Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1006: Dragon riding Qin Xin

Lu Yun took Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua out of the camp and raised a hand to make an arrow. "Brush" made the arrow fall in the air, that is, a blue light bridge was born, and it was thrown straight under the banner.

Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua followed Lu Yun before they got the big account, and they said: "The dragon rides the adult, Lu Yun sees."

Who knows, Lu Yun’s voice is falling, and there is no echo in the big account.

Lu Yun did not care, straight up and wait patiently.

On the big account, there is a layer of light and flames like a cloud. It should be a very powerful fairy, shielding the inner sound, but even so, "hey..." from time to time, the flames are stirred up by the big accounts.

Xiao Hua stood by, not feeling secretly.

There is a small half hour, "Boom..." There is a big noise on the big account, and the light flame is being hit by a big hole, a fairy in a golden armor, an angry fly will come out, and the mouth yells: "Qin Heart, you old aunt, Lao Tzu is not going, can you help me?"

The fairy will fly out and roll up the wind. It is really a collision between Xiao Hua and others. In particular, Jiang Meihua rolls like a projectile.

"Brush..." Not waiting for Lu Yun and others to urge Xianli to stand firm, a red practice flew out from the big account, and Lu Yun, Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua rolled up, and the crisp sound without the smoke and the scent It sounded, "Li Boyi, this is Chen Jin Chen Buyao's pro, you can't let you go!"

"Oh..." The singer named Li Boyi will be cold, like a thunderstorm.

Xiao Hua and other three immortals were dragged into the big account, and Xiao Hua’s eyes swept away. He saw that the big account stood a lot of cents with a height of five or six hundred feet. Xiao Hua knew that here is the Seven Miles. The law of heaven is not so much the same as that of Huang Zengtian. The fairy is crushed to the extreme. These centuries will have five hundred feet of fairy, and Huang Zengtian may be eight hundred feet high.

Look at the height of the big account, the height of the sky, the top of the female fairy sitting in the military case, the eye-catching face is not covered with silver.

In the red-sleeved income of the female fairy sleeves, the female fairy looked down and looked at Lu Yun and asked: "What can you do with Lu Huo?"

“禀秦龙骑...” Lu Yun hurriedly squatted. “There was an urgent report under the squad, and there was a change in the boundary of the 760th rush. Not only was there a problem with the celestial election, but the snow appeared. The starry water demon is the thunder, Lu Qing and Liu Yunshu who have received an alarm to go to Huang Zengtian to listen to the snow and chase the fire and dance water demon. They are also falling within the interface channel..."

"What?" The dragon rider of the famous Qin Qin listened, did not feel anxious, "Thunder they fell down? How did they die?"

"These two are listening to Tian Xue and Lei Hu, they are killing Xiaozheng and Meijiang of Li Xingjing Water Demon..." Lu Yun did not cover up the credits of Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua, slightly pointing one finger at two. "They brought Liu Yunshu's Liu Huyu's card back, and Liu Huzhen also recommended Xiao Zhenren to join me as a team member!"

"Let him be a tiger?" Qin Xin has not spoken. Some of the warriors have been sneer, and some even cried, "Is Liu Yunshu kidding?"

"I waited for the battle team to make a lot of achievements, and then I was able to improve the tiger cub. This immortal has just stepped into the team, is it waiting for the tiger?"

"I don't want to wait until I don't accept it, that is, those who ride and shoot, and the sky may not be convinced!"

"Noisy!" Qin Xin suddenly changed, slammed, red water flooded the sky, all the fairy will be covered.

"Xiao Zhenren..." Qin Xin looked at Xiao Hua and said, "What did Liu Yunshu give you in addition to the cards?"

"Zhulong rides an adult..." Xiao Hua looked around and knew that it was a ban. He hurriedly squatted. "The thing of Liu Hu's is Meijiang, and I don't know."

"Adults..." Jiang Meihua took out a naval ring from the genus, and respectfully said it, "This is Liu Huyu's handing over to him. He once smashed, and he did not see the Qinlong ride. Out! And no one can tell, don’t know what to do, don’t dare to explore!”

"Good!" Qin Xin was overjoyed, and he explored the big hand. He did not use his magical powers. He personally took the ring of Nay, and waited for her to sweep away and caress. "You have made great achievements!"

Jiang Meihua knows: "There is nothing in the inferior, but it is Liu Huzhen. Before he died, he still remembers the military affairs, but he can be respected!"

"Oh, yes!" Qin Xin sighed, and the big hand turned, Liu Yunshu's card was in his hand. She swept it and saw Xiao Hua said, "Xiao Zhenren, you will tell the story of things!"

"Yes!" Xiao Hua did not dare to have any concealment. From the time he heard the fire and the water demon, he finally used the plan to kill two strong enemies, and the turbulence of the interface was said.

In the end, Xiao Hua smiled and said: "I used to go to Nahan before, thinking that Liu Huzhen is favoring the next one. I really want to recommend it. Now it seems that Liu Huyi wants to borrow the recommendation and let him take him down with Meijiang. The Naxu ring brings the dragon rider, so what is the tiger's saying, don't mention it!"

Qin Xin ignored Xiao Hua and thought for a moment, suddenly asked: "Can you freely shuttle the upper and lower levels of heaven, without the interface rules?"

Xiao Hua hurriedly explained: "It is not a free shuttle, but a different skill in the next step. It can withstand the power of the law!"

"Well..." Qin Xin nodded slightly, then looked at Xiao Huadao again. "Xiao Zhenren, in fact, you are wrong!"

"I am wrong?" Xiao Hua stunned, very naturally asked, "Where is it wrong?"

"You can kill the fire and dance water demon, indicating that you have the strength to be a tiger!" Qin said, "You can bring Liu Yunshu's Na virtual ring back, indicating that you have the ability to fight against them. You should be more than enough to serve as a tiger!"

"Don't tease adults!" Xiao Hua hurriedly waved. "The most afraid of being under the control, I can join the team's biggest expectations."

Jiang Meihua also laughed and said: "Adults, other warriors also have opinions. Even if the adults let Xiao Zhenren be a tiger, they are not good for his development in the team. If you have to wait for it, you will have the merits and the promotion will not be late."

"Where!" Qin Xin smiled Since you understand the difficulty of this dragon ride, then the dragon ride in addition to thank you, can not say anything more, you can rest assured, as long as you really have credit for the future, these The merits of this dragon ride will be rewarded together! ”

"Thank you, Dragon Rider!" Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua were overjoyed.

"Mo is in a hurry..." Qin Xin took out two crystal cards that were the same as Liu Yunshu's card. The hand-raised sacrifice was in the air, and then one hand grabbed the military case, picking up the dragon riding the seal, and "squeaking" two sounds. The Indian scorpion fell on the crystal card, and the two brilliant lights shone in the crystal card.

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Don’t be a tiger, give it a sky!

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