Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1013: The new method of cultivation of the gods

Yuhua Xiaohua is concerned about chaos, waiting for him to calm down, suddenly found that Sumiyama is only falling on Zhang Qingxiao, Zhang Qingxiao has nothing to change, but waiting for more shadows, Zhang Qingxiao Golden light is born between the eyebrows, and the golden light is like a mountain!

"I am going!" Yu Xiao, Xiao Hua couldn't help but whisper, and even the unbearable Shoushan, he had a relationship with Zhang Qingxiao.

"The dog is lucky!" Yuxi Tianren also whispered, but he went to Sumiyama, and he felt a little helpless to those devils. Who wanted Zhang Qingxiao to condense the demon in the space of the Moze space? Body!

"Let's go, let's go!" Yu Xiaohua looked at the magic space and had a prototype. He smiled. "You and I have to hurry to practice, and we must not be caught up by them in the future!"

"How can you cultivate more than the magic scorpion!" The jade scorpion whispered. "This slaps out a fart and smashes out dozens of avatars. Every martial art has to do more than one."

"Every avatar?" Yuhua Xiaohua suddenly burst into amazement, as if thinking of something, his face was ecstatic, and he said, "The poor road is really in this mountain. If there is no Taoist reminder, the poor road is still deep. I don't know where!"

"How?" Yuxi Tianqi said, "Do you want to cultivate?"

In a word, a series of complicated light and shadows and graphics fell into the mind of Xiaohua’s Xiaohua.

Yuhua Xiaohua looked around and his face suddenly shocked: "Is this?"

"The secret technique in the memory of Xunzi..." Yuxi Tianren smiled proudly. "It remembers too much, and the poor road is much lazy to look at it. It is this secret technique to make a little bit of elegance from inside. This thing... The practice is not suitable for human cultivation!"

"The poor road is going to be discarded. You can just see Zhang Qingxiao, and the poor roads are somewhat clear. The strangeness of the Taoist body is condensed, and it can't be used!"

"Let's see the poor road!" Yu Xiaoxiao smiled and said, "The memory of the blind man has great mystery, but also hopes that the Taoist friends will explore more!"

"Well, let's say!" Yuxi Tianren smiled and urged his body shape to return to the space of the wilderness.

Before leaving the space, Yuxi Xiaohua looked at a ban in the distance. It was what he had received from listening to the Tianxue glass. Unfortunately, he did not have time to look at it until then.

Xiao Hua, after the return of her heart, did not hesitate to explore the secret technique given by the Yuxi Heavenly Man. Instead, he shot his own door, "Boom..." Qingguang rushed out, and fifty-two fairy babies flew out from his dantian. !

"What is the friend of the Tao?" Fifty two fairy babies joined in and prayed, and asked.

"Hey, the cultivation is extremely fast, and now he has reached the second scent. What can be wrong?"

"Good teaching friends know!" Zhong Xianying laughed. "Before, there are Taoist practitioners who practice and realize that after the practice of magic, I have no mistakes in cultivation."

"That's good!" Xiao Hua thought about it again. He felt that the roots of the immortal infants were solid and assured. "Now the Taoist friends are integrated with the poor roads, and the poor roads have something to trust."

"Daoyou can say nothing!"

Xiao Hua looked at the fifty-two fairy babies, and he smiled in his heart. He now wants to cultivate a lot of things, the way to symbolize the way, the way of alchemy, the way of casting, the way of making wine, etc., but he has been suffering from no time to practice. Even if he has spare time, he can only cultivate one of them.

In the real world, Xiao Hua has ten major avatars to assist in cultivation. Now he still wants to re-apply his skills. However, these complicated cultivations are the techniques of the fairy world. Xiao Hua does not know whether he can practice after the condensed body.

The words of the jade gods are awakened to Xiao Hua, these fairy babies are the avatars of Xiao Hua! The previous Star Palace prints are still these Xian Ying help Xiao Hua sacrifice!

Xiao Hua thought about a turn and said what he wanted in his heart to Zhu Xianying.

"Good!" Who knows, the reaction of Zhu Xianying is beyond the expectation of Xiao Hua. "I have always been tired of cultivation, and some other exercises are just a matter of adjustment! More and more good, more good!"

Even the fairy tales say so, what is Xiao Hua still polite? The secret technique that should be understood is to be distributed and distributed. As a result, there are too many fairy babies. Xiao Hua’s secret technique is not enough. Several fairy babies have also learned one.

"There are people who are working with you!" Xiao Hua handed a fifty-two fairy to return to Dantian.

Sending away the fairy baby, Xiao Hua only sat down on the knees and carefully realized the light and shadow sent by the people of Yuxi. There was a small half hour, and Xiao Hua’s heart had a fixed estimate. This is a strange secret technique. As the Yuxi Tianren said, it is not the kind of practice that the Terran can cultivate. However, Xiao Hua is different from the ordinary immortal. After his enlightenment, he feels that he can be used as a method of spiritual cultivation.

There are two kinds of Xiaohua's cultivation methods. One is from the scroll of Zifu. Although the scroll of Zifu was taken away by the real people of Thunder, it supplemented the rehearsal of the Brahma, and the experience of Thunder's real people will be transmitted from time to time. To Xiao Hua, the other is the secret technique of Qingqiu Mountain. The practice of Qingqiu Mountain is not a boulevard, but a skill.

