Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1007: Military merit

"The two military cards are waiting to be held..." Qin Xin waved two crystal cards to Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua and said, "The tiger can not easily give you, but the sky and the commander are more than enough for your merits!" ”

"Thank you, adults!" Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua took the card and had to give it again.

"You wait for two and follow Han Yu!" Qin Xin thought for a moment and said, "I will let her take care of you and let go!"

"Adults..." Xiao Hua saw Qin Xin want to open the ban, and hurriedly said, "There is a ruthless request for dereliction of duty, but also hope that adults will be perfect!"

"You said!" Qin Xin stopped to say Xianli.

"Can you make a commemoration of Liu Hu's card to the dereliction of duty?"

Qin Xin looked at the hand in the hand and said: "Liu Yunshu's card is his own refinement of the blood. After he fell, this will not be able to come out of the card, can only be used as ink fairy..."

Xiao Hua stunned. He didn't know that there was something in the card. Xiao Hua thought for a moment: "Liu Huzhen has lost his hand and has no bones. This is his last relic. Come to be a memorial, nothing else!"

"Yeah!" Xiao Hua explained that Qin Xin also wanted to understand. She sent the card to Xiao Hua and said, "This thing is useless. You keep it! Oh, yes, humanoid shadows and fuzzy humanoids. Don't let other immortals know about things."

Qin Xin withdrew the ban, and the other accounts revealed other geniuses. Qin Xin looked around and said: "Xiao Zhenren and Mei Jiang broke into our squad and made great contributions. The generals used them as the sky. And commander, who has opinions?"

Lei Ming said clearly that within the sky, only the tigers became the generals. The sky and the command of the command are similar to the flag of Huang Zengtian.

Seeing everyone agree, Qin Xin took out the long-term seal and the command of the seal, respectively, to Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua.

"That's the case, the matter of deliberation today is coming here!" Then Qin Xin said, "The battle of Xiaoyuan's small heaven is the plan of Chen Buyao. It is imperative, and Li Bo can do it. Han Rain, Xiao Changkong and Mei Tong lead by you..."

"Yes, adults!" The voice of a female fairy sounded from the crowd.

Han Yuren, as his name suggests, is a female fairy with a cold face. She took Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua to their own camp, and randomly assigned a fairy to arrange Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua, and they went into the big account and ignored it.

After the celestial beings will leave, Qin Xin’s big account has been deserted. She squinted at the top of the big account, as if she was thinking about something. After a moment she seemed to be talking to herself: "Miao Er, you said that this shot attacked thunder them. Are you the two guys who smell the family? Are they intentional or unintentional? Are they trying to stop the plan to step on the adults?"

With the sound of Qin Xin landing, she left a small beggar on a different animal, the beautiful slave, slowly swims out, this beautiful slave is the woman's head, red dragon and dragon body.

"Adults..." The beautiful slaves of the famous girl began to look up. The glamorous face also had the image of thinking, and she frowned. "In the view of the slaves, these two immortals did not reveal the truth, but It must be the two of the Wenjia, they have already shot a few times, but we have not been able to grasp the handle. Their strength is stronger than Lei Ming, Liu Yunshu and Lu Qing, there is not much problem in killing Sanxian, so they did not specifically conceal their own Whereabouts, and the appearance of this Xiaozheng...has disrupted their plans, they have to chase down Xiaozhen people, who knows that stealing chickens does not erode the rice, they have trapped themselves."

"... As for their purpose, the slaves think that they should not be that thing. After all, they lead the fire and water demon into the snow, and the fire and dance demon are enough to kill the thunder and others. They don’t know that Xiaozhen is listening. It’s snowy, thunder and so on, and they’re falling in the snow, they can’t get that thing...”

"Well, what you want is the same as me..." Qin Xin nodded slightly. "That's it, it's like reporting the golden man, but what about the Frost Sword?"

"Frost Sword?" The beautiful slave snorted, and said, "The slave does not know which frost sword!"

"Oh, I am a little confused!" Qin Xin rubbed his temple with his hand and smiled bitterly. "It was all mad by Li Bo!"

"Behind Li Boyi is Xue Mingbai Xue Yuteng. He naturally wants to talk about Jin Yuhan Jin Teng... first questioning the three points, but he himself understands that this is an arrangement for stepping adults. Why should adults worry?"

"It's all a team, it's so complicated, I feel tired!" Qin Xin waved his hand and said, "Forget it, don't mention this. Talk about the Frost Sword, the Frost Sword is a long shot..."

"Ah?" Meinu Jiao exclaimed, "I know the Frost Sword! What's wrong? Is there a message from the grown-up?"

