a hurry. She smiled and said: "This is a little anxious, sorry!"

Then Ningxue said the matter of the dusty sea, and finally said: "I am sentenced to the high-level supervision of the sergeant, Situ Hong, and this is a bit embarrassing. This is the order of the lord of the temple to explore this matter, so I have to find this small Seven questions..."

"Oh, it is so!" Xue Yu smiled and said, "Xiaoqi is my disciple of the rain palace, Yu Yuze, named Yang Lan, she..."

"Thank you so much!" Ning Xing did not want to delay for a moment, and said that he would turn around!

"The adults are in a hurry..." Xue Yu hurriedly stopped, saying, "Yang Hao is now in the oblique rain palace, adults do not have to go to Yu Yuze."

"Great!" Ningxue was overjoyed and said, "Can the deputy of the snow deputy let Yang Hao come out, and I have some things to ask carefully."

"Adults may wish to go to the Temple of Interpretation first!" Xue Yu said with a smile. "Although my family is not in Huang Zengtian, if I know that there is a penalty for the palace, even the oblique rain palace has never stepped in, and it will inevitably be punished in the next!"

"No, no!" Ningxue repeatedly waved. "There are other important things in this ambassador. I only asked Yang Lan to leave, so I would not bother with Guixianmen."

"That..." Xue Yujian Ningxue refused to go, hesitated, said, "The adults have to wait a little longer, Yang Lan ... there are still some things, in the Xiang Han Temple to accompany the elders of Qing Qing to ask ~ ~ Under this, people will pass it!"

"There is a deputy owner of Lao Xue..." Although Ningxue was anxious, she could only agree with her smile.

When Xue Yu told the people to go back to the palace, Ningxue tried to test: "The intention of the ambassador must be clear to the deputy master of the snow..."

"Well, understand!" Xue Yu nodded. "The grown-up wants to ask about the whereabouts of Bai Xiaotu, the business alliance. It’s really unclear about this matter, but... It’s as if I haven’t heard of Bai Xiaotu’s rain. Palace. Oh, as for the whereabouts of Bai Xiaotu, adults still ask Yang Lan!"

"Well..." Ningxue’s answer to Xueyu did not have any accidents. As early as on the way she came, she had already calculated all the possibilities, but Xueyu’s next words made Ningxue somewhat unprepared, and he listened to Xueyu’s hesitation. For a moment, said, "However, Yang Lan’s identity...somewhat special, when adults are asking..."

Unfortunately, before the snow jade finished, there were fine waves on the ice, and Yang Lan jumped out from the inside and cried out in the mouth: "Who is looking for me, who is looking for me?"

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The contradiction was fierce and everyone got together. I still wish you all a happy New Year’s Day.


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