Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1015: White lie

"Don't say anything else, do you see which mountain peak the emperor just rehabilitated?" Huang Mengxiang saw two female immortals, and another pointed to the peak of Liu Yanfei. "The peak of Shuo Jinshan... Staying?"

"Oh, it is..." Wang Yubai also nodded and said, "When the ancestors let us in, they also said, don't fly!"

"That's right!" Huang Mengxiang said, "If you don't obey, the big sister will say a word, dare to let the wind drive you out of Shuo Jinshan, and even welcome the sky!"

Wang Yubai and Sisi were panicked. They looked at each other and hurriedly prayed: "Zhu Bai and Sisi have seen the big sister!"

"Haha, get up!" Liu Yan was very happy and helped the two together. "Since then you and my four female immortals are sisters. You follow me to eat spicy and spicy!"

"Big...big sister..." Sisi got up and said, "What is it that is delicious?"

Liu Yan, and arbitrarily waved: "Don't worry, it is good to follow the big sister, come, this is you ... four sisters!"

“Xiaomei Huang Mengxiang has seen two young ladies...” Huang Mengxiang hurriedly saw the ceremony: “I can worship two sisters, and my sister will laugh when I dream...”

"Hey..." Wang Yubai and Sisi also laughed and hurriedly helped Huang Mengxiang.

"Come, come..." Liu Yan, who was a big sister, was very happy. He took out a jug. "This is a fairy wine. You and my four sisters have a sip..."

"The brothers said that we are female immortals, we can't just drink alcohol..." Sisi quickly waved his hand, "will be taken advantage of the male fairy!"

"Sister? Who!" Liu Yan is not pleased. "Is it better than me?"


Sisi whispered, carefully took the wine cellar, and the four female immortals did not dare to drink more, one cup, then Liu Yan said: "Sisi, what did you say about the dragon robbery?"

Sisi and Wang Yubai did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly said that the dragon was robbed, but unfortunately, before she finished, Liu Wei had already jumped up and said, "What? Xiao Hua Xiaozhen? You... The immortal person you said is the strength of the immortal high-order is Xiaohua?"

"Ah?" Huang Mengxiang almost whispered at the same time, but her voice and behavior were much smaller than Liu Yan, and Wang Baibai and Sisi, who were shocked, were not aware of it.

"What's wrong, big sister?" Sisi did not understand, "Is Xiaohua ah? His strength is not only Yan Xian, there should be five elements of high-level, in the waste beast, he can easily defeat the Bixia beast..."

"Damn!" Liu Yan whispered. "How does he cultivate so fast!"

"Big... Big sister knows Xiaozhen people?" Wang Yubai understood, whispered.

"Oh, I don’t know him. I saved him in the same year! At that time, he was just a little fairy baby who was not even a dust dinosaur..."

Listening to the fairy baby, Huang Mengxiang was relieved. In her heart, her Xiao Lang was like a cold drink. How could it be turned into a fairy baby?

"Later?" Huang Mengxiang whispered.

Wang Haobai just wants to talk, there is movement outside Shuo Jinshan, Sisi and Wang Yubai are just turning around, Liu Yan has already flown on the hills of Gaotian, and continues to lie down and pretend to be a coma.

This time I flew in, Huang Xiaoxiao, the three female immortals did not dare to neglect, hurriedly squatting.

Huang Xiaoxiao smiled and raised the three female immortals, flew to the heights, and looked at Liu Wei’s bitter smile: “Hey, hey, don’t make trouble, you have something to do with the sky, you pick you up!”

Liu Yan’s eyes turned and did not blink, I wanted to get away with it.

"The old man has three immortals..."

"Ah?" Waiting for Huang Xiaowan, Liu Yan immediately jumped up and shouted, "Huang Xiaoxiao, why don't you say it earlier?"

After that, Liu Xiaofei flew down, and while flying, he said to Huang Mengxiang, Wang Yubai and Sisi: "I will go back to heaven first, and I will come back to you when I have time..."

"Hey..." Wang Yibai, Sisi and Huang Mengxiang all smiled and said, "Gongjie big sister!"

"Big sister?" Huang Xiaoxiao listened and stunned, but in a moment, there was a smile in the corner of his mouth. There were three female maidens in the Huang family who had a good relationship with Liu Xia’s sister. Can they have less chance to see Liu Wei?

"Hey..." Liu Yan flew out of Shuo Jinshan, and when he saw Liu Yan’s look a little embarrassed, he hurriedly shouted, "You are old..."

"Go back and talk about it!" Liu Yan did not say much, only urged Liu Wei.

"Small can send two fairy..." Huang Xiaoxiao said in a hurry and diligent.

"Well, there is a little brother..."

A "little brother" heard the yellow small bones soft and numb, he repeatedly waved: "You're welcome, you're welcome!"

