Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1053: lesson

Xiao Hua’s eyes and eyes have already appeared in his mind. He knows that this is the role of the tiger’s seal. He is not worried when he is happy. His message must have been known by Qin Xin and Qian Yuhan. I don't know what the message they got. Of course, it's not a big deal to look at the messages of other immortals. It's just a simple situation such as name and realm.

"Go!" Xiao Hua did not say much, waving his hand in front of his head.

Seeing a military camp approaching, Xiang Qing hurriedly whispered: "Adult, dragon ride adults to stay with you, presumably it is awkward..."

"Oh, huh..." Xiao Hua smiled. "Let's big brother, you are hiding privately, don't tell me?"

"Hey, adults..." Xiangqing sighed. "The first is that there will be selfishness at the end. I want to ask the adults to take charge of the tigers and seals. Second, this is not a problem. Which team has some unwillingness to discipline, no. It may be everyone's heart, and the end will also guarantee that only the end will be there, and there will be no chaos."

"Do not worry!" Xiao Hua nodded. "The new official took up three fires, I still know!"

Xiao Hua’s figure flies, and the entire military camp tens of thousands of immortals will stand up and scream: “Congratulations to the tiger!”

"All will please..." Xiao Huayang said, "Old man Xiao Zhenren, as early as Huang Zengtian, the old man met with Lei Huzhen, his old man was degraded, and the old man was extremely uncomfortable. The old man is willing to inherit the legacy of Lei Huzhen, Will guard our fairyland together!"

"Yes, inherit and inherit the legacy of Lei Huwei, guarding the fairyland."

Listening to the sound of shaking clouds, Xiao Hua smiled and flew in the middle of the military account, no military account, a bare flagpole on the military account, there is no flag on it!

Xiao Hua flew into the military account, Xiang Qing and so on did not follow up!

Xiao Hua took out the Kunlun mirror, and the light and vibration room, Lu Shu and Zhou Xiaoming flew out. At this time, the two men were different from before. The two men wore armor, and there were golden light on the armor, such as thunder, they could not protect them. See the look.

"Master..." Lu Shuwei feared that Xiao Hua did not know the rules and whispered, "You look at the seals, you may have a record of how to motivate them!"

"Well, understand!" Xiao Hua had already had a clear voice. He nodded and sacrificed the tiger cub, and he swept away. There were a lot of things in the middle, and with the impetus of Xiao Hua, "The seal fell on the military case!"

"Oh..." The weird wind whistle was born from the corner of the military case, and then I saw some more arrows on the empty military case.

The arrow just revealed that the "Boom" military case had a red light and shadow, and broke the military account on the flagpole. "Brush..." The light pole shadow on the flagpole rushed to the top, "吼" a mysterious tiger light shadow heads up and down Turned into a black-and-white flag exhibition, its last "Xiao" word prestige!

"Upgrade!" Xiao Hua held his hand and looked at the door with his eyes open!

"The tiger cubs raised the account!" Lu Shu stood behind him and shouted, and the voice passed through the military case, and it was as loud as Lei Zhen.

But when the policeman’s doorway flashed, dozens of battles would flow in, and they stood in position, and once again, they said: “I will congratulate Xiao Hu’s promotion...”

"All will be polite!" Xiao Hua smiled and said, "Xiao Mou first entered the battlefield, but it was a chance to coincide with this position. Where is it better than the test of life and death?"

After that, Xiao Hua’s words suddenly turned: “Of course, since Xiaomou is standing in this position, it’s a tiger cub, he’s going to exercise military positions, and whoever doesn’t follow Xiao’s life, I’m not afraid that Xiaomou is welcome!”

As I said, Xiao Hua’s big hand went to the tiger’s seal!

"Boom..." The tiger's seal was on the golden light, and a hovering over the military account crashed down!

The golden light is divided into dozens of roads that fall on each warrior. "Hey..." The battles of the warriors will be inspired by the tigers and seals, and they will flash together to shape the warriors!

Seeing a light and shadow into a military formation, Xiao Hua backhand shot his own armor, "Boom..." Xuanguang rushed out and fell into the ranks of the squadron!

Xiao Hua’s eyes and shadows flashed like water waves, and immediately saw dozens of wars holding weapons to surround themselves!

"The wills..." Xiao Hua's eyes swept through the crowds, cold and cold. "Before Xiao came here, he had already got Qin Qin Qin Long riding, some people... may not be convinced of Xiao, although I don't know these people are Who, but Xiaomou will invite you into the military formation, just want to see, who ... there is such a courage, dare to do with Xiaomou!"

After that, Xiao Hua shot the top door, "Boom..." Juyuanxian first-order pressure was released, and the surface was thundered like a dragon, and a heavy space texture such as water waves overflowed around, Xiao The figure of China is rising in the ranks of the soldiers!

Xiao Hua’s arms shook and the fists roared: “Come, come, come, Xiaomou gives you the opportunity, Xiaomou is empty-handed against the enemy, one is good, two is worth it. Even if it’s all over, Xiaomou will definitely not Sacrifice the fairy! Remember, you only have this opportunity..."

"Okay!" Waiting for Xiao Hua to finish, there are a lot of people in the movie. "Since Xiao Huyu said this, if Hu Mou does not go with Xiao Hu, he will look like Xiao Hu. No face!"

