Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1005: Military camp

As the sound landed, Jiang Meihua and Xiao Hua suddenly felt that there were invisible barriers in the top of the head, and their movements blocked their flight.

Xiao Hua is really discolored. If there is no war, he will stay here, saying that he and Jiang Meihua will be trapped in the collapsed Senluo Road!

Fortunately, wait for Xiao Hua to think more, and don't have to wait for the fierce interface to rush, and the golden light of the shuttle in front of them will cover them.

"Hey..." Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua are light in shape, but they feel that there are colorful lights and shadows around them, sparks splashing, and Jinguang has already entered the interface barrier.

Jinguang just rushed into more than a hundred miles, Jiang Meihua's body Jinguang suddenly flashed rapidly, and the unicorn of the body surface sighed and screamed into the body!

"Not good!" Jiang Meihua whispered, and hurriedly took a shot of the chest guard. The previous broken-line card flashed Guanghua and Jiang Meihua was protected.

Xiao Hua also wants to spur the demolition of the crystal card, but unfortunately the thing does not know when it has been lost, he had to shrug his shoulders, the whole body was splashed with silver, and the figure was once again compressed.

After about a cup of tea, Jin Guang stopped spinning, and Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua stopped.

"No..." Not waiting for Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua to open, there is a war that will be anxious. "You are not the warrior of our squad, what are you waiting for?"

"Hey..." This war will not be heard. Xiaohua and Jiang Meihua are surrounded by golden light, and a thick chain is born from Jinguang. It seems like a snake snake to Xiaohua and Jiang Meihua!

Jiang Meihua is very calm, take a shot of the chest guard, and take out a heart-shaped crystal card to the edge of Jinguang and say: "This is Liu Yunshu Liu Huyu, and please check!"

"Get it out!" In addition to the golden light, a fairy dressed in a battle arm will reach out, and as the fairy will plunge into the hand, the golden light will melt.

All the immortals will be on guard to prevent any changes.

Fortunately, the battle will take Liu Yunshu's card away, but also the resistance of Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua!

"What?" The war will sweep through the cards and whisper. "There is a change in the selection of the celestial beings. Actually, there is a Li Xingjing fire dance water enchanting into the snow? Damn..."

"Adults..." Jiang Meihua hurriedly reminded, "Sen Luo Road has collapsed, and... and the interface is also turbulent!"

"Why don't you say that early?" The war would be shocked and shouted.

Jiang Meihua cried and said: "I... do we have time to say?"

"Come on!" The war will not be said, directed at the next fairy, "You quickly inform the tigers and adults, there is a turbulent flow in the boundary of the 760th, I am afraid that it will be annihilated."

Then, the war will be grabbed by the big hand, and Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua will be shrunk in the golden light, and they will rush to the sky. After a cup of tea, there will be a huge fairy boat in front of the head. This fairy boat looks like Xiao. China’s previous Shuxing River is similar. The battle will fly to the fairy boat, and the fairy boat will not be motivated. "Oh..." inside the passage, the crazy interface turbulent flow follows the spout!

"Go..." The height of the fairy boat, the celestial that has been explored will be low-pitched, and the stars will flash on the fairy boat, turning into streamers and rushing into the interface barrier.

The sparks around the fairy boat flashed, and Xiao Hua first felt that the fairy boat was trembled, and then the figure floated up. The light and shadow in the space "brushed..." was stretched, and the fairy boat didn't know how many miles it flew!

The war will put down the golden light trapped by Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua, raise their hands, and the chain of Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua will disappear. The golden light will also fall into the sleeve of the war.

The war will have a lingering look behind the fairy boat, a dazzling fireworks like a fireworks said: "Fortunately!"

"Adults..." Xiao Hua stood behind him, watching the dazzling also being stretched, twisting and whispering. "Can the 768 rush be restored?"

"This is hard to say!" The war will shake his head. "The boundary between the interface and the fairy interface is balanced. This interface turbulence will break this balance. It is not easy to recover..."

"What about the election?"

"Oh, that don't have to worry!" The war will understand what it is, laughing. "Sen Luodao does not have to open from here, and other boundaries can be!"

"Oh, that's good, then it's good!" Xiao Hua is always a peace of mind.

"You are Xiaozhenren!" The warrior turned to look at Xiaohua and smiled. "My name is Pan Zhan. I don't have to call me an adult. I can call a name. Liu Huzhen is very respectful to you!"

"Liu Hu smashed him..." Xiao Hua finally understood why Liu Yunshu had stayed in the interface barrier for so long. It turned out that he had been aware of it differently and arranged everything in it.

"Liu Huzhen will leave all of his words in his card. His old man and Lei Huzhen have just finished their mission and they will see an abnormal entrance at Senluo Road. If they don't get enough, they will go down with Huang Zengtian. Who would have thought of it? Actually, there was a tragedy." Pan Zhan said, "I have already sent my hand to the Lu Yunlu, who is on duty. When the old man has an order, you will take the card to see him."

"Well!" Xiao Hua looked at Jiang Meihua, both of whom nodded.

