Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1024: Empowering the "Mo Feiyan"

"Boom...Boom...Boom..." With the rune falling, the cyan flares flicker, the body of the ink flying rock disappeared, and there was about a cup of tea. The shape of the ink flying rock was completely transparent.

Yucheng looked like lightning, swept over the shape of the ink flying rock. After a moment, he snorted and the golden rune stopped falling. The shape of the ink flying rock then condensed.

After the appearance of the ink flying rock, the city faintly asked: "Mo Feiyan, what do you remember?"

Mo Feiyan’s face was full of fear, and he was careful: “Adults, oh... the degrading spirit is damaged, there are not many things to remember, you... if you have had anything to do, you still... Ming said!"

"Do you know what you are going to do with Yu Yu?"

"This defamation remembers!"

"Well, look at this..." Yucheng said, with a big sleeve, a bamboo-shaped ink fairy fell to the top of the ink head.

Mo Feiyan didn't dare to get up. He took the hands of the ink fairy and swept his hands. He cried in amazement: "What? Wei... Wei Daren fallen??"

"...and Situ Hong of the penalty palace? High...High-level supervision patrol? Also... also the second scent??"

Mo Feiyan was shocked. He looked at the city with a sneak peek. He couldn’t see anything. He had to look down. When he finished reading, he gritted his teeth and said, “Thank you, adults, finally know how Yu Yu died. It!"

“How did you die?” Yucheng was interested.

"The dereliction of duty and the punishment of the palace are not the same!" Mo Feiyan said loudly, "He Qiong of this penalty palace must see the embers alone, this sent his men..."

"Stupid!" Yucheng yelled and said, "This temple is to appoint you to be heavy, you are good, and you are blinded by hatred when you come up, so how can you see through the truth? So how can you help the embers revenge? ”

"Adults..." Mo Feiyan still gnashed his teeth and snarled his teeth. "I know **** my embarrassment. This Xiaohua can't take it off. It's hidden and repaired. Not only does it make people derelict, but also... And Wei Weiwei, if... If it is the first day, the dereliction of duty will be tougher, and if you don’t follow the orders of heaven, you will be able to help the adults to bring the Xiaohua!"

"Well?" The city was low-pitched, and the surrounding space was closed with chains. The chain was like a singer, and the claws of the teeth surrounded the ink-flying rock.

"what do you know?"

The sound of Yucheng is as cold as the nine secluded mysterious ice.

Mo Feiyan is still respectful and replies: "I don't know what the dereliction of duty is! But it was revealed by the previous embers, and just the adults said that they should reuse the dereliction of duty, and they have guessed what they have lost!"

"What did Yin Yu say to you?"

"Yan Daren only said that it is a task in the temple, and you must go all out to work!"

"Ha ha..." Yucheng laughed and suddenly yelled at him. "There is no way to say anything, but I dare to pretend to be a ghost in front of the old man!"

"Booming..." With the big shackles in the city, the blue thunder was born at the top of the ink-flying rock, and suddenly broke into his head, and then the chain of dancing around rushed into the ink-flying fairy, not only the hole, but also him. Tightly bound, seeing the red blood plasma escaping!

"Ah!" Murfeiyan shouted and passed out!

"Hey..." A golden light rushed out of the mouth of the city and fell into the head of the ink-flying rock, turning into thousands of filaments.

"Quiet!" After the interest rate, Yucheng said to himself, "Is this Mo Feiyan really insincere, forget something?"

"Yin Yu was hiding from the old man, hiding in the mainland and not returning. Now he lost himself. Even Tang Ming, the Linglun Temple, did not detect his whereabouts..."

"...and then others will go to investigate. If Yin Yuxi falls, it is better to say that if he has not fallen, he can't be suspected that he is the old man's hand, and he is not allowed to make some self-protection means. The old secret is a secret... Maybe Known by others..."

"... This ink-flying rock is a Yin Yu-Yi system. It is also a secret. If you let him go, you can find out the best details. It’s really not good. It’s no problem. There are some things that the old man needs to do in the Enlightenment... ”

"...It’s Yan Yu. I don’t listen to the old man’s order. I just leave the old man’s affairs to others to do. I want to hold other people’s thighs. This is a go-go dog, don’t stop!”

In my heart, Yucheng blew a scent of scent, and the gold wire that swam in the head of the ink head of the Feifei rock suddenly condensed, turning into a small sword of less than a few inches hidden in the Mofeiyan mud pill palace!

Waiting for Yucheng to raise his hand and grasp the chain of the ink flying rock, the ink flying rock slammed open his eyes, whispered: "Adult, dereliction of duty!"

"Well, the old man is blaming you!" Yucheng smiled slightly and gave the crystal bottle to his eyes. "This is a wound medicine, you are served!"

"Xie Daren!" Mo Feiyan did not dare to neglect, took the medicinal herbs, this is the visible healing of the flesh and blood, waiting for the end, "Boom..." successively seventy-four forty-nine sounds, Mo Feiyan In the body, forty-nine are in the bamboo festival, and these bamboo knots are giving birth to a smaller bamboo knot. These bamboo knots still condense into a chain to swim in the ink-flying rock, and the chain often moves away. Circle, the body of Mo Feiyan will change!

"Adult?" Mo Feiyan's face changed slightly.

"The old man is just having something to do..." Yucheng said faintly. "Just your strength is too small, the old man has to help you!"

Said, two crystal bottles of the ink fairy fell to the top of the ink flying rock.

"The two ink fairy sputum records a smelting method and a secret cultivation technique. The crystal bottle is used together with the elixir..." Yucheng said, "You can see it yourself!"

"More... Thank you adults!" Mo Feiyan's voice trembled took over the ink fairy and crystal bottle, grabbed the tunnel with the head, "Hey... I am willing to work for adults, liver and brain."

"Well, the old man knows!" Yucheng said, and another ink fairy fell to his eyes. "Look at this again!"

Mo Feiyan took over the ink fairy, and swept away, and his eyes narrowed down. He said: "Yin Yu is missing?"

"It is missing, or hiding, the old man needs an exact answer!"

Mo Feiyan took a deep breath and said: "There is only one deputy in the eyes of the dereliction of duty.

"Well, let's go, the old man is waiting for your news!"

Mo Feiyan is about to get up, and suddenly said: "There is no difficulty in dereliction of duty, but it is difficult to go to the mainland alone. I want to go with a person..."


"Qing Yang!" Mo Feiyan whispered, "It is a small younger brother who is degrading, but the strength of the fairy."

"Well, I know, let's go to Helan's with Yu Yu? Quasi..."

"Thank you an adult!" Mo Feiyan respected and slammed his head and got up and left.

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"Mo Feiyan" was mixed and began to stir up the water in the penalty palace...

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