Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1022: Penalty Gong Ningxue

The ceremony was just about to open, Zhuang Hao suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly said: "Right, are you waiting for the Xiaohua Shishu to be a baby?"

"Impossible!" To the ceremony, the three people said the same thing, "His old man is not a fairy baby!"

"Call..." Zhuang Yu loosened his breath and smiled. "That's right! The Xiaohua that the old man met is Xianying. It is estimated to be the same name!"

Ruthless and so on, but Cui Wei is still cautious: "What does the five elements of the Zhuang seniors look like?"

"Oh, this way!" Zhuang Yi's big sleeves flicked, and freely painted Xiao Hua's image!

"Father of the right?"

"Sister Xiao?"

"Uncle Shi?!"

The ruthless three people call different, but the surprises are exactly the same, they are cheering when they are finished!

Zhuang Yu is stupid, and his cheeks have some fever. He knows the strength of Xiao Hua quite well. Can he be the immortal who killed the palms of the palace, and is it the strength of the five elements?

These immortals have just flew for sixty years, compared with others, the life limit is really alive to the fire spirit beast!

However, Zhuang Yi slightly changed his mind and looked at the three dusty ecstasy. He whispered: "You are not happy! The old man has a bad news telling you to wait..."

"What's wrong?" The ruthless three suddenly felt bad.

"Xiao Hua has fallen to the secluded nature of the Enlightenment!" Zhuang said, "I was next to him when he fell, and after he fell, I returned to the mainland of Dongjiang!"

"Impossible!" The ruthless three people naturally couldn't believe their ears and blurted out.

Zhuang Yu finally has a psychological balance. Xiao Hua is certainly a genius, but after all, he is short-lived and can live to learn what to do. The dead are not qualified, and will soon be forgotten by others.

"In the fairy world... nothing is impossible! When there are two high-level descendants on the first day of the Yuan Dynasty, the two dragons are fallen. If the old husband is not rich, you must be trapped inside. You don't know, but it is very quiet. Ah, the whole annihilation..."

"Feng Yuan is deep?" Hearing Zhuang said that he is very blessed, and he feels that he is not right when he listens to others. They are sad in their hearts, but they are not absent. They naturally know how deep Xiaohua Fu is!

So Cui Wei hurriedly whispered: "Zhuang seniors, can... can you tell me about the process of meeting Xiao Shashu with my family?"

"Worried!" Zhuang Wei thought a little, and said, "The old man just wants to rest for a while, you wait and follow the old man, Rong Rongfu said in detail!"

Zhuang Wei was very impressed with Xiao Hua. Seeing ruthlessness was Xiao Hua’s life. He also looked at each other differently. He took the three people to the sky and waited for a stable place. He would ban the ban and slightly adjust the interest. After that, I said that I didn’t know what Xiaohua didn’t know.

At the end of the day, I heard Zhuang Yi escaped, and the faint annihilation, and the natural vision, not to say to the ceremony, is ruthless and Cui Wei also have a smile, give birth to a smile! They are outsiders. Naturally, if this natural vision has three points for Zhuang, then the seven points are for Xiao Hua. If you don’t see Xiao Hua’s body, how can you say that Xiao Hua has fallen?

"Predecessors..." Look at the ruthlessness and swear by the courtesy. "The younger generation knows that the predecessors are the generations of faithfulness, and the words spoken are definitely counted."

"That is natural!" Zhuang Xiao smiled. "Even Xiao Xiaoyou said the old man!"

"That..." Cui Weiji said, "Which is better than your old qualifications?" Who is better?"

Zhuang Yu was indulged for a moment, and some helplessly said: "Before the Five Elements, the old man is not as good as Xiao Hua, but after the turn of the Five Elements, he does not have the blessing of the old man..."

"The predecessors just said that if my uncle is better than the seniors, you will not force me to wait for the teacher..."

"Who said that?" Zhuang Yan sneered, "The old man is the name of your uncle..."

Speaking of this, Zhuang Yi once again stunned, and waved: "But it, you will not worship if you don't love the teacher, can't the old man bully you and wait for these dust fairy?"

"Predecessors..." hurriedly asked, "Do you still have anything to say? The reputation of the younger generation’s father in the enlightenment of the mainland??"

After Zhuang Yu left the secluded pole, he would naturally go back to the dusty sea to inquire about the news. Xiao Hua and the business alliance of the alliance must know it, so he mentioned the reputation of Xiao Hua, of course he is better than that! Therefore, he has no choice but to say: "The strength of your father is average, but he is a business alliance..."

"Looking at the business alliance?" The ruthless people’s eyes brightened, and they became more and more aware that Xiaohua must be Xiaohua who he was looking for.

After Zhuang Yu finished, he grew up and said: "There is also a big business in the world, and there is a big white head and a deputy head Li Moi. If you want to find Xiao Hua, you may want to find them first! You wait for me to go!"

Ruthlessly eager, said: "Isn't the predecessor not letting the younger generation go under the seniors?"

Zhuang Wei did not have a good air: "You wait for more! The old man whim, thinking that the opportunity is to accept you as a disciple, it seems that things are not what the old man thinks, you wait for the teacher, the old man will not be reluctant, but since the old man touched To you, is to have a fate with you, the old man wants to return to the mainland, you are not going to Mingdao Xianyu? Left and right is to raise your hand! And the opportunity that the old man said may be to get to know you, send you to the mainland. !"

Ruthless, to the ceremony and Cui Wei listened, did not feel overjoyed, Qi Qi said: "The younger generation thanked the seniors Gaoyi!"

"Ha ha..." Zhuang Xiao laughed. "What high morality is not high-minded, the old man thinks that Xiao Hua is pleasing to the eye, and he is also a house and a black house for you!"

Not to mention that Zhuang Yu returned to the mainland with the ceremony and others, saying that the Ming Dynasty was in the palace of punishment, it is still the courtyard that looks quite quiet, it is still the Leichi, there is still lightning flashing inside the Leichi, countless Lei Si mixed with the Thunder gave birth to various illusions, and one of the Thunder beads was broken in the depths of the Thunder.

Before the Thunder, I still stood in the thunder and flashed the thunder. Under the thunder, there was a female scented snow with a nail protector, but next to her, Situ Hong, who was away from the Yuan Dynasty, would never stand there anymore.

There is no portal in the At this time, He Qiong’s voice came from midair: “Adult, swearing to see adults!”

Ningxue no expression, big hands, a portal born out of thin air.

After He Qiong flew out from the inside, he hurriedly slammed his knees: "Adult..."

Ningxuetou did not return, took out a 100-bag and sent it to He Qiong, saying: "This is Situ Hong promised to you earlier!"

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Although Zhuang Yi is forced to force, but the character is really good...

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