Pan Zhan seems to be used to life and death, and no longer mentions thunder and others, but squints at the flying boat, do not know what to think.

When the fairy boat was flying fast, Xiao Hua stood on the fairy boat and looked outside. It felt similar to the time when he was standing on the river of the Stars on the Yuan Dynasty.

After a scent of incense, there was a twisted chain in front of the Xianzhou head. The fairy boat flew in, and the silver light swept the fairy boat in the chain. Xiao Hua didn't feel anything. Jiang Meihua was cold and shrank his neck. It can be biased, the silver light of the aura swept back and forth on Jiang Meihua, and did not leave easily.

Pan Zhan frowned: "What is there in Meijiang Xiaoyou?"

Jiang Meihua just had to answer, "brushing" the silver light finally left to sweep to it.

"A certain body..." Jiang Meihua explained with a bitter face, but unfortunately he just said a half sentence, Pan Zhan waved, "Do not have to say, since the discovery of the fairy device judges that you have nothing, then nothing."

"Well..." Jiang Meihua naturally did not want to reveal his secrets, and he closed his mouth.

During the speech, a light curtain was pierced in front of the fairy boat, and the fairy boat fell through the interface barrier into the sky.

Xiao Hua looked at the fairy boat. The whole space situation was similar to that of the previous Pingyu days. However, within a million miles, a huge military account was tied in the air, and there was a light band spread on the military account. The light belts are entangled together to form an infinite array of fairy tales. One strand of stocks chills, and **** squirts from the fairy tales.

“Pan Daren...” Xiao Hua hesitated and said, “I have a question underneath, I don’t know if I can ask?”

The fairy squad stopped, and the fairy squadron flew away. Pan Zhan looked at Xiao Hua and nodded: "Let's talk!"

"Is it not like Huang Zengtian, all other heavens are like this?"

“What do you mean?” Pan Zhan stunned and asked, “What is it?”

"In the six days of color, is it not only the lowest level of Huang Zengtian, but the other heavens are as broken as here? The six days of the world...the same?"

"Oh, this means!" Pan Zhan thought for a moment and said, "I have been in Moyitian, and other heavens are less, but as far as I know, in the heavens of the world of color circles, only the mysteries are flattened, and the yuan Some of the plain texts and the Moyitian are affected by the interface impact, and the edge of the interface is similar to this. As for the six days of the world..."

Just said that there was a fairy flying from the fairy boat and said: "Hey Pan and Changkong, Lu Daren let them go..."

"Yeah!" Pan Zhan nodded and raised his hand to hand Liu Yunshu's card to the fairy channel. "You take them there. This is Liu Hu's card."

"Adults..." The fairy soldier hesitated. "Is it better to go old?"

"I am tired!" Pan Zhan shook his head. "I still go!"

Waiting for the Xianbing to pick up the card, Pan Zhan rushed to Xiaohua's hand: "If you want to know what the world wants, you should not make a tiger cub first, then go and see it yourself!

After that, not waiting for Xiao Hua to say something, Pan Zhanyang went away.

"虎虎?" The fairy soldier looked at Xiao Hua, a slight glimpse, and then looked at the eccentric look of Pan Zhan, to Xiao Huadao, "Adults please..."

"This..." Xiao Hua looked at Pan Zhan's back, as if he understood something.

Jiang Meihua urged him next to him: "Come on, I think Liu Yunshu recommends that you be a tiger, this Pan Chang hollow is not comfortable."

Pan Zhan’s heart is naturally mixed with five kinds of talents. He has made countless battles in the squadron of the squadron. Until now, it is only a long sky, and Xiao Hua has not entered the squadron, and he was recommended by Liu Yunshu as a tiger cub, while Liu Yunshu, Lei Ming and Lu Qing has fallen, and if nothing happens, Liu Yunshu’s recommendation is to be true.

Pan Zhan's mood, Lu Yun is very clear, so he sat behind the cloud case, squinting at Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua, fingers tapping on the seat, seems to be thinking about something.

"Xiao Zhenren..." After half a slap, Lu Yun looked at the cards on the cloud case and opened the door. "Liu Yunshu Liu Huyu said in the card is true?"

"Lu Daren..." Xiao Hua frowned, said, "Liu Huzhen is not saying anything in the card, Xiaomou does not know, but since Liu Huzhen will listen to Tianxue, it is naturally true. !"

Lu Yun asked: "Xiao Zhenren is also willing to join me to fight the team?"

"Nature is willing!" Xiao Hua nodded ~ ~ look at Jiang Meihua Road, "Otherwise Xiao will not come here with Mei Jiang!"

"So..." Lu Yun got up and said, "This is a situation where Lu can't be the master. You waited for me to meet Qin Qin Qin Long!"

In the center of the camp, a big flag went straight into the sky, and the light bands that were born above the camps gathered here, and rushed straight into the flagpole. The dragon-like runes went up the big flagpoles, and the runes rushed into the flagpoles. On the flag, the flag door has a purple "Qin" word to sway with the wind!

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