Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1055: Reward

Xiao Hua urged the card, and the mind went to make up the heavens, and looked at it. The big hand waved in the air, and the dense handwriting was everywhere.

But see the missions, places, and military achievements that have rewards.

"Exploring the death of the ring road, the border area of ​​the dead, and the army of one million in the vicinity of July 13

“Exploring Chang Gong’s ban on the martial arts in the vicinity of 3,271.


"Capturing the 7111 trade, 300,000 military strength"

"Capturing the 3, 4, 4, and 350,000 military strengths"


"Adults..." look at each other and suggest that "the mission is generally the place where the demon rushes into the interface of the fairyland. It is extremely dangerous, and these areas are the places where the layout may be used in the later fierce battles. There are many, but at the end, we will not recommend our team to go in the past. That is all... the hunting hunters are leading the troops. These missions to capture the boundary, if there are too many military exercises, it is not suitable for adults, because adults can’t take our team. All the soldiers are brought..."

"...Adults can generally choose about 200,000 military merits, and bring hundreds of thousands of cents to pass, even if they can't get a reward, they should also be used for military training..."

"... Yes, there are specific instructions behind the reward task. The difficulty of having tasks, such as capturing the 3, 4, 4, and 4, and 4, is a similar task. Why do the former have more than 50,000 military merits? There are many demon people, or it is the danger of the three or four boundaries!"

Xiao Hua looked at it and nodded: "The 3, 4, 4, and Chong Chong are Li Xingjing Yaozu guards! No, just this!"

"Adults..." Xiangqing hurriedly stopped the road. "Since there are Li Xingjing Yaozu guards, there is probably more than one Li Xingjing inside, you are old..."

Speaking of this, I took a breath of cold air. He realized what he was doing, looked at Xiao Hua, and then gave birth to bitterness. Then he said: "You can kill the demon of the spirit, but the other side There is no fairy spirit, it will be unfavorable to our immortals, or it is better to choose Li Xingjing below..."

"It's it!" Xiao Hua smiled. "I bring five hundred people..."

Just said here, Xiao Hua’s voice stopped abruptly and smiled: “It’s not necessary to say that this has been robbed...”

"Hey? There are new ones..."

Said, Xiao Hua will be a little card, a few lines of red light and shadow appeared, the first one is to "explore the demon singular alien rain and empty world rushed 167 to go deep into the demon league military 200,000"

"Great, it's it!"

Seeing that this reward mission has not released many military exercises, it is quite suitable for its own team. Xiao Hua is afraid of being robbed and hurriedly picked up this reward mission.

Sure enough, similar to the ordinary reward, a red chip soon appeared in Xiao Hua’s card space, and Xiao Hua’s heart was a roll, taking the red chip out of space. The wafers that appear in this kind of reward are different from those of ordinary ink fairy. They can only be seen by Xiao Hua himself. Others cannot see it. So after Xiao Huayan’s investigation, he smiled and said: "I have chosen one."

"The big man is too fast!" Xiaoqing smiled. "This kind of reward mission is not worthwhile."

“How do you say that?” Xiao Hua said, “I thought that there were not many military exercises, and the danger was not great. It was suitable for us to experience.”

"Adults, this rewarding alien rain is in the land of the demon league, and it is deep in the world. It shows that this rushing 167 in the hands of my team, the reward of less military power, can only explain this difference Stars and rains are not the key to the battle.” Xiang Qing explained, “There is also a possibility that this alien rain has just been discovered, no one has ever been there, the danger is unknown, it may be small, it may be big...”

"...If the adult fails, the next reward will become 500,000!"

Xiao Hua touched his nose and smiled: "If you return this reward, you have to pay 100,000 military merits?"

"Yeah, so if the adults pick up, they can only go for a trip, and then go around the alien rain and see the situation, you can cross the difference!"

"Well..." Xiao Hua nodded. "Then I will bring two thousand celestial soldiers. If there are more, these military martial arts will be reduced."

"This adult is casual..." Xiang Qing laughed. "If adults feel that they can, they can go by themselves!"

"Well..." Xiao Hua said, and took out an ink fairy and handed it to Xiang Qingdao. "You put Hu Feishan, and your men, each one is listed. Oh, you are right, you are here for me. Sitting in town!"

"Yes, adults..." Xiangqing took over the ink fairy, and recited the names of two thousand people.

Xiao Hua looked at Mo Xianyi. First, he took out a green chip from the card. When he was about to urge the seal, he turned to look at the state Xiaoming and Lu Shu. He smiled and said: "You two, have seen each other. The deputy tiger cub..."

"Yes, Master!" Lu Shu and Zhou Xiaoming did not dare to neglect, slightly received the armored golden light to reveal the appearance, and went forward and said, "The younger generation has seen the predecessors!"

Watching Xiangqing lift the two together, Xiao Hua said: "They are my two disciples, I want them to join the team."

"This is simple..." Xiang Qing smiled. "The adults just need to report their names to Qin Long. But, now, don't worry, adults should remember their names in the tiger's seal. Stay this. After the military has been said, Bai Ding is still different from the military. Of course, if the adults have plans, and other celestial soldiers will come in and report together, simply get a ride and lead, Qin Long ride will not oppose."