"Yes!" Qin Xin said about the matter of the aunt, and finally, "Liu Yunshu will use the secret technique to record the frost sword in the card. No one can see it except Xiaoyu. When I was playing cards, I erased that record!"

"It seems that this Xiaozhen is interesting..." Meinuo said with some thoughts, "He actually got the frost sword of the aunt, and the frost sword is not used except for the aunt, who can't use it?"

"What did Changchun adults say..." Qin Xin shook his head. "But her old man has reincarnate, and no one knows this."

"Do you suspect that Xiao Zhenren is the reincarnation of Changchun adults?"

"No, I don't doubt!" Qin Xin shook his head. "If it is the reincarnation of the grown-up, she will not come to the sky so much, and even if she comes, she will never come to me. So, only the possibility of Xiaozhen It’s true that although the old man was reincarnation, her old man’s repair was unresolved. She had already arrived in the upper bounds and found a place to practice.”

"What do you doubt?"

"I don't doubt anything!" Qin Xin smiled. "Don't you also say that he is interesting?"

"Yeah!" Meinu Jiaodao said, "He took the Frost Sword. It is just that he can use the Frost Sword to make up the world and stand on the ground. He doesn't know the origin of the Frost Sword, as if he already knows it. It’s so weird, it’s really weird, it’s different from many immortals. Also, the tiger cub is a job, it can be a soldier, and it is essentially different from the sky. He even fights for no fight. I doubt if he is a man. Immortal?"

"This kind of male fairy desire is less!" Qin Xin said, "not very good control, but such a male fairy likes to do practical things, some tricky things can be handed over to him!"

"Well, um, that's it..." Minor nodded.

"I have to sue this thing with Jin Daren..." Qin Xin said, raising his hand and picking up his dragon riding seal.

What did Mei Nujiao suddenly think of, reminded: "Is the military power of Xiao Zhenren and Mei Jiang given?"

"Give it, give it..." Qin Xin grinned. "There are people who have escaped to the team, and these military forces are indispensable."

I don’t want to say that Qin Xin wants to sue Jin Yuhan’s obituary. I only said that the rain sent by Han Yu was heard that Xiao Hua was a long sky. Jiang Meihua was the leader. He couldn’t help but give birth to the admiration. He led Xiao Hua to the military office. The space of the gap, said: "The two adults are camping here!"

Xiao Hua looked at the military accounts with the same style in all directions. He smiled and said: "How do I wait for a military account?"

Xian Bing Nahan said: "Two adults..."

However, he just said that he suddenly woke up and said, "Is the two adults just joining the team?"

"Yeah!" Jiang Meihua laughed. "So many things, I don't even know!"

"Adults are still the first generals to sacrifice..." The fairy looked at the two men's eyes differently, and cautiously said, "If there is anything you don't understand, then ask the dereliction of duty!"

"Yes!" Jiang Meihua shot her forehead. "How do I forget this?"

Looking at Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua to honour the military card, Xian Bing waited respectfully. After the two men finished the ceremony, he said: "I don't know what the two adults have to ask?"

Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua’s thoughts have already swept through the military cards. The rules of camping, marching, etc. are clearly written, so Jiang Meihua waved: “Nothing!”

"That's gone!" Xian Bing accompanied the laughter. "The dereliction of duty is called Fan Qing. What do the two adults have to do, and they can use their military cards to call for help."

When the sages are going to leave, they suddenly think of something, reminding them: "Seeing the two adults' rituals in their servitudes is common. If the two adults have the heart, they can use the essence of blood to ritual again to see if there is another mystery!"

"Oh?" Xiao Hua Wei Wei, Qi Dao, "What is another mystery?"

Fan Qing smiled bitterly: "It's good to teach adults to know that I only have the power of communication and storage of ordinary squadrons. The military cards of adults and other immortals will have the function of fairy tales. The military skills that adults can get in the war can be supplemented. What is needed for bidding in Tianxian?..."

"What...what?" Xiao Hua was stunned and shocked. "Is there a fairy in the day? Also... what military power?"

"Yes!" Fan Qing said with a smile. "There is no military merit, dereliction of duty, etc. to the team? No fairy, what is the use of immortality, practice, etc.? In addition to the team, adults can use Qian Jing to buy cultivation. The degree of use, within the team, in addition to Qian Jing, there must be military merits ~ ~ especially some scarce exercises, no military can not bid!"

"Fast, fast..." Jiang Meihua listened with excitement and hurriedly said, "Let's sacrifice it and see if this military card has any mystery!"

"The two adults just entered the team and they will be in the ranks of the commander and the sky. The military cards given by the tigers are naturally different!"

Fan Qing's little flatter sent, and then left.

"Don't rush to sacrifice!" Xiao Hua looked around. It was not good for Xian Xianxian to look at it here, laughing. "Or get a camp first."

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