Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1043: Mysterious number

Xiao Hua’s thoughts, the voice of the battlefield sounded again: “Xiao Zhenren...”

"The end will be!" Xiao Hua hurriedly salute.

"You have been fighting through the tigers, you can be a tiger's job..." When it came to this, the voice stopped for a moment, but fortunately, no one bothered, the voice went on, "Which tiger team you will take over?" ?"

"The end will take over the team of thunder and thunder!"

"Good!" said the voice, "take your military card!"

"Boom... The shadow of the tiger is falling into the Xiaohua military card, and then the voice said, "Your military card is already a tiger's card, but it is necessary to command the 420th team's seal. Qin Long ride unified award, you are waiting for the city of Tianzhu, and wait for the other two warriors to win and then go to see Qin Long ride! ”

"Yes, adults!" Xiao Hua respected Shi Li, and the figure was launched in the competition field.

"How?" Xiao Hua flew out, Xiang Qing and other hurriedly flew over to ask.

“No problem!” Xiao Hua said. “Xiao’s military card has been promoted to be a tiger’s card, but the 20,000-400 team’s commanding authority is also granted by Qin Longqi, and the other two warriors will come back and say ""

"Call..." Xiangqing long loosened his mouth and said, "This is good. Xiao Hu, don't you wait here, Xiang and the brothers go back and tell the other brothers about this news?"

"Very good!" Xiao Hua nodded, and then whispered, "The big brother, the younger brother just saw thousands of feathers and thousands of steps, her old man has another task to appoint Xiao, so the team needs to be a big brother. A lot of work, waiting for a chance, the younger brother will recommend the big brother to be a team tiger."

After a moment of clearing, I was grateful in my eyes and nodded: "Big Brother knows!"

Looking at Xiangqing, Jiang Meihua, who has not spoken, said: "Xiao Zhenren, are a dog!"

"Yeah, what is the dog's luck?" Xiao Hua looked at Jiang Meihua with no anger. "Even your dragons are better than you!"

"Where do I know?" Jiang Meihua said, "I don't even know how the dragon phase came. I think Xiaozhen knows?"

"I don't know!" Xiao Hua said that he would take two cards out.

"Why are two cards, who are you killing?"

"Is it so cruel?" Xiao Hua dripped out the blood and would sacrifice the card, faintly asked.

Jiang Meihua sneered and said: "If you kill, I am not surprised. If you don't kill, you are on this battlefield... How can you survive?"

Xiao Hua was interested in investigating the cards. He could listen to Jiang Meihua’s words. He didn’t have any troubles in his heart. He was compassionate. He began to succumb to **** sorrows and even had a vow to be a **** when he was young! Can be biased, he did not kill in the real world, but went to the battlefield in the fairy world.

Although it is the killing field of the Fairyland vs. Demon League, the Yaozu is also a life!

Seeing that Xiao Hua did not speak, silently sacred the cards, Jiang Meihua did not stimulate Xiao Hua again.

"This will have another use for the card..." Xiao Hua honoured the card and said, "I was given to me by an adult!"

"Well, I know!" Jiang Meihua said with a smile. "This is a military service. You don't have to tell me so clearly."

"I need someone to be a staff member..." Xiao Hua looked at Jiang Meihua with a word. "It may be possible to clear the relationship, but I am not sure. After all, I can't see anything after a few fights!"

Jiang Meihua shook his head and said: "Like Qing, like me, it will be more than enough to be a war. I want to be a counselor who is planning a million miles. It is far from enough..."

Xiao Hua suddenly thought of Li Moi, if Li Moi should be so good here!

Unfortunately, Mo Moiyi said that he did not know where Bai Xiaotu was.

"Fortunately, there is a state Xiaoming..." Xiao Hua secretly said, "You must be the right to swim and Chang Yuan, they are all killed in the Wan Yao world, it is some experience!"

"I have to go to Huang Zengtian..." Xiao Hua looked around and said to Jiang Meihua, "Are you going?"

"The Xiangqing took the star boat away..." Jiang Meihua said, "I am willing to go, but I have no trouble with the stars under the bounds!"

Xiao Hua thought for a moment and hurriedly took out the Pioneer card. Sure enough, after the card, there was a star boat that was a lot smaller than the Star River. It seemed to be dedicated to Xiaohua.

Xiao Hua took out the starship, and the starship fell in the air. "Hey..." gave birth to a slight vibration, surrounded by a twisted texture, and the light lightness on the starry boat overflowed like water, and the inexplicable spots covered the stars. The surface layer is large and small if it is the same star.

Jiang Meihua looked at the stars and the stars were overflowing. The thoughts of sweeping the stars and the stars were so smooth, and there was a feeling that they could not fall. He couldn’t help but praise: "Good baby!"

Xiao Hua was also very happy, dripping out the essence of blood, and Xian Yu played, and the Star Boats moved to let Jiang Meihua follow him.

"You come to the boat!" Xiao Hua said, "Can't let you go white!"