The war will fly out, and the name of the warrior has appeared in Xiao Hua’s mind. Hu Feishan, the second-class fairy high-order!

"The end will come too..."

Yuexi, Erqixian high-order!

"The end will teach adults to be supernatural..."

Zhao Pingyi, Erqixian high-order......

Seeing the fairy will be more, Xiao Hua simply smiled: "According to the Qing, you wait for the shot, Xiaomou just look at you and wait for the battle!"

"Good!" Xiang Qing did not expect Xiao Hua to be so straightforward. He looked at the wars and laughed. "It will be rude. There is nothing in front of us, only the enemy!"

"Good!" Xiao Hua nodded, and when he was standing up, he rushed to the front of the Qing Dynasty. He couldn’t wait to see clearly, and the "bang" punched out and suddenly flew away!

"Ah?" Xiangqing knows that Xiaohua is amazing, but he did not expect it to be so powerful!

"This is just a temptation!" Xiao Hua's figure once again rushed to Hu Feishan and shouted, "The next punch can directly fight the formation!"

"Come on!" Hu Feishan sneered, his arms swayed, and the two sledgehammers took out "呜" toward Xiaohua!

When the sledgehammer dances, Hu Feishan will take a shot of the chest guard on both sides of the chest. The two flying swords raise the light curtain and tie it to the sides of Xiaohua, and block Xiaohua’s direction in a moment!

I know, Xiao Hua did not intend to escape, he greeted the front, hands urging, two thunder big hands instantly cover!

"Booming..." Thunder's big hand blocked the two sledgehammers, roaring, big hands broken, sledgehammer flying backwards, and Xiaohua's figure was like a meteor flying out, his fists were raised, and "bang" was two giants. Ringing, the sledgehammer was thrown into the army and disappeared!

Hu Feishan was a huge earthquake. He looked at Xiao Hua with some incredulity, and at this time two flying swords flew!

"Hey..." Xiao Hua snorted, and his body suddenly disappeared before disappearing.

"Not good!" Hu Feishan was not a good heart, hurriedly spurred the sage, and the jagged lights on the sage were pouring out!

Looking at the light marks will protect himself, Hu Feishan is put down his heart, but his heart just landed, the neck is tight, Xiao Hua’s big hand broke his light marks, and his life smashed his neck and whispered: Please go out..."

"No!" Hu Feishan was in a hurry. He raised his hand and took a fairy mark. However, Xiao Hua’s strength was everywhere. The high-ranking Hu Feishan was like a doll, and Xianli closed, and he lost all his strength. It seems that the meteorite was thrown out of the formation!

"Damn!" Hu Feishan's figure fell in the air, watching the light and shadow of the military squad, low-lying, "This must be the use of the power of the tiger's seal, otherwise it is impossible to be so surprised!"

"Hey..." Just thinking, a few cents will be kicked out one after another!

Seeing the formation of the military squad, the public will reveal their physiques and smile at each other: "The adults are powerful, I am the enemy of non-adults!"

"Do not worry, let you see Xiaomiao magical!"

Said, Xiao Hua's figure in the formation of the military finally showed up, he backhand shot again the top door, "Boom..." A group of clear light spouted, a fairy baby shadow flying out, the fairy baby shadow sloppily turned, Actually, fifty-two avatars were turned out, and fifty-two fairy babies became a squadron, and the squadron burst into bursts. Then Hu Feishan and other immortals will spend the same time at the same time, and the bangs will be loud, and all the celestial beings will be stunned. Infant hits!

"Oh..." Fifty two fairy babies sneered, then flew back at the same time, still turned into a fairy baby into Xiaohua body!

"Big...Adults..." Even the eyes are surprised. The technique of the fairy baby is extremely common, but it is rare to distinguish the fairy baby!

Xiao Hua's figure flew back to the military case, and raised his hand on the tiger's seal, and the shadows of the seals converge.

"Who else is not convinced?" Xiao Hua asked coldly. "It’s just a little bit of a knife. If anyone has the heart, Xiaomou can be accompanied again!"

There is no snoring in the clearing, look at a group of fairy tales, although several singers will not be convinced like Hu Feishan, Yue Xi and Zhao Pingyi, but no one dares to say anything in the face of Xiao Hua’s absolute strength.

After all, Xiao Hua said that it was just a fist test. If you really sacrificed the fairy and used the secret technique, then you must see life and death! No one is stupid enough to be provocative in public!

Seeing no one answered Xiao Hua slowly sat down and saw the generals say: "All will return!"

"Yes, adults!" The crowd will stand on both sides of the military case.

"Clearly, and bring the situation of the team together!"

I didn’t dare to neglect, and took a few steps to make this a sign for the team of 260.

In addition to the Qing Dynasty, the team is also a deputy tiger cub. Hu Feishan is also a deputy tiger cub. There are ten long spaces under the two people. There are one or two sub-spaces under each sky. These long-airs are led by soldiers. Each team has one. Wan Xian Bingxian will be the natural commander of the Xianbingxian, and it is not necessary to elaborate on the riding and shooting. In addition to these twenty-three longevity, there are thirteen positive and negative airs without soldiers, only in the military account!

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A little lesson, it’s nothing...

. Wonder House

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