Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1014: Liu Yan? Awakening

In the book, the golden light is entangled with the silver light, and the two separated marks flash on the silver. The silver light rotates inside the silver light. The broken side is slowly merged with the rotation, and there are countless thousands of invisible thousands. The rune emerges from the light and shadow, and the rune is in the eyes of Yu Xiao, and there is infinite morality:

"...My fairy home has more than seventy-two, and all of them can pass through the sky, but the only ones are sacred, and the sacred sacred ones are seven. If you want to cast a yin, you must first close the five..."

"...Wu Xian's family has more than seventy-two, and all of them can pass through the sky, but the only ones are sacred, and the scorpion is seven. If you want to cast non-toxic, first close the five..."

Look at the space inside the fairy world, where the sacred scene reveals traces of light, and the shadows produce the glaring blue light! The light and shadow of the mysterious cloud emerges. At this time, the mysterious cloud has been somewhat pale blue, and the shape of the yin and non-toxic is more obvious.

There are two kinds of sounds in the two silver prints. The sounds are similar and disturbed together. The ordinary immortals can't hear clearly, but the face of Yuhua Xiaohua is ecstasy, the light and shadow in the eyes flash, and the secret of this ritual is not a word. Missing in mind...

I don’t say that Xiao Hua is practicing in the Moyitian camp. He said that in the Shuojin Mountain that welcomes the sky, Liu Yu is sitting on a khaki hill on the knees. What is said about the mouth, it is much smaller than Liu Yu. Huang Mengxiang looked at Liu Yan, and looked at Liu Yan from time to time. He nodded from time to time, and occasionally opened his eyes, and occasionally exclaimed, let Liu Wei be especially satisfied.

Or tired of it, Liu Yan stopped and waved: "This is the day of the Yuan Dynasty. Your elder sister has a lot of dangers in the lower bounds. I will wait until I can."

When Liu Yan took a nap ring, he took the fairy fruit from the inside and handed it to Huang Mengxiang: "This is the special fairy fruit that I have in the sky, you try it!"

"Xie sister..." Huang Mengxiang took care of the fruit and took a sip. He smiled. "It's so delicious. I feel that the sweetheart who eats a little girl can be a little pure!"

"That is, the big sister let you eat the fruit..." Liu Yan was quite happy, proudly said, just said here, her eyes gave birth to a faint blood, "ah..." screamed, then hand Grab your head and curl up together!

That is to say, half a cup of tea, Liu Yan eyes in the blood gradually faded, slowly return to normal, but looking at the forehead to see sweat, the face is somewhat distorted, it should be very painful.

Huang Mengxiang seems to be used to it, but she is still extremely worried. When she sees Liu Yan open her eyes, she asks with concern: "Sister, okay?"

"Hey, what are you afraid of?" Liu Yan gnashed his teeth. "Big sister, I was forced to do so in the lower bounds. I didn't give in. What is this pain?"

"Sister..." Huang Mengxiang hesitated, whispered, "You...what is going on here? Can you tell the younger sister? Is there any way for Xiaomei?"

"What can you do?" Liu Yan snorted. "This is the fairy world. You just came, what do you know?"

"If you can talk about it, maybe?"

Liu Yan thought for a moment and said: "There is nothing, it is like a dream, a lot of dreams in the sea, people, water demon!"

"Ah?" Huang Mengxiang was shocked and lost his voice. "Sister also has this experience?"

"How?" Liu Qiqi said, "Do you have the experience of this dream?"

"Oh, what about it!" Huang Mengxiang smiled. "The little girl has more than this kind of dream, still in her dreams... with people doing double repairs..."

"Ah? Is it?" Liu Yan was surprised. Looking at Huang Mengxiang, he scratched his face with his fingers and said, "Isn't you shy little girl, still thinking about double repair?"

Huang Mengxiang also had a reddish face and whispered: "It’s just a dream, and later I know it’s fake..."

"Oh, fake? Then... what exactly do you do? Do you have that?"

"I said no..."

Just said here, there are light and shadow flashing outside Shuojin Mountain.

"I am going, that little one is coming again!" Liu Yan hurriedly turned his eyes and lay down on the hill and said, "I said I still haven't woken up..."

"Oh, I know, my sister..." Huang Mengxiang chuckled and hurriedly flew another hill.

I know that it is not Huang Xiaoxiao who came in, but another fairy with two female immortals. The two female immortals are weird. Although they are extremely delicate, they can produce two small dragons on their foreheads.

The immortal and the two female immortals said something, arranged two female immortals to find two hills to practice, and then went straight, and did not care about Liu Wei and Huang Mengxiang.

The two female immortals just sat down on the knees, "Call..." Liu Yan turned and sat up, cried, "You...who are you two?"

The two female immortals are naturally Wang Baibai and Sisi, and the thoughts look at Liu Wei, and ask: "Who are you?"

"Bold!" Liu Yan whispered, and his backhand shot on his own door. "Boom" silver light fell like a waterfall, and Liu Xian's fairy body rose rapidly. After waiting for more than 200 feet, it stopped. Come down.

Wang Shubai and Sisi were shocked and hurriedly got up. Respectfully Shi Lidao: "The younger generation Wang Baibai, Sisi has seen the predecessors!"

"Get up!" Liu Yan pretending to lift the two together. "Do you wait for the two to have the Dragon blood? I remember my ancient family's blood is pure, how are you..."

"Good teaching predecessors know..." Sisi hurriedly replied, "I am waiting for the dusty sea dragons, not the ancient family, but the little predecessors passed by the sea, just happened to meet me and waited in the robbery." Seriously injured, his old man saved me back..."

“The wind is small?” Liu Yan’s nose, said, “Is that the little one who is attentive to my sister? Can he save people?”

"Yes...Yes!" Wang Yubai and Sisi felt more and more Liu Yan was deep and hurriedly accompanied him carefully. "He...he saved the younger generation..."

"What seniors of the younger generation..." Liu Yan heard a few words and felt impatient, and waved, "You and I are different, just call me a big sister!"

"Big...big sister???" Wang Yubai and Si Si stupid The two looked at each other and were at a loss.

Next to Huang Mengxiang, I saw Wang Xibai and Sisi’s simple female fairy, so she smiled softly: "Two...sister, big sister is not a neighbor, she is the air transporter of the ancient family..."

"Ah? Air transporter??" Sisi exclaimed, incredible look at Liu Wei.

"Hey..." Liu Yan snorted and slammed the little chest, as if it would be a lot bigger.

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Liu Yan woke up, will this guy practice with peace of mind?

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