Xiao Hua has always wanted to cultivate the Yuanshen, but the real people have had words. The reincarnation of the Brahma is the secret of the division, and it is not easy to leak. Xiaohua understands that the Thunder is really difficult, so there is no real cultivation. Now there is a higher secret. How can Xiao Hua not be tempted?

After the realization, Xiao Hua separated the mud pill palace from the whole fairy to form an independent existence, and this independent existence changed with the secret technique, and changed again, and turned into a scorpion!

More than that, the scorpion is just a representation. Within the scorpion, a weird shape like a spindle has three hundred and sixty-five rounds of flat and rounded rotations, three hundred and sixty-five trajectories. The same, not disturbing, and after a week, inexplicable fluctuations born out of thin air, falling into the spindle, red light and light began to flash.

"Weird and weird!" Feel the Yuanshen slowly rising, there are signs of inexplicable magical power, Xiao Hua could not help but sigh, "How many mysteries in this world!"

Xiao Hua did not dare to be scornful. He waited for a little while, and saw that the cultivation of the gods was no different.

"It's time to see what the Ziguo Guoguo left for Chongyun!" Xiao Hua finally calmed down and entered the space again.

Standing on the ban, the jade Xiao Hua looked at the things that piled up like mountains. He had some feelings of heartbeat. When he banned the opening of the celestial day, he thought it was some rare fairy. Who knows the heart sweep However, the immortality inside the ban was full, fearing that the treasury of Zi Huanguo would be sent there. Xiao Hua’s heart and soul rolled up for more than a dozen times before they took the banned things in the eyes of Bao Yu and Bao Shan.

Too many things, Yuhua Xiaohua also had no time to look at it, his eyes swept away, raising his hand and taking out a few important things.

The first thing that Yuhua Xiaohua took out was a half-star lock. This half-star lock coincides with the star lock left behind by the star spirit, and the two fell into a complete star lock, and the star lock When condensed in one place, there is a strong force of the moon and the moon from the inside of the star lock, wanting to tear the void, but the force of the moon and the moon, although there is a layer of space torn, still can not see the end, This makes Yuhua Xiaohua very puzzled.

When Yuanhua opened the ban on the fake immortal set up by Da Kun, the half star lock was inside, and the half of the star lock was exactly the same as the half star lock in Xiao Hua’s hand, so Xiao Hua knew at the time that Da Kunguo wanted I am afraid I am afraid that it is another half of the star lock, so he recasts half of the star lock in the space to deal with the cedar.

Yuhua Xiaohua looked at the star lock. He didn't know why Da Kunguo and Zi Huanguo paid such attention to this thing. Even Da Kunguo specially set up a trap to deceive the purple.

Yuhua Xiaohua looked at her eyes again and suddenly saw a series of numbers in the depths of the star lock. "One seven seven seven..."

Yuhua Xiaohua is full of black lines. He remembers the numbers in his mind and thinks about it for a long time. He doesn't know what this number means!

"But it, nothing!" Yuhua Xiaohua finally reluctantly said, "Is maybe a number, what does it do?"

After all, Yuhua Xiaohua wanted to lock the star, but he thought about it, and then took out the star palace seal and put the star lock into the star palace.

Then, Yuhua Xiaohua took out a bronze-colored dragon-shaped fairy. With Xiaohua raising his hand, the fairy opened, and the inner middle rushed out the nine-nine-one different colors of air, which were condensed together. , forming a gas column of a book.

As the gas column rolls over, there is a handwriting of "the original article of vitality" inside!

The original article of vitality? Could it be that Mei Yun said the cultivation method of the five yuan yuan?

Was this mystery lost after the ancient times?

Yuhua Xiaohua looked at the gods carefully and read the original articles of the vitality.

"Big good!" Xiao Hua, the palm of the sky, Xiaohua also called out. Immediately after the Tiandao Xiaohua's star, it began to flash again. Yuhua Xiaohua understood that Tiandao Xiaohua was pushing the gods again.

The original article of Yuanqi is the secret technique of Taikoo immortal cultivation of the qi in the chest. Xiao Hua can cultivate it. Therefore, after the meditation of Xiaohua, the meditation is passed to several fairy babies, so that they can first enlighten.

The last two things are also the tripods, and Yuhua Xiaohua can't see anything special, but the two tripods are on the sides of the bronze-colored fairy. Naturally, it has attracted the attention of Yuhua Xiaohua, because the fragments of the metaphysical gods seem to have this feature.

Sure enough, Yuxi Xiaohua’s eyes swept over, and I couldn’t see through these two tripods. The jade Xiaohua’s heart couldn’t help but burst into flames, waiting for Xiao Hua to sacrifice the metaphysical gods’ articles. ......" Two tripods of fairy tales burst immediately, not waiting for the rupture of the vortex, immediately turned into two silver, as the meteor rushed into the book.

"Brush..." The book is full of golden light, and the two deep purple characters on the "Seven Spirits" are clearly visible.

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Purple Huanguo really is after the Taikoo fairy, the foundation is very deep...

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