Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1041: Zhuang Yu and Forget the Old Man

Looking at the people next to him, he hurriedly smiled and said: "Father, what kind of body can you give to your child?"

"There is really something very important for you to do!" Xiao Hua is coloring, "But this is a bit dangerous!"

Listening to the ceremony, hurriedly received a smile: "What is it? Father told me!"

"I made my disciples, um, and other disciples in the Wan Yao world. Most of them should fly to this Qing dynasty. Other disciples, the old husband is not very clear, but my disciples should not go to other sects. I will look for the creation of the door in the other continents of Qinglan or Zixuanxian. I will not be able to stay here for a long time because of the extremely important things, so the old man wants you to stay here and find those disciples. ”

"No problem!" There was no hesitation in the ceremony, saying, "This matter is handed over to the baby!"

"Don't be afraid of you!" Xiao Hua said, next to Xiao Hei and Xiao Huang, "I will leave them to you. The ordinary immortals are not the rivals of both of them."

Then Xiao Hua said to Xiao Hei and Xiao Huang: "If you two listen to the ceremony, protect the ceremony!"

Xiao Huang smiled and said: "Mother and mother are assured, there are children, and it is guaranteed that it will not damage him a hair!"

Xiao He nodded: "Good!"

After reading two small ones, Xiao Hua still can't rest assured that he sent the Yan war in the space. However, for more than a century, the Yan war actually had the strength of the five elements. When the Yan dynasty flew out, he immediately said: "What does the lord call Yan?"

It is also not allowed to fight against Xiao Hua. It is really too much shock to the Yan war in the space! I don't want to say that this fairy body that makes a world of heaven and earth does not say that the mysterious and unconventional method of stepping on the gods and sorrows, this is just like the fact that the realm of the wings has been raised, so that the Yan war has cast a vote on Xiaohua.

“Yan Xianyou is polite!” Xiao Hua helped the Yan war road. “I want to ask Yan Xianyou to do a period of **** for Xiao Yiyi, so that he can find the disciples of the rising fairyland for Xiaomou!”

"District things!" Yan war nodded, "Yan is willing to listen to the lord."

"There are Lao Yan Xianyou!" Xiao Hua was overjoyed, and he said to him, "Isn't you seen Yan predecessors before?"

The Yan war was respectful to Xiao Hua, but the courtesy of the opposite was cold.

Xiao Hua was still not at ease, and took out the rhinoceros that had not been sacrificed before. The mouth sprayed five colors of fire and once again honed it. Although there was no real rhinoceros to transmit things, there was no problem in the communication.

Xiao Hua gave the rhinoceros to the ceremony, watching him sing, and then swearing a few more words, this took the star array and hurriedly left.

Xiao Hua has more than a few disciples to find in the Zi Xuan Xian domain, but their strength is too shallow, they have to send disciples to protect, so that although there are many people, it will inevitably attract the attention of Shen. The disciples in the space are available, but the disciples who make up the fairyland will not easily believe. The ceremony is his own righteousness, but all the disciples know that he is still clever, with Xiao Huang, Xiao Hei, and Yan War protection. It should be enough.

Xiao Hua is ready to leave the mainland of Qinglan. He has been to the Forgotten River before, and there are many sacred festivals that have fallen from all over the place. Zhuang Yu was killed by the breeze and stone, and naturally he also forgot the river.

However, Zhuang Wei is obviously different from Xiao Hua. His soul is crushed by bluestone. Although it is still human, the human figure does have thousands of pieces of condensation.

But Zhuang Yu is not as embarrassed as Xiao Hua. At this time, he is talking to a female fairy who looks graceful and graceful: "Is this fairy friend not knowing how to call it? In Xiazhuang, the ancestors are famous in the Confucian world. The saint Zhuang Zhou, who was a disciple under the gate of Tianhongge before his next life, practiced in the middle of the second middle of the second century with the four thousand six hundred and eighty-five years..."

"Cut..." The female fairy was disdainful. She looked at Zhuang’s wolverine and said, "Then you must be too arrogant, and you will be killed by others?"

"What!" Zhuang Yili said with arrogance, "How can I be arrogant? This is the female fairy who is unreasonable, first grabbed my exquisite dragon..."

"Forget it, forget it..." The female fairy waved. "Is it so useful now? Even if you haven’t come before the ancients, how can you repair it with a hundred centuries? Death is dead... ”

"Oh..." Hearing this, Zhuang Yu was somewhat dejected and snarled. "One hundred years is not possible. There is no one who has never come before. There is already a fairy who has been repaired to two thousand in the 40th and 50th centuries... ”

Zhuang Yu and the female fairy are poor, moving toward Huangquan, where the **** color of the sky is high, a strange cloud appears, and the old man in the body of Xuanyi is surprised to see Zhuang.

The soul of Zhuang Yu is of course a piece of condensation, but there is a mark of bluestone in his eyebrows. This mark can not be seen in ordinary ghosts, but it is obvious in the eyes of the old man.

"Hey, what's the matter?"

"How do they still use this to kill a fairyland... two scent?"

"Is there anything special about this immortal?"

Forgetting the old man in the river, Zhuang Yu has already arrived at the bridge!

