Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1008: 补天仙圩

As Fan Qing said, the military card is actually a communication fairy and a naval ring. Xiao Hua takes out his own long-term seal from the inside, slightly sacred, and according to the military card, the communication has a military account. However, for a long time, there are halos on the military cards, and armor, military accounts, etc. are strangely appearing in the military cards!

"I am going!" Xiao Hua suddenly, secretly exclaimed, "Is this not the rhythm used by the ancient family?"

Xiao Hua looked up at Jiang Meihua and Jiang Meihua’s eyes were equally bright.

The two men took out the same style of military accounts from the military cards, but at the time of the sacrifice, they found that Xiao Hua’s military account was not a star or a half larger than Jiang Meihua’s. It must be the privilege of the grown-up adults.

On the general account, the ban was banned, and the green light and shadow appeared on the military account. The light and shadow automatically merged together, and then rushed out to connect with the other military accounts. Jiang Meihua smiled and said: "My military account is too small, to You are crowding with you!"

There are military cases in the military account, and there are some essential things.

After Xiao Hua sat in the military case, Jiang Meihua casually found a place to sit.

Xiao Hua looks at the military card in his hand, whispering; "This military card looks very interesting. I don't know if you have anything like this?"

"Huang Zengtian is definitely not." Jiang Meihua also took out the military card and shook his head after careful exploration. "However, it is not excluded that there will be such a thing."

"The roots of the Taikoo immortals can't be underestimated!" Xiao Hua looked at Jiang Meihua's meaningful meaning. "You are actually a bit too reckless."

Jiang Meihua shrugged and looked at the cold military account and said, "Do you want to say... useful?"

"That's it!" Xiao Hua nodded. "This life is just one of the choices, and I regret it."

"Although I didn't think about it before, it's not good enough here!" Jiang Meihua said with a smile. "You have a long-time adult who can protect me and cultivate, especially no one will find me..."

"You are wrong!" Xiao Hua said coldly. "Do you think there is no one in your family... what about your family?"

Jiang Meihua stunned, and the smile condensed on his face. After waiting for a moment, he nodded and said, "Yes! There must be something here!"

"But you don't have to worry about it!" Xiao Hua said. "No one can think of you still alive. No one can think of you coming here. It is your military card. I don't recommend that you use your own blood to sacrifice..."

"Afraid that I was discovered?"


"You should sacrifice this military card first!" Jiang Meihua gave a smile and said, "I will give me advice later."

Looking at Jiang Meihua's smile, Xiao Hua's heart moved, and immediately used a drop of blood to sculpt the military card. When he sneaked over the military card, he felt that his face changed greatly!

Xiao Hua is incredible: "This ... this military card ... is a carry-on fairy ... Xian Yan? Want to bid for the elixir, the practice, as long as the military card can be? And ... and what is needed, anytime Can send the message, as long as there is a fairy, you can deliver it at any time, just spending military power? This is too convenient!"

Although Jiang Meihua has been psychologically prepared, he was shocked by the effectiveness of this military card. He smiled and said: "What? Now I suggest that I don't need my own blood?"

"This kind of convenient fairy is naturally to use its own blood to savour!" Xiao Hua smiled bitterly. "Otherwise, it will be inconvenient to use it later!"

Looking at Jiang Meihua's ritual military card, Xiao Huayan sneaked into the military card and carefully explored the internal records and effects. The more he looked at it, the more he was shocked. The function of this military card was far superior to the ordinary fairy, and even a single element could be used. God enters and regards it as a shop.

In this shop, the Yingdan, the fairy, the crystal, the method of the exercises, the method of the formula, the method of the caster, etc. are all clearly marked, but in addition to the low-level Xiandan, Gongfa, etc. Qian Jing can trade, others are mainly military skills!

In particular, in this shop, there are still a lot of gray writings that can't be seen clearly. If Xiaohua's military is not enough, it is not enough military power to show it.

"Oh my God!" Xiao Hua sighed. "With this thing, the sky is self-contained, and there is no such thing as a feather fairy!"

"Where are our military strengths?" In the dark, Jiang Meihua has already finished the military medal and asked, "How can I not find it?"

Xiao Hua’s heart quits the military card, and Nahan said: “I haven’t found it yet. We just got the team, where is there any military power?”

"Isn't that Qinlong ride not said?" Jiang Meihua was not pleased. "Let's take Liu Yunshu's military card and Naxuan ring back, is it a great achievement? Hey, she is too stingy."

"You said..." Xiao Hua said, Jiang Meihua said, "What is Liu Yunshu’s handing to Qin Long?"

Jiang Meihua’s eyes glimpsed, and righteously said: “Don’t look at me, I am a trustworthy generation. Since I promised, it’s absolutely...”

After waiting for Jiang Meihua to finish, Xiao Hua smiled: "Liu Huzhen wrote so many things in such a critical moment, he has time to tell you not to watch it? Then again, Na Xuan is in your hands, the more he said no Let's see, you will definitely see!"

"Okay, okay!" Jiang Meihua said helplessly, "I admit, I saw..."

"If it is not convenient, don't say it..." Xiao Hua deliberately ridiculed, "Don't let you be a betrayal!"

"Liu Huzhen did not say that he would not let me see..." Jiang Meihua said, "The inside is actually an ink fairy..."

When Jiang Meihua finished, Xiao Hua slammed his chin: "It doesn't sound like anything. How is it worth the plunge?" Is there something on the card?"

"The card is in your hands, you can see it yourself."

"Do you want more? If the dragon rider dares to give me the cards, naturally there will be nothing more!" Xiao Hua shook his head. "Yes, you didn't see Liu Yunshu's tiger seals..."

Just said here, Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua have a bright eye at the same time, but they are all the same voice: "Yes, India!!"

When they said that they both sacrificed their own seals, after they had finished reading, the eyes of both of them were thieves bright and looked at each other: "How much military power did you take?"

"You said first, you said first..." Jiang Meihua smiled. "You are an adult!"

"Okay!" Xiao Hua looked at Jiang Meihua I got military strength 3,702! ”

"Ah?" Jiang Meihua was stupid and surprised. "So much?"

“How much are you?” Xiao Hua asked curiously.

“It’s only four thousand six hundred!” Jiang Meihua said, “I’m annoyed.”

"How are you more than me?" Xiao Hua is puzzled.

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