Waiting for Liu Yu and Liu Yu to enter the transmission array, Huang Xiaoxiao suddenly wakes up and hurriedly said: "Hey..."

Liu Yan followed Liu Yan back to Chaotian, seeing Liu Yan directly to Bi Yutian, Liu Yan Da Qidao "Hey, how old is in Biyutian?"

Liu Yan was saddened from her heart. She took Liu Yan’s hand and whispered: “Hey, the owner also advised the old man to return to his own hole, can say that...she won’t let you, she ... she wants to watch the air transporters of our Liu family pick up the Liu family and the burden of the ancient family..."

"You are old..." Liu Yan couldn't help but tears, and flew into Liu Yutian before flying.

Bi Yutian is still so cold, and there are not many immortals. When Liu Wei flies back, he only meets a few older immortals. Liu Yan hastily rushed into it and rushed into the old face. Still smiling, talking to the stupid people who are next to him.

Looking at the old eyebrows, there is a silver wire from time to time, like a broken firefly, Liu Yan could not help but flutter past, like a breast swallow.

"You are old..." Liu Yan shouted, tears raining.

The old man looked at Liu Yan and threw himself into his arms. Hesitated to hug her, and rubbed his hair with his hands. He smiled and said: "Stupid child, what are you crying!"

"I...I..." Liu Yan said, "If you are not a child, you will not be tempted to forget your child. It is a child's fault!"

"You silly boy!" You old still smiles kindly. "You are the air transporter of my family. They are the leaders of the ancient family ZTE. Your life is more important than me..."

"I..." sniffing the ugly stink of the old man, Liu Yan cried even more.

"Crying is useless..." said the old man, Liu Yan, "If you want me to walk with peace of mind, you should cultivate well and take the burden of the family. Only then can I be assured..."

"Yes, yes, I know!" Liu Yan's little face was full of tears, nodded again and again.

"You don't have to worry too much..." The clumsy man said in a hurry, "just follow the steps!"

"Four Uncle..." Liu Yan raised his head and asked, "Can there be any elixir to stop the elders of the old age?"

"It is said that the Buddha State has a holy lotus seed..." said the awkward person. "But the holy lotus seed is too scarce. Even if it is a feather fairy, it does not dare to agree. Oh, hey, the family owner has come with other sacrifices, they have already I have found a way..."

"Buddha, um, I know!" Liu Yan’s eyes lit up and nodded.

Liu Yan also shed tears next to him. At this time, he felt that Liu Yan had different tone and hurriedly looked at the stupid people.

The clumsy people did not intend to say it, nor did they particularly care.

"You are old..." After a long while, Liu Yan got up and said, "The baby is going to practice, you are assured, the baby will not let you down!"

"Well, let's go, go!" Xiao Lao nodded happily. "I am here to protect you! I want to see the air transporter of our Liu family as a real air transporter!"

Looking at Liu Wei, I thought about it, and said to the stupid people: "The fourth, you... to avoid it, I will tell Liu Yu what the original is!"

"Good!" Stupid people got up and left.

The old man cautiously urged the fairy, but when he saw a blue fire, the surrounding space was closed. Liu Yan took out a khaki book and carefully said: "You are old..."

"Retract the original Tsukiji article!" The old man smiled bitterly. "I have never seen Tsukihara's remnants. Is there any good point to say?"

"You are this..." Liu Yan did not understand the book.

"Oh..." The old man looked at Liu Yan, one word at a time, "You first made a promise, what I said today, you can't say anyone!"

Liu Yan was shocked, but she still made a promise.

"Do you believe in the air transporter?" The first sentence of the old man is like a thunder, and Liu will be stupid.

"Phase...believe..." Liu Yu was suspicious for a moment, stuttering.

"I do not believe!"

The second sentence of the old man once again darkened Liu Yan.

"That..." Liu Yan couldn't help but ask, "Hey..."


"How is it possible?" Liu Yan was shocked and jumped up, cried, "This is impossible!!"

“How is it impossible?” said the old man faintly. “Wu Yan is an air transporter. Who said it?”

" is an old sacrifice in the family!"

"Accurately said..." Elder, one word, "I am, under the guidance of the owner of the house... said!"

"Boom..." Liu Yan was a cockroach, his mind was blank, and a conviction that he did not know how many years of the world was actually a lie.

The old man didn't pay attention to Liu Wei's Then he said: "The so-called air transport, this is mysterious, who can make it clear? Perhaps this day's air transport is like this, the Ming Yuan day air transport It became like that! Where will there be any air transporters?"

"Moreover, if there is a real air transporter, in fact, can we be divined by such a small Jiugongxian? Everything is just some veins, some pushes, some assumptions?"

"That... the little air that the four uncles said..." Liu Wei returned, and his face turned white and whispered. "No... is it true?"

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The air transporter is actually a fake?

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