Forgetting the Sichuan old man to hesitate a little, after all, he still raised his hand and grabbed it. The hurricane picked up and he will still take the Zhuang Yi, who is still lingering!

Xiao Hua naturally did not know that Zhuang had another opportunity. He flew more than a thousand miles and saw that there was no strangeness around him. He had just to display the technique of Guangxu, and his eyes were just sweeping through a mountain of fire. Xiao Hua stunned a little, and could hardly believe his eyes. After reading it again and again, he hurriedly took out the five bells of Zi Xuan Xian Yu. After the investigation, he found one. Sure enough, there was a simple image in the bell. The color mountain range is called the peak of fire!

Xiao Hua hesitated for a moment, and still sent the bell to the space. After all, at this time, the tiger’s military service is the most important thing, and the courtesy of the right is here, and he must come again!

Xiao Hua, who is urging the light, directly rushes into the sky, seeing that Xianli will be exhausted, and there is a black and white light and shadow that is heavy like a rock.

Xiao Hua knows that this light and shadow should be the barrier of the heavens of Huang Zengtian and Yu Wantian, and the body shape falls into it. Sure enough, this is a strange space, Xiao Hua slightly adjusted the interest rate, open the smashing method of eye exploration, it is easy to see a little light and shadow like a lamp at the edge of the field of vision.

Xiao Hua smiled and spurred the technique of Guangxu again, and in a moment he went to the side of the Star River!

On the Xingxing River, Xiangqing was anxiously waiting for it. When he saw Xiao Hua appear, he hurriedly greeted him and shouted: "Xiao Xiaoyou, how?"

Xiao Hua went to the Star River and smiled: "Get it, go!"

" simple?" Xiangqing felt incredible, but he only asked one sentence, and hurriedly urged the Xingxing River to rush into the depths of the two-day barrier and flew toward the Seven Miles. He knew these things, Xiao Hua Absolutely not slow.

Seeing through a few heavens, the seven-year-old Moyitian is just around the corner, and Qingqing couldn’t help but whispered: "Is the Linglong dragon in the hands of the female fairy?"

"Not bad!" Xiao Hua nodded and explained, "It is also a coincidence! That Linglong Longben is an old knowledge of Xiaomou. In the process of chasing, Linglong was discovered by the female fairy, and the female fairy attacked Xiao’s old knowledge. The Linglong Dragonfly can be taken, but she used Xiao’s old knowledge of the fairy boat to let Xiaomou see the flaw. After Xiaomou killed the female fairy, he discovered the exquisite dragon..."

"This is all that comes with no effort!" Xiangqing said with joy.

Next to Jiang Meihua cold and cold: "This is called the killer who will kill!"

“Hmm?” Xiao Hua looked at Jiang Meihua a little strangely, wondering why he was.

"My Jiang family has never dealt with the Shen family, it can be said to be a deadly enemy!" Jiang Meihua said, "And the Shen family is not allowed to appear in Huang Zengtian, Shen Hao died!"

"Oh? Do you know Shen Hao?"

"It's all high-ranking, Shenjia and should have some impressions on each other!" Jiang Meihua explained in a sigh of relief. "A family didn't pay attention. When she claimed to be a Shen disciple, she had recognized her." Why did she come to Huang Zengtian?"

“Not quite sure...” Xiao Hua shook her head. “Her spirit is broken, and many places inside are blurred!”

"That is the secret of Shenjia!" said Jiang Meihua. "Since she came to Huang Zengtian, she was naturally prepared. How could she let you know her purpose?"

When talking, the Xinghe River has already flown out of the gap between the two worlds, and entered the Qiyi Moyitian. "Hey..." The Shixing River vibrates again. It is obvious that Xiangqing wants to go first and try to force the Shixing River.

Xiangqing still cares a lot. When Xiao Hua flies to the competition field, he will take Linglong to pay the order, and even the voice is a little surprised: " fast?"

"Yes!" Xiao Hua looked around and smiled. "Xiao has a robes and help, and the road is excellent. I just found the trail of Linglong in the mainland, so I won't have anything to do." !"

"Gangdao, Yundao!" The voice is also somewhat helpless, whispering two channels. "Before the road, any strength and realm are nothing! This is the task, you are finished..."

With the sound, "brushing" appeared in the air in the midst of a fierce shadow of the tiger, and the voice suddenly sounded and said: "Xiao Zhenren, and take out your military card, the old man will be a military officer..."

"Yes, adults!" Xiao Hua respected the general's card and saw that the tiger-like shadow had just landed on Xiaohua's military card. Suddenly there was a voice coming from the slow ! ”

"Big...Adult?" The voice suddenly became extremely stunned, and respectfully anomalous, shouting: "You...what are you doing?"

"Oh..." The sound could not be landed. A magnificent cloud was set up over the battlefield. This cloud condensed into a giant beast and fell.

In particular, after the behemoth, Xianling Xuanguang will open the Tianzhu Cave and cover the battlefield where Xiao Hua is located!

The behemoth is scattered and turned into a flower-like seat. A light and shadow with a thousand feet is like a brush, and the colorful condensation is waiting for it. Xiao Hua suddenly finds that she is a female fairy dressed in colorful armor.

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Zhuang Yi has another chance, everyone is in a hurry. What is this female fairy in color armor?

. Wonder House

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