"Haha, work for a certain family..." Jiang Meihua smiled and took over the starship, and he was familiar with it. He said, "If you have an organic relationship, don't forget a certain family!"

Xiao Hua's eyelids turned over and looked at Jiang Meihua: "Xiao Mou eats meat, does Mei Tong lead soup?"

"Haha, yes, give Mei Changkong a soup and throat!"

Jiang Meihua’s laughter is just about to spur the starship to fly. As soon as there is a fairy, it will fly out and swear: “The city of Scorpio is where you wait for the noise? There is no military order to fly freely...”

Xiao Hua smiled and handed the card out, saying: "Xiao has something to go to Huang Zengtian!"

The celestial will take over the cards, and the thoughts will be swept across the face, and they will rush to hand: "Adults please!"

Xiao Hua took the card and rushed to Jiang Meihua. Jiang Meihua urged the star boat to go along the direction of the previous flight.

"You are really good at this card!" Jiang Meihua laughed.

Xiao Hua sat down with his knees and took out two cards. He said, "This is a military machine. Modo asks. Concentrate on the boat. If you want to drink soup, you will see your level."

"Ha ha..." Jiang Meihua laughed and knew that Xiao Hua said that he was playing and didn't care.

Xiao Hua first explored the Pioneer's card, but saw that there was a space in the Pioneer's card. There was a military case in the space. There was a flag and an arrow, and the flag was written on the flag. It looks similar to Liu Yunshu's military account. There is no seal.

Pioneer will be inside the card, it is like the space of the shop, most of the writings inside have been clear, some strange elixir, unknown methods are appearing in front of Xiao Hua, but the number of military power behind these things is so big that Xiao Hua is stunned. .

"It seems that we still have to accumulate military power..."

Xiao Hua thought about it, and the mind retired from the vanguard and entered the card.

Within the tiger's card, there are some small changes in the space like the store. Some of the writings are clear, but they are far worse than the pioneers. Moreover, the tiger cub will also have a small military account space in the card. However, there is only a military case in this space. There is no such thing as a flag or an order arrow. Obviously, it is necessary to wait for Qin Xin to grant himself a tiger coffin through the seal.

"Well..." Xiao Hua understood what, the mind did not withdraw, turned into a human form and sat behind the military case, looking at the empty military account space, the dark road, "the sky is the army of the Taoist League, but the Taoist world Too many forces, not to mention Xianmen, is the Taikoo fairy, the ancient family, ah, now the family, they must all reach into the sky, hey, I have also forgotten what Tianzun and so on, with the strength of Xiao, Although it is still far from being in contact with Tianzun, I think they are also making some arrangements for the sky?"

"Xiao Mou just took the frost sword of the aunt, and it can attract the attention of some big people. I have to be careful in the future..."

Xiao Hua has made up his mind and is likely to quickly improve his strength so that he can have value in the eyes of some big people. Of course, it is more important to expand one's own power. Think about a warrior who can command a million immortals and tens of thousands of true immortals. Does the law palace dare to kill himself?

Xiao Hua was thinking, feeling a move, and eager to withdraw from the card, but see Jiang Meihua took the card and rushed to himself.

"Xiao Hua..." Jiang Meihua said with a look on his face. "There is a strange fairy who will tell me about it. He knows the origin of your number! However, this fairy will refuse to disclose his name, and he will not be military. Said to talk secretly."

"Small talk?" Xiao Hua frowned. He knew that the so-called secret talk was that the two men applied for an independent space by filling the heavens, and only two of them could enter.

The key is that this space is not necessarily confidential, and it costs a lot!

Jiang Meihua knows Xiaohua’s stingyness and hurriedly said: “The other party is willing to bear half of the military spending!”

"Which!" Xiao Hua thought for a moment and said, "You asked him to apply for a secret room and pass the pass token!"

For Xiao Hua’s answer, Jiang Meihua was not surprised. He smiled and said: “No problem, but you have to give me military skills!”

Xiao Hua smiled and replied: "First squat, finally settle together!"

However, for a long time Jiang Meihua took out a five-star wafer from the military card and said: "Then I was very anxious. I didn't wait for me to give him military merits. He passed the pass token. !"

"Is it the descendant of Zi Huanguo?" Xiao Hua took the chip and thought about it.

While thinking about it, Xiao Hua took Liu Yunshu's card out, and his own heart fell into the wafer. The wafer was in the shape of a copper spoon in the Tianxian scorpion. Xiao Hua took the object and used it in accordance with the card. Encourage, "噗" copper spoon burst, thousands of runes in the air, condensed into a five-star portal.

Xiao Hua looked down at his body shape and still was the original face. He took a deep breath and stepped into the portal. He saw a light curtain falling from the portal and covering Xiao Hua. He saw a similar body flashing silver on the head. The human form of light and shadow...

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The Tiantian team really hides the dragon and the tiger, but some people know the mysterious number on the chart...

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