Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1052: Granted to the tiger??

After the clearance of the body, there are more than a dozen celestial singers will fly in an orderly manner, Qi Qi said: "The end will wait to see Xiao Hu 敎!"

The military camp was only half a voyage in the air, and there were fourteen welcoming sorrows to Xiao Hua. The 13 celestial celestial beings will be open at the same time. The momentum is quite mighty, and the singers who watched the patrols will be stunned.

"You are pleased to start..." Xiao Hua's eyes swept away and saw some of them went to Huang Zengtian with themselves. They knew that they were all thundering, and they felt that they were revenge for thunder.

Look at Xiao Fan and Yu Chen, but you will be stunned. Xiao Fan and four celestial ceremonies will be greeted. There are only two 寇辰, and the prestige is high!

Xiangqing’s face with a proud smile, Kao: "Adults please, Qin Long ride has been promoted, waiting for the military to give the military!"

Xiao Hua turned his head and said to Xiao Fan and Yu Chen: "Two fairy friends please..."

"Haha, or Xiao Huyu first please!" Yan Chen smiled. "There is Xiao Huyu here, I am afraid to move forward!"

"Oh, please..." Xiao Hua knew that the two people were in a bad mood. When they laughed, they first flew up. They all gathered together and Xiao Hua flew into the military account, and ignored Xiao Fan and Yu Chen.

As for Xiao Fan, it is also interesting, waiting for Xiang Qing and others to fly, and did not preempt, but he will nod and greet the four greets, flying before Yuchen.

Yu Chen smiled and shook his head, only to fly at the end.

Entering the military account, Qin Xin rarely stood up and smiled and looked at Sanxian. "Congratulations!"

"Don't dare!" Xiao Hua and others hurriedly prayed to the ceremony, "I will rely on the dragon rider to carry it later!"

Qin Xin also made a quick start and said: "Bring you and other seals!"

Xiao Hua and others took the Indiana out of the offering, Qin Xin raised his hand and grabbed it, and the three seals fell on the military case!

"Oh..." But see Qin Xin’s hand, and her dragon-riding Yinluo gave birth to a roaring sound. Some strange light and shadows were born inside, and the sound was like a horse, and the light and shadow was like a glacial ice. Turning into three flying out, an unspeakable power, and the war overflowing from it, actually shrouded the entire military account!

"I am the Tianlong to ride the Qin heart, this is the military order, to teach Xiao Hua, Xiao Fan, Yu Chen for the tiger army!"

As Qin Qin sang and sang, "Boom and Boom" three loud noises, the war and the power of the military account fell into the three seals.

"Oh..." The three seals roared at the same time, and the battle of the tigers flew down Xiaohua and other three immortals. They didn't have to reach out to the three, and the seals rushed into the sage, "呜呜..." The mysterious light was born, and the "bombing and banging" was three roars. Xuanguang rushed out from the fairy world and smashed the military account into the air.

"Oh..." At the same time, there are hundreds of thousands of thin filaments in the three directions, and they are gathering in the direction of Xuanguang!

Xuanguang is invisible, and the light that can be gathered is much more, and it has gradually become the shape of the tiger!

When Xiao Hua was in the light of Xuanguang, he felt that there were countless lights and flashes in front of him, and many messages fell in his mind!

"Xiao Hua, Xiao Fan, Yu Chen..." Qin Xin’s voice sounded like a scorpio. "You are already a tiger, and there are 100,000 cents. Yours are your hands and feet, and it is your foundation. Military positions can't give you the military heart. Only when you get the support of the public, you can become a real tiger! Let's go, Lei Ming, Lu Qing, Liu Yunshu's legacy is not raised, their old department is waiting for you to control!"

As the Qin Xin voice disappeared, the three mysterious tigers fell, Xiao Hua and other hearts shocked, feeling that the fairy body and the soul had some changes, but they really wanted to find, and they could not, so the three quickly rushed to the body: Yes, I will know at the end that the end will be the robes of the subordinates, complete the great cause of the heavens, and protect my territorial boundaries."

Subsequently, Xiao Hua and other three new tigers and other military crickets in the military account, it is mutual understanding, Han Yu naturally also listed here, but her face is already cold, no different from before.

After the ceremony, Xiao Hua and others were divided into two sides of the military case. At the end of the generals, Qin Xin sat down and said some military affairs. It was nothing more than training and preparing for war. Although Xiao Hua was obeyed for the first time, he could hear it. It seems that there will be a big battle soon. .

After the completion of the equal division, Qin Xin and Xiao Hua and other three people, so that the public will retreat, just in the turn of Xiao Hua, the ear of the birth of Qin Xin's voice: "Xiao Hu, is not waiting for a moment!"

Xiao Hua hurriedly stood still, and the public will leave, and hurriedly went forward: "What is the adult?"

Qin Xin smiled: "There are two things to tell you."

"Adults please!"

"I know that your heart is indifferent, not utilitarian. This time, letting you compete for the position of the tiger, it is really difficult for some strong people. I hope you can understand."

Xiao Hua sneaked and hurriedly explained: "At the end, I will not want to do it before. But before the adult orders, I will already understand that I will not only protect myself, but also protect others, but also protect the fairy world. The adults will go to the end of the battle, and I will be very grateful."

"Oh, that's good!" Qin Xin smiled. "But the thundering ground skill of the 260th team is a bit tricky, let you take over his team, and I have selfishness!"

“Oh?” Xiao Huaqi said, “Can adults explain?”

"Thunder is a good person, but it is not a good command!" Qin Xinfen said, "Those who read him well, such as Xiangqing, etc., are really dead, but people who don’t read him are always dissatisfied with him. However, the thunder is very strong. When he was alive, those warlords would not dare to resist. If they changed others, it would be difficult to say."

"However, look at you, Xiao Fan and Yu Chen, Xiao Fan is similar to Lei Ming, it must be the suppression of Thunder, the strength of Hao Chen is slightly worse, but only you are right!"

Xiao Hua smiled bitterly, and he was able to make Qin Xin deliberately propose it. This team of the 260th team must be difficult to lead. His previous fears were too optimistic.

"What advice can adults have?"

"Simple!" Qin Xin smiled. "If it can be attached, it is the best. It is really impossible. It is a quick knife and a slap in the face! The dissatisfaction of individual singers will cause the entire team to change. As a tiger cub, you and the former sky and command. Different, there must be some gains and losses, and some decisions."

"Well, I will understand at the end."

Hearing Qin Xin to let himself do it, Xiao Hua is also very moved, this is not to be yourself as an outsider!

"And..." Qin Xin said with a smile, "I heard that you want Linglong, can you cut love?"

"Of course!" Xiao Hua didn't even think about Take the exquisite dragon who has never been hot from the demon space.

"Hey, kidding!" Qin Xin hurriedly waved. "I just want to remind you that Linglong Dragon and other psychic monsters are extremely useful. If you have a bad decision, you can ask it! Of course, The premise is that you have to let it surrender!"

"Yes, I will understand!"


Xiao Hua flew out of the military account, Xiang Qing, Jiang Meihua, etc. are still waiting outside.

Seeing Xiao Hua coming out, all the people will be dressed: "Adults..."

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Tigers are not good, Qin Xin is deliberately embarrassed, it seems that there are other reasons...

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