Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1054: hunt

Although there are some team records in the Indiana, but there is no such thing as a detailed explanation. After waiting for the clearance, Xiao Hua smiled and looked at Hu Feishan and asked: "Why did Hu Vice Husband not participate in the tiger fight?"

Hu Feishan's face is a little red, whispered: "The end will participate, but was eliminated early!"

Xiao Hua took a look at Xiangqing and said: "According to the Qing, this tiger fight is somewhat strange. There are several strengths in the middle of the gathering. Is it like this before?"

Hearing Xiao Hua directly called his name, Xiangqing knew that Xiao Hua was showing his attitude. He smiled and said: "Not necessarily, most of the tiger cubs are the first stage of Juyuanxian, and occasionally there are Juyuan Xianzhong and Dixian. High-order, after all, the tigers and adults are mainly commanders, and they may not have to be powerful!"

"Well, this tiger knows!" Xiao Hua smiled and said to Hu Feishan, "Hu has a chance after the tiger and Hu, he is angry!"

"Xie adults encourage, and will work hard!"

"Well, you will talk about your own affairs with this tiger..."

Immediately after Hu Feishan and other major warriors also said their own situation, Xiao Hua nodded slightly, pondered for a moment, and said: "If the generals say, the old man should have 100,000 sages. But in fact, Lei Hu His armies are only 80,000 senile soldiers. In the last war, they have already lost 10,000, leaving only 70,000. Thunder Tigers took 5,000 senile troops out. Most of these patriotic soldiers fell, and only a few people came back. Now the team is Is it 65,000 senile soldiers?"

"Yes, adults!" Xiang Qing added, "The previous Qin Qin Qin Longqi also sent a message, saying that Xian selected a problem, we are afraid that the team can not add the appropriate Xianbing."

"What about these gaps?"

“It takes nature to think of it ourselves!”

“Do you think of a solution?” Xiao Huaqi said. “Is there any way? How did Ray Tiger’s work before?”

"This is going to see the means of adults!" Hu Feishan said. "Before Lei Hao was not good at communication, he could not supplement the Xianbing. The team has not been full for a long time."

Xiang Qing said: "In general, there are several methods. One is to go to the fairy country with good relations with them, such as ... Xuan Yiguo, Ji Yiguo, etc., to bring their brilliance to come! The second is to recruit themselves, but Such immortals still have to train, it is better to directly recruit the celestial soldiers. Thirdly, they can gather the celestial soldiers scattered on the battlefield, such as a 10,000-year-old squad of a team, which has fallen 8,000. The remaining two thousand cannot be formed, and can only be split. Can be recruited..."

"The strength of the adults is strong, you can also go to the Tianxian 圩 to gamble..." Hu Feishan smiled. "But if the adults lose, the squad of our team must also be given to others!"

Xiao Hua naturally will not adopt Hu Feishan's suggestion, but he does not have a very good way. After all, there are only tens of thousands of disciples in the Taoxian space, and it is impossible to pull out the team's celestial soldiers.

"But it..." Xiao Hua puts his hand in his hand. "The old man came to think of a way. You wait for the training of the respective organizations. Listening to the meaning of Qin Long riding, there will soon be a big battle, so you have to misunderstand your life!"

"Yes, adults!" A group of immortals will be in the air and fly out.

"Not bad!" When the crowds are gone, Jiang Meihua erected a thumbs up. "There are some tigers!"

“I haven’t seen pork before, have you ever seen a pig running?” Xiao Hua sneered. “It’s just Li Wei, isn’t it to learn someone else?”

After waiting to finish, Xiao Hua scratched his head and said: "This army is really troublesome, too late to practice, are you interested?"

"There will be natural at the end!" Jiang Meihua laughed. "But the end will be a leader, not even the sky..."

"Well, I will give you a team to practice your hand first..." Xiao Hua nodded. "I will give it to you later."

"Master..." Lu Shu whispered next to him. "You have already made a good start. The next step is to benefit."

"Well, the old man just thought about it!" Xiao Hua smiled. "If these are the immortals, it is still easy to do, and you can give the elixir. But the tens of thousands of teams can not give immortal, and the elixir is in the sky." It’s not a bad thing, it’s best to give the immortals a battle!”

"The best is the best, but where does the battle come from?"

“Here!” Xiao Hua smiled and took out the card and said, “After Qin Long’s riding will inspire the tiger’s seal, the old man will have some unique rewards within the team. The reward is the battle!”

"Adults..." Xiao Hua said that there was a clear voice outside the military account. "There will be something to tell at the end!"

"Oh? The deputy tiger, please enter..." Xiao Hua said, looking up.

"Adults..." Xiangqing flew into the military account and went to the court. "The end will want to tell the grown up, don't know if it should be said!"

"The big brother doesn't have to be more than a gift!" Xiao Hua hurriedly lifted up the phase and smiled. "What are you polite? You have no outsiders, so I can be a brother in my life..."

"Hey, inside the military account, still call an adult! Xiangmou thinks less, don't make any mistakes..."

"That big brother is casual!" Xiao Hua smiled and said, "The big brother has something to do, please say."

"The adults have already shaken Hu Feishan by means of their means, presumably they will not say anything in a short time..." Xiang Qing said, "But adults want to win over them, not only by means of shock, but also to some benefits!"

"Haha, it’s really a hero who sees it!" Xiao Hua laughed. "I’m talking to Mei Tongling, and I have to give a fairy fruit to play a stick!"

"Yes, yes, so please ask the adults to ponder..." Xiangqing laughs Let's find time to go to the demon league to hunt and find some benefits for the brothers. ”

"Hunting?" Xiao Hua Nahan, Qi Dao, "I still go to the demon league to hunt, what does this mean?"

"Oh, huh..." Xiangqing laughed. "Brothers go to the demon hunter to kill the demon, called hunting."

When it comes to hunting, the long-standing memory of Fanzhong appears in Xiaohua’s mind. He smiled and said: "I understand, hunting and killing the Yaozu, you can bid for the Tianxian, you can get military merit..."

"Not only that..." Xiang Qingyi pointed to the case of Xiao Huajun, saying, "Adults can also take some of the team's rewards in the Tianxian 圩 凭 by the tiger 敎 , , , those rewards are for the participating teams, adults in advance Recording the name of the Xianbingxian will be recorded. After the reward is given, the adults can distribute the military power to them according to the performance of each fairy."

"Well, um..." Xiao Hua nodded. "I have said that the big brother said that I have found some rewards and I am preparing to discuss with Mei Tong. If the big brother is coming, let's discuss it together!"

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