Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1023: Resurgence

"Hey... I don't dare to work!" Where will He Qiong receive it? She hurriedly bowed her head. "It is the fault of dereliction of duty..."

"Oh..." Ningxue smiled and said, "What's wrong with you, this is what he promised you before. I just practised for him. You took it first, otherwise I can't mention it later!"

He Qiong was also very good, she took the bag and said: "What is the adult, please say!"

"There is nothing to do with the ins and outs of things!"

He Qiong did not dare to neglect, he said everything he knew, and everything was said. Finally, he tried to say: "If it is, but from time to time, Situ adults may be killed by Wei Wei, but it does not rule out that the faint is blocked. Communication fairy!"

"Wei's life is also broken!" Ningxue said faintly. "This hatred is no way to report. However, I have already ordered and took this matter down."

"Adults..." He Qiong changed color, whispered, "all...have already died so many people, why... why?"

"White is still alive, and Li Moi is alive!" Ning Xue said with a blank expression. "The palm of the palace must be traced. I also want to know what secrets Xiaohua has in the end!"

Saying that Ningxue looked up and looked at the sky, there was a trace of thunder in the sky, and she faintly said: "Make him... I can't look at the Spirit of Heaven, I want to know why I die?"

He Qiong suddenly understood that her face was repeated several times and then respectfully said: "Since there are two people, the adult can trace one, and the deportation will trace another one!"

"Do you think they are saved by both of them?" Ningxue nodded with satisfaction.

"It’s not a feather fairy or a diagonal rain palace!" He Qiong replied, "If these two dusty sea tribes are not allowed to die."

"Well, the oblique rain palace is white soil, then the feather fairy is Li Moi!" Ningxue nodded and asked, "Which one do you pick?"

"The dereliction of duty is not familiar with the oblique rain palace, but it is the relationship of some feathers, and I went to find Li Moi!"

"That's good!" Ningxue was not surprised by He Qiong's answer. She smiled. "Li Moi will hand it over to you. I will find a trace of two people. I must do it for you!"

"Don't dare!" He Qiong whispered. "The fall of Situ adults is also responsible for dereliction of duty. But..."

"But what?" Ningxue heard He Qiong, unpleasantly asked.

"Situ adults should also have avatars..." He Qiong is brave and timid. "Why should adults do this?"

"His avatar... is he?"

"No, no!"

"Well, you have already answered what I said, go!" Ning Xue waved. "What's the matter, remember to call me!"

"Yes, I will clean up the job and go to the feathers after the report!"

Seeing that He Qiong Lisuo got up and left, Ningxue hesitated and called: "He Qiong..."

He Qiong stunned and hurriedly turned and asked: "What else is there for adults?"

"thank you……"

He Qiong was a huge earthquake. After a while, he respectfully said: "I am very polite!"

"Hey..." Ningxue didn't say anything, still looking down at Leichi, He Qiong waited for a moment, and sighed and quietly left.

The punishment Gong Gongxue began to act, how could the palm of the palace be indifferent?

In the small study room, Mo Feiyan is turning an ice-colored tea pot in his hand. There is a slight yellow tea in the tea pot. Although the tea pot is moving up or down in the hands of Mo Feiyan, the tea is always Nothing spilled.

There was no light and shadow flashing around the samovar, and Mo Feiyan apparently did not use Xianli.

"Only the strength is used skillfully, even if there is no fairy power, you can do what Xianli can do!" Mo Feiyan is very abruptly talking to himself, "Practice can make this happen!"

To say this, Mo Feiyan gently swayed the tea, and the tea in it fell into his mouth. After swallowing the tea, Mo Feiyan looked at the tokens on the table and sneered: "I can’t think of the city. Suffocating!"

As I said, the tokens flashed red and faint, and Mo Feiyan swept away and grinned: "The it is coming!"

This grinning, utterly gave birth to 10,000 kinds of styles, more shy than the rest.

"Cough cough..." Mo Feiyan lightly coughed a few times, just got a token to get up, and a "beep" outside the study room flew a message.

After the ink flying rock was crushed, there was a clear voice inside: "Mr. Brother, how do you recover, do you want the younger brother to tell you?"

"Hey..." Mo Feiyan looked at Jing Fuhua as a broken firefly, and chuckled: "This silly child, how does the penalty palace teach you? Nothing to be diligent and arrogant, that is, stealing! You are so cold, it is obviously a guilty conscience." Look, how can I not let me doubt you?"

After that, Mo Feiyan took out another message, and the whispered softly said: "Thank you for the concern of Qingyang's younger brother. The deputy master has just called and asked me to go to the temple to wait. I am afraid there is something wrong!"

Looking at the communication crystal boat, Mo Feiyan closed his eyes and took a deep breath. This is the first time that he has faced Yucheng, and his success or failure is here.

