Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1040: Phoenix, weird female fairy

"Hey, when it comes to the two brothers and the three brothers..." You Zhongquan laughed. "They are quite strange when they fly up! One is obviously going to the fairyland, but they go to heaven. One is going to heaven, but they are coming to the fairyland. !"

"What?" Xiaohua was surprised to say, "Wang Haofei came to the fairyland? Fu Zhiwen went to heaven?"

"Yeah, yeah!" Chang Yuan and You Zhongquan said the same thing. "This is too magical. Even two brothers, there are two masters who don't know..."

"And talk about it..." Xiao Hua was very interested in the way, Chang Yuan and You Zhongquan were also very happy, and said the ins and outs of things.

Wang Yufei and Fu Zhiwen's strength are similar, almost simultaneously provoked thunder, in order to avoid the mutual impact of the two thunders, the two went to the edge of the two democrats in the Wanxue world.

Everything was normal at first, and the door of the fairyland above Fu’s head was opened. Wang Hao’s head was on top, and the book door of Tianting was also opened. In the door of the fairy world, the common thunder robbery fell toward Fu Zhiwen. Within the door of the heavenly book, the five gas is also thundering and roaring toward Wang Yufei. All the people of the demon world, the Yaozu are surprised to see, after all, Wan For a long time, the demon world has never seen two people robbing and flying at the same time.

However, when Fu Zhiwen sacrificed the heaven and earth tower, when Wang Xiufei sacrificed the fairy pen, the change became sudden, and Wang Xiaofei’s three-color infuriating gushing in front of his chest, a phoenix flashing silvery light burst out, this phoenix is ​​like The peerless flying sword, rolled up Wang Yufei's body and rushed into the door of the fairy world, the overwhelming thunder robbery could not resist, and the life was worn by the phoenix cave!

Seeing that Wang Yufei easily flew up to the fairyland, everyone did not feel stunned. At this time, Fu Zhiwen’s Tiandi Tower also made a roaring sound, covering Fu Zhiwen and rushing to the book door of heaven!

Of course, Fu Zhiwen's robbery is still normal, but unfortunately these tests are somewhat pale under the Tiandi Tower, and Fu Zhiwen is shocked and rises to heaven!

"This is to say..." Xiao Hua squeezed his chin. "Wang Haofei is a latecomer, but he became a second brother?"

However, when this statement came out, Xiao Hua felt that it was not appropriate. He should care about Wang Yifei’s change, so he hurriedly frowned: “Feng 钗!!!”

"Yeah!" said the right of the tour. "The disciple and other brothers and sisters later became Nahan. Where did the second brother get such a baby, he could help him easily cross the thunder!"

"The old man of this thing knows it!" Xiao Hua smiled. "This is the secret of your second brother. You don't have to ask more."

"It turns out that Master knows!" Chang Yuan suddenly realized that "it is normal now."

"Normal P!" Xiao Hua secretly from the belly, Feng Hua's origin Xiao Hua naturally knows that this Feng Xiao is Xiao Hua in the trial of Shenzhou Hui, Wang Yufei obtained in a flood of mainland China, when Wang Xiaofei said he heard a female fairy Whisper, let him go somewhere to save the female fairy. I can find out after that, there is no female fairy, only a jade, and there is a antique book and a colored pen inside the jade!

Both Xiao Hua and Wang Yufei thought that the female fairy had been out of sleep, leaving a colored pencil and a scroll to commemorate, and thanked the comers, so they did not care. Wang Yufei also took the colored pen for use as a fairy pen. As for the use of the book, Xiao Hua never asked.

Now and again and again, Xiao Hua did not know where he and Wang Yufei were fooled. Instead of getting out of trouble, the female fairy is hiding in the colored pen. The place where the jade is located is just a method of hiding the eyes and ears. It makes people feel that the female fairy has been out of trouble.

The female fairy crouched in the colored pen and stayed with Wang Haofei. When Wang Yufei flew to heaven, she suddenly acted with Wang Yufei and rushed into the fairy world.

Can Xiaohua step by step to the mainland, and with Wang Haofei easily break through the thunder, who is this female fairy, Xiao Hua may not know, but the strength of the female fairy, Xiao Hua has a concept, this female fairy Strength is far from being possible.

Xiao Hua was worried about Wang Yufei, but since the female immortal is willing to take Wang Yufei, it means that the female fairy remembers the kindness of Wang Yufei. These strength female immortals, however, will restore their strength slightly. Wang Haofei must have many advantages.

"Hey?" Xiao Hua thought of something and hurriedly asked.

"According to the three brothers said before..." You Zhongquan replied, "He will send the donkey to the Tiandi Tower and bring her to the fairyland. Now the three brothers went to heaven, and the two must have raised their eyebrows?"

"Weird!" Xiao Hua frowned. "How come at this time, did not listen to the Yushu Wenqu? Do you really know that Fu Zhiwen is flying up to heaven? After all, Yuxi Wenqu has seen Yuhuan and Yu Sibu!"

Frown, Xiao Hua suddenly stunned, and the corner of his mouth gave birth to a mysterious smile. How did he get along with Fu Zhiwen, and others did not know that he was clear. Wang Yufei’s supernatural power is even more bizarre than Fu Zhiwen. Although the female fairy is hiding in the phoenix, it is God’s ignorance, but since Wang Xiaofei can hear the voice of the female fairy, who knows that the thoughts of the lonely man and the widow have been born for many years. How many sparks!

Wang Yufei will never suffer!

Afterwards, You Zhongquan and Chang Yuan each said the things of Wan Yaojie. They were given the qualification to speak after Xiao Hua. Finally, Xiao Hua asked: "After you fly two, you are imprisoned? The appearance of the person you still Remember?"

You Zhongquan and Chang Yuan looked at each other and shook their heads: "Master, the man is covered with silver, I can't tell the difference, and the voice is weird, and I don't ask much. The disciple is afraid that there is no way to find that person. !"

"You don't have to ask more about this matter..." Xiao Hua waved. "You have to wait for the urgency to step up cultivation. Don't think that you are no match in the Wan Yao world, but this is the fairy world. You are unceremonious, the old man. Within the Kunlun Wonderland, any disciple can easily defeat you!"

"Yes, the disciple understands!" You Zhongquan and Chang Yuan looked at each other and said, "The disciples can reunite again. Once again, they are under the guidance of Master. It is really a lucky disciple. The disciples will make persistent efforts to create a brilliant future."

"Oh, yes!" Xiao Hua saw the two men and sighed. "Under the old man's door, the heart and the child are separated. Liu Yi is separated from Jiang Hong. But the two of you are still together, it is rare!"

"嘻嘻, there are three brothers and brothers in the text!"

"The two of them are afraid of having trouble!" Xiao Hua shook his head. "You, huh, yeah, you are also robbed, I must have been bitter at this time."

"Hopefully!" Seeing Chang Yuan, the right to swim, said with a smile.

"Hey, there is no Jiang Hong on the left and right, and the fairy world can be too peaceful!" Chang Yuan gave a small pair of shoes to Jiang Hong.

"Go..." Xiao Hua pointed to Kunlun mirror, and there was a clear light falling on it, saying, "You are also looking for a master of martial arts, ready to practice!"

Waiting for Chang Yuan and the right to regain his weight, Xiao Hua hesitated for a moment and sent the gift to him...

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Who is the weird female fairy, I think everyone already knows it?

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