Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1016: There is hope in the old age.

"The ancient family divination technique is naturally not fake. Regarding the divination of small gas transportation, there are ten or three fours. It is true. It can really be on the air, and it will not be able to see a few lives. How can you see the veins?" The explanation is, "You don't want to think about it. If you are an air transporter, do you still need to take your marriage?"

Liu Yan blurted out: "Why is the owner..."

"Oh..." Elder sighed. "You may not know, we Liujia has always been the ear of the ancient family, but the strength of the family has been weakened recently..."

"So..." Liu Yan some enlightened, whispered, "First take the baby marriage, seeing the marriage has no effect for the time being, just ... fake the air transporter?"

"This is for the status of the family!"

"Well, the baby understands!" Liu Yan did not entangle this more. The prosperity of the family is indeed higher than the happiness of the individual. Liu Yan understands that she is somewhat arrogant. "But if this is the case, why do you tell the baby at this time?" ?"

"If there is no immortal triad, if there is no strange situation, I will not tell you, I will only bring this secret into Jiuquan!" You look at the distant ban, and faint to the road, " Unfortunately, I am going, I don’t know, are like that, I really don’t trust, if I don’t tell you, you don’t look at you, she... she’s even dead. I do not know!"

Yes, Liu Yan went into flames, and the soul went into forgetting the river. Apart from being nervous with the old man, even the stupid people were not particularly afraid. Other tribes did not even look at it because they believed that Liu Wei was an air transporter. Since it is an air transporter, how can it be easily degraded?

"Special..." Elder continued, "Oh, this opportunity is weird, even I can't see through it. I have no power to confess, but every time I think of it, there will be a feeling of creepy feeling, so I can't help." You said, you must be optimistic, don't let her give him a life!"

"Well, I know, old!" Liu Yan thought before, and finally, "You can rest assured, my sister, I will protect her!"

"Call..." The old man said with a long sigh of relief. "I will be relieved."

"But..." Liu Yan said, "You can tell me, what happened to Forget Sichuan?"

The old brow raised his head and asked: "What do you remember?"

"Nothing, just some weird temperament..."

"I don't even know!" Yu old shook his head. "I am also a soul, and I will return in a moment..."

Having said that, the old man looked up and said: "The fourth is back..."

Said, not waiting for Liu Yan to say anything, she raised her hand to ban the immortal.

Not only are the stupid people coming back, but also followed by Huang Xiaoxiao, who is somewhat uncomfortable: "Hey, Xiao Xiao is looking for you, saying that something is going to tell you!"

“Little?” Liu Yanqi said. “What do you want to do? Just don’t say...”

"Hey..." Huang Xiaoxiao laughed. "I just didn't say it. It was when I remembered that you have already returned to the sky. At this time, it is related to the three immortals of the old, and I dare not neglect... ”

"Ah?" Liu Yan was shocked and said in a hurry. "You... you are going to say!"

"The best elixir to stop the old man is the holy lotus seed of the Buddha..."

Stupid people are cold and cold: "This does not mean you say..."

"Yes, yes..." Huang Xiaoxiao just wanted to say a few more words with Liu Wei. He was even robbed by the clumsy people and had to say a long story. "But I also know that there is a kind of little holy lotus seed that can also prevent the tribe of the immortals. !"

"Little St. Lotus?" Mo said that Liu Yan and the stupid people, and even the old man looked like a nahan.

"What is this elixir? Why haven't you heard of the old man?" asked the strange old man.

“It’s a kind of elixir that the squadron trades on the Dianqi Haixian !!” Huang Xiaoxiao explained, “The younger generation is also the first time to see it, but it’s a matter of seeing a predecessor with this little holy lotus seed to stop the immortal. Three failures..."

“Where is the business alliance? Where is it?” Liu Yan said, “I will find it!”

"Where is the business alliance, I don't know..." Huang Xiaodao, "Our Huang Jia and Feng Jia are allied with the big palm of the business alliance and the head of the deputy Li Moi, but since their master Xiao Hua is in a secluded..."

"You...what do you say??" Liu Yan and the stupid people glanced at each other and were shocked. They interrupted Huang Xiaoxiao’s words, "Xiao... Xiao Hua??"

"Yeah!" Huang Xiaoxiao also stunned and nodded. "Is Xiaohua, oh, also called Ren Xiaoyao? Four uncles know him?"

"Is it a fairy baby with a strength comparable to that of Yan Xian?" Buddy asked cautiously.

"No..." Huang Xiaoxiao shook his head. "Strength should be comparable to the Mid-Levels of the Five Elements!"

"That's it!" Liu Yan nodded. "He...has he fallen?"

"It should be fallen!" Huang Xiaoxiao replied, "He was chased by the two palaces of the palace and the palace of punishment, fleeing to the dusty sea, and then annihilated, and the two two scent did not. If he is alive, he can't live."

"Oh, unfortunate!" Stupid people sighed.

"That..." Liu Yan had an inexplicable sadness in her heart, but at this time she thought of nothing more, and hurriedly asked, "What about his two disciples?"

"I saved the deputy head Li Moi with Rong Er, but I dare not reveal my identity. As a result, when other disciples tracked, he suddenly disappeared..."

"That big... big palm?" Liu Yan’s voice was a little trembling.

Huang Xiaodao: "I was rescued by someone else, I don't know who it is..."

"I don't know who you are doing?" Stupid people are in a hurry.

The old man smiled and said: "The fourth child, how can you say so little? People say how to tell us about the business alliance!"

"Little brother..." Liu Yuqiang smiled and asked, "Is there a message from Bai Xiaotu and Li Moi?"

Huang Xiaoxiao hesitated whispered: "There have been sent people to find Li Moi in the family, but there is no news for the time being. As for Bai Xiaotu, some people in the family inferred that the most likely is Yuxian. There may also be a sloped rain palace..."

"First go to Yuxian, buy Xiaoshenglianzi!" Liu Yan took the opportunity to break the road, "Then, I went to the oblique rain palace..."

"I will accompany you!" Huang Xiaoxiao said quickly, "I know who it is!"

"Hey, let me go!" said the stupid man. "Your mother kissed you and just said that he would take you to other places..."

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Xiao Shenglianzi, how much is Xiaohua there? Unfortunately, they can't find Xiao Hua...

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