However, for a long time, the huge ruined bamboo buddhist light and shadow outside the hall, Mo Feiyan carefully flew down, after many fairy tales. The nature that is kept outside the temple is waiting for the lord of the lord of the sacred temple. Most of these sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sects color.

However, they will not ask more, but they will take a look at Mo Feiyan, or respectfully wait for the sound, or whisper.

"Oh..." Mo Feiyan just stood for a moment, and there was a sudden flash of light in the space behind him. The high-level exploration of the Linglun Temple made Tang Ming step on the light.

"Hey?" A robbery law saw Tang Ming, not singular, "Tang brother, how come you?"

Tang Ming fell, and arched the hand: "Tangmou had previously taken the main hall of the Guidian deputy, and asked Tang to explore a thing. Now there are some eyebrows, so I will come back."

"No wonder!" The robbery made a smile and a gift, but just finished, he was strange. "My family is also strange. What can we do? What should we do to trouble the Linglun Temple?"

"Oh, naturally, things that you can't do!" Tang Ming smiled and looked at Mo Feiyan. "Have your injury been great?"

Mo Feiyan was shocked and hurriedly swearing at the ceremony: "Hey adults, dereliction of duty is very good. But the degrading spirit is damaged, really... I don't know adults, thank you for your concern."

"When I saw you, you are already dying, you can know me before you blame!" Tang Ming smiled.

"Booming and banging..." It is said that the robbery hall is over the sky, the huge bamboo knots are falling like mountains, and the power of the infinite space interface is like flooding with the bamboo knots. Even many dioxins are here. The force of the interface swayed in the wind, and the silver light disappeared.

The ink flying rock is annihilated by the silver body, and the face is unstable as the earth color.

Tang Ming saw a slight smile, and the right hand gently lifted the ink fly rock!

"Boom..." The blue-colored bamboo festival fell into the robbery hall, and the four-color brilliance began to flash within the temple. The bamboo that had previously descended from the sky turned into a clear pillar, and there was another ring at the top of the pillar. Spread like a dragonfly.

Immediately, there was a sound coming out of the hall, and the immortals of Houli began to enter one by one.

There are two hours, and there are only Tang Ming and Mo Feiyan left in the fairy tales outside the main hall.

Driving the last fairy to fly out, Tang Ming went outside the hall, respectfully said: "Linglun Temple Tang Ming, I have seen the deputy master..."

"Oh? Is there any news yet?" Tang Ming’s voice came to the city, and he was surprised to hear the tone.

"Yes, adults!" Tang Ming smiled. "There was news in the first few days of the day, and the squad quickly rushed back."

Then Tang Ming flew into the hall.

The more the meal was spent, Tang Ming flew out of the temple, with a hint of blush on his face, apparently benefiting from the city.

Tang Mingchong Mo Feiyan nodded and grew up.

"Hey... 鄙 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨

"Come in!" The sound of Yucheng was faint, and I heard the feeling of Lei Zhen in the ink flying rock ear.

Mo Feiyan carefully flew into the hall, and the face was actually a barrier of light and shadow condensation. The unspeakable majesty emerged from the light and shadow of the barriers, so that the ink flying rock could not breathe.

The "啪" barrier bursts from it, and a portal is born. The portal is not one, but is folded together, with four or fifty layers of light and shadow.

Ink Feiyan flew into the portal, and the sound of "Card" sounded, and his fairy body was compressed by 30%.

When the figure falls into the portal, it is also a golden temple, in the center of the temple, a fairy in a golden robe, although the fairy does not have a silver cover The eyes of Mo Feiyan are in the shadows, and the figure of Xianguan is illusory. It is impossible to see which one is the real body.

And the figure of Xianguan fell into the eyes of Mo Feiyan, and the different majestic appearances were born like a knife.

"Mr. Fei Feiyan sees an adult!" Mo Feiyan felt that the whole body was like a heavy pressure. When he got here, he finally couldn't load it.

This trip is good, and the previous pressure should disappear.

"Well..." Yucheng responded with a sigh of relief, and looked up at the same time. Thousands of imaginary eyes looked up at the same time. Thousands of gaze were like the pillars of light falling onto Mo Feiyan!

"Brush" gaze, the ink of the Feifeiyan was defeated, and some quirky blue spots emerged from his body. At the same time, there were huge golden runes around the hall, and all the things were changed. Or bamboo knots, or chains, or scrolls, slamming toward the ink-flying rock!

"Adults are forgiving..." I feel that these runes are not with the smell of destroying the earth, not to mention thousands of runes, but the rune can kill themselves on a stroke, and the ink flying souls fly out of the sky. Shouted.

I know that Yucheng simply ignored him. Mo Feiyan struggled and struggled, and he could only let the runes fall.

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Everything has to start, the source is here in Yucheng...

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