Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1042: Pioneer

This female fairy is condensed and not condensed, like a solidified magma, and the fierce momentum is coming.

Not waiting for the female figure to reveal, Xiao Hua’s body in front of a hundred-fifth battle will fly out early, and swearing at the female fairy: “The end will see the step-by-step adults...”

"Steps... Steps?" Xiao Hua was shocked. He didn't dare to sneer. He hurriedly said to him: "You will see adults at the end!"

"You avoid it, I have a few words to ask Xiao Zhenren!"

The voice of the female fairy is majestic and there is an indisputable meaning.

"Yes!" The war will take a few steps back and the figure will disappear.

The female fairy looked down at Xiao Hua, and Yuntao would cover it.

"Xiao Zhenren..." said the female fairy, "I will ask you, you are a scent, why not fear the world of heaven and earth?"

Xiao Hua sighed with relief and said with a smile on his face: "The end will not be clear, but after the fight, I will recall it at the end. As early as the end, I will not be able to step on the sin. Experienced, there was a fairy sacred light before the dangerous annihilation, the end will be covered by the fairy spirit Xuanguang, almost fell, and then chances to escape from the danger, presumably because of that chance, the younger generation is not afraid of Xianling Xuanguang !"

Dust fairy means time is long, and the danger of annihilation means that there is no evidence to check. I have to say that Xiao Hua is also painstakingly trying to cope. Unfortunately, there are no detailed questions from the adults. The words are turned: "It is reported that you are passing Sen When Luo Dao fled, he repeatedly reversed through the two barriers of heaven, is it true?"

Xiao Hua’s eyes turned sharply and replied cautiously: “Yes, at the end, in order to escape, it’s also going out, even though the fairy body is detrimental...”

"Yes, that's not so much explanation!"

"Yes, adults!" Xiao Hua replied slyly.

"Sen Luo Dao is a demon star moonlight beam, can your fairy body withstand it?"

Xiao Hua did not understand that this step-by-step adult asked this question, but he honestly replied: "Can!"

"Good!" The female fairy said, "You come with me!"

"Why?" Xiao Hua was confused, but unfortunately he could not be allowed to say anything. The Yuntao, which had closed the battlefield, rolled Xiaohua straight into the sky.

However, it is a bit of interest, but Xiao Hua feels that there is a flower in front of him, and there is a more intense pressure on the whole body. "Booming and banging" but listening to the thunder of the body, Xiaohua's fairy body has been compressed a lot.

"When you are screaming..." In the sound of the bursts, Xiao Hua hurriedly bowed his head, but felt that the body of the fairy body was splashing with heavy sparks. This spark disappeared from the outside and the inside and quickly disappeared into the body.

"Call..." Xiao Hua took a breath, a hot breath, mixed with a suffocating fairy spirit into his heart and lungs, "cough" Xiao Hua could not help but cough.

"Don't pretend!" said the fairy, faintly said, "Fairy spirits are all in the body, how can you still be stunned by the spirits?"

"Cough cough..." Xiao Hua coughed twice, and looked around, and said, "This is nothing but the sky!"

"Yes!" The female fairy should have a voice, and suddenly Yuntao started again, and Xiaohua rushed into the ground!

From the emptiness of the balance to the seven 曜 曜 曜 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天The hungry "squeaky" sound, then... there is no more.

All this happened too fast, Xiao Hua had a heart to cover up, but he had no time to act, so he had to look at the female fairy with pity: "Adult..."

"Your fairy is a bit weird!" The female fairy was covered in silver, and she gave birth to two charming eyes, and there was a faint purple light in the eyelids.

Xiao Hua’s body was cold, and the vest had a feeling of creepy hair, but after a while, the female fairy closed her eyes and said: “There is nothing unusual!”

"Adult, the end will be born with different!" Xiao Hua laughed.

"Well, indeed!" The female fairy nodded and raised her right hand and took out a card. She said, "This is the team's step by step, and the team is still missing a pioneer. Can you be willing to take it?"

"I don't want to!" Xiao Hua refused to think about it. "The end will have agreed to clear the relationship, go to their team to be a tiger, complete the unfulfilled wish of Lei Ming Lei Hu, defend the world, kill the demon."

"Being a pioneer in the battle team, there are many conveniences..." Qian Yuhan did not reluctantly, only explained, "You are directly assigned by this general, you can enter and leave the cards in the color world and the world of desire, and there are more than ordinary in the heavens." The authority of the immortal, even the following wars will not have the right to dispatch you!"

"This..." Xiao Hua hesitated.

"Oh, and..." Thousands of feathers continued, "You can form your own vanguard team and dispatch it to yourself. Except this, the team will not interfere!"

It is temptation! Especially in the last one, Xiao Hua couldn't help but agree, but thinking about the waiting for the outside of the competition, Xiao Hua took a deep breath. "Thank you for the big show, I will really want to agree." Only at the end will have promised to clear them before. Our male immortals are no more than your female immortals. The male immortals should be words and believers, otherwise they will not be able to stand in the world..."

"Shit!" Thousands of feathers snorted and threw the cards in front of Xiao Hua. "I forgot to tell you, Pioneer is not a military, there is no seal, and you are not delayed!"

"Oh..." Xiao Huamei opened his eyes and smiled. He hurriedly took the card and said, "The adult said it!"

"This will give you the order by issuing the card..." Thousands of feathers suddenly turned a full face, "You are ready!"

The voice has not fallen, and a thousand feathers and a cloud of clouds will rise to the sky.

"Hey, adults..." Xiao Hua woke up and hurriedly shouted, "What do adults want to do at the end?"

"Look at the cards and you will know!" Qian Yuhan did not respond with a good spirit, "Remember to immediately sing the cards!"

" Yes, adults, you will know at the end!" Xiao Hua said helplessly, "The last will be sent to step by step adults!"

"Oh..." The sound of Thousands of Han Yu sounded in Xiao Hua’s ear. "Don’t look down on the female fairy. The female fairy is just like a word and believes. This will be the same as the aunt!"

"Boom..." Xiao Hua was like Lei Zhen. He was surprised to see the shape of a thousand feathers that had disappeared. Thousands of feathers were just a word that had been revealed.

Frost Sword in the hands of Xiao Hua, through Liu Yunshu's card, through Qin Xin's obituary, the team already knows that Xiao Hua has to be careful.

Thousands of feathers are familiar with the scorpion, and the enemy is currently unknown. Of course, from the current thousand feathers to the Xiaohua Pioneer, it seems to be taking care of Xiaohua.

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Pioneer can't seem to play the role of the card!

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