"The two of them are good at planning..." Xiao Hua said for a moment, "I think..."

"Oh, adults can rest assured!" Xiang Qing said with a smile. "While you go, there will be something to discuss with them at the end!"

"Haha, big brother thinks more!" Xiao Hua smiled. "I mean, I want to leave them with me, there is military power, no need to get any military positions."

"This adult can be his own master!" Xiangqing understood, said, "The military and military adults below the sky can make the Lord himself."

"Well..." Xiao Hua nodded and said, "The big brother first went to talk to his brethren. This time, there are a thousand people next time. There are other people next time. In addition, the big brother is also ready to come to the military account. ”

"Thank you so much!" Xiang Qing said, "The end will generally like to go out, the last time I took the reward task, only to get Huang Zengtian, this is the encounter with adults."

When the phase was cleared, Xiao Hua took the pioneer out of the card and entered the space of the military account. After he fell into the military case, he took out the flag and saw some messages fall into his mind. When he came out, he waved the flag. Brushing "two military cards out of the air.

Xiao Hua handed two military cards to the two people and said: "You two will use fine blood to savour it!"

"Haha, that's interesting!" After the state's Xiaoming ritual, the mind went into the space and looked at the big laugh. "Isn't this the same as the lord's..."

Lu Shu naturally saw it. He understood that Xiao Hua’s Chen Hao was learning to make up Tian Xian, so he laughed and said nothing.

Xiao Hua did not feel ashamed and touched his nose, saying: "Study now sells, I am sorry!"

However, Jiang Meihua under the military case looked at the three people inexplicably, not knowing what they said.

"Master..." Lu Shu looked at the moment and said, "The details are quite a lot. The disciples are pondering for the master. Oh, the lord gets more military power to us. This fairy is good!"

"Yes, that is, don't be white!" State Xiaoming is also excited, and it seems that it is also unprofitable.

Xiao Hua took a look at the pioneers and the tigers in front of him. The mind already had a plan. The authority of the pioneers was higher than that of the tigers. If their disciples entered the team, they would naturally pass the pioneers. Moreover, this tiger 敎 玺 玺 玺 玺 玺 玺 玺 玺 玺 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦Of course, I don’t rule out that there are thousands of people who have an idea, but how does Qian Yuhan say that she is also a stepper, she must not look at herself in the eyes?

After thinking about it, Xiao Hua took out a green chip from his own card, recorded the names of the two thousand fairy soldiers and the state Xiaoming and Lu Shu written on it, and then raised his hand to shoot the green wafer in the tiger's seal. On the squat, he whispered: "The generals, listen to my order, reorganize the soldiers and record them after an hour!"

Thousands of light wires rushed out of the tiger's seal, and they disappeared from the military camp.

Then Xiao Hua sent the green chip to the Tiantianxian.

"This is a message of alien stars, you wait and see..."

Xiao Hua’s heart came out from Tian Tianxian, and handed a Moxian to Lu Shu and Zhou Xiaoming. After sitting in the military case, he closed his eyes and raised his spirits.

Not far from Xiaohua Military Camp, it is the military camp of Yuchen. He is sitting in the military account and doing the same thing. He pointed to some flashing handwriting in front of him and said several warriors standing before the military case: "You, these rewards are good, before the old man also took some rewards, should be somewhat sure, how do you feel?"

Several wars will look at each other and Qi Qi said: "Everything is obeying the arrangements of the tigers and adults!"

"That's right..." Yu Chen said, his mind entered the space, and he saw a rewarding task. He smiled and sent the message out of the air. He saw the "extraordinary starry sky". His face changed slightly and he hurriedly said, "The old man thinks This is not bad, just this..."

It is a pity that he did not wait for his heart to enter, and the red light was already bleak, apparently being robbed!

"I am going to..." Yan Chen couldn't help but whisper. "Who is this, it is quite fast!"

"Adults..." A warrior will laugh with laughter. "This reward is beyond the boundaries. It must be a new place, and there are not many military strengths. There are certainly a lot of teams that want to go through the experience. No, just choose the one!"

"Okay!" Yan Chen smiled and picked up the reward mission. said, "The teacher is deputy, and the tiger is ready to send three thousand senators. You wait for the first step and go to the list." List..."

"Adults, don't go down to discuss!" The teacher, Hu Xiaoxiao, laughed. "The 80,000 squadrons in this team are all remembering in the end, and this will be written to the adults!"

The teacher’s deputy, Hu Wei’s words obviously have some other meanings, but Yu Chen can only smile and say: “Well, there are laborers and deputy tigers.”

After waiting for the teacher, the tiger cub handed over the ink fairy, and Chen Chen said: "Well, wait until the old man finishes the order!"

"Yes, Tigers and adults!" After the battles were held, they turned and left, but they looked at each other with some other meaning in their eyes.

"These **** wars..." and other military accounts are gone, and Ou Chen’s face is changed, and the evil voice is swearing. "There is actually a low dog's eye. Although the strength of Laozi is not high, it is also the first step of Juyuanxian. Winning in the tiger fight!"

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They are all doing the same thing, and when the generals are also worried about it...

I wish you all a good friend of the Year of